I feel better about canceling my pre-order at the last minute. Not a bad score, but not worth the purchase when MK8 is coming this Friday.
yea just a lot of people osted it lol m bad, and a 6 from giant bomb. They arent a fan
In Short: A highly enjoyable GTA clone but one that doesn’t quite have the panache of Rockstar’s best or the inspiration to make the most of its otherwise enjoyable gameplay concepts.
Pros: Key gameplay mechanics are solid, including the shooting, driving and stealth. Smartphone abilities work well and enable some fairly open-ended missions. A near endless array of side content.
Cons: The story and characters are not very interesting. The game as a whole lacks personality and mission design often lacks inspiration. Graphics are not as good as originally implied.
I just beat Splinter Cell: Blacklist about 5 minutes ago.
They weren't lying when they said they took things from that game. Same cover to cover system, some of the same takedown animation, similar guard behavior, same climbing.
Called 7s/8s sooooooooo hard. Hahahaha.
Giant Bomb said:These online invasions pop up against your will, forcing you to deal with another player before you can proceed. The rewards for succeeding in this mode are minimal and they seem to always pop up when you're trying to start another mission, making them feel like a hassle that's preventing you from doing the thing you actually want to be doing. It seems like a bad implementation of a decent idea. If you like, you can disable the online invasion aspect of the game, but doing so prevents you from earning a handful of bonus perks, like making your bullets do more damage to vehicles. Disabling invasions mid-game actually resets any online points you've earned back to zero, too. This would be a little more outrageous if the perks you got for playing online were of any real value, but many of them pertain solely to the multiplayer mode that you're trying to avoid and the game is already quite easy, so it's not that big of a deal. There are a handful of different modes that you can engage from a separate menu, and the game will constantly remind you that various online opportunities exist via the same system it uses to notify you about nearby side missions.
I realize for Metacritic purposes 3/5 = 6, but is that really what reviewers on the 5 point scale mean when they give a game a 3?
The game was delayed because Ubisoft didn't want a 70% average for a new IP.
72% is definitely higher.
It seems it already scored better.W..what if it scores less than this
W..what if it scores less than this
Glad you liked it but didn't do anything to me. Frankly it looked quite generic with absurdly idiotic guards who didn't notice anything happening around them even when a body falls on the ground right behind them with a loud "thump" noice - or when Aidan is RUNNING towards one to knock him down without the victim ever turning around.
I've no doubt Watch Dogs will be a perfectly playable game but so should be AC4 and I stopped playing the single-player campaign after two or three hours, it was just the same boring go there and do that affair it's been the last seven years. It was fun up to Brotherhood. Then it got old. I'm afraid this is just more of the same.
eurogamer said:It's not the most original set-up, but it is one that offers some potentially chewy moral quandaries. Sadly, the limp script avoids every single one of them. Aiden begins the game as an irritating cypher - a growling, vengeance-fuelled thug - but, a few lines of incidental dialogue aside, he is never made to accept his own role in the tragedies that befall everyone around him. He steals, assaults, extorts and murders in order to exact justice for identical indignities inflicted on himself. The hypocrisy goes unchallenged.
Sounds good to me, I'll want to check it out... whenever.GameSpot said:Watch Dogs' attempts to say something serious are overshadowed by how enormously fun it is to create chaos in its impressive open world.
It seems it already scored better.
It's impossible for that to happen.
It's available now.Reviews look good enough for me, how long till it's available on the X1 store?
Couldn't care less about the review scores, but this is troubling:
Unappealing protagonists are the worst...
Between his Skyrim 10/10, Arkham Origins 3.5/10, and Saints Row 9.5/10 reviews, and now his 9/10 for this POS, Jim Sterling continues to prove himself as one of the absolute worst game reviewers this industry has ever had to offer.
Reviews look good enough for me, how long till it's available on the X1 store?