Stop harassing TTC employees?
Do your FUCKING job!
This is the huge problem with unions: they protect the bad apples because they're "one of them". Do they not realize they make the rest of them look bad? I understand even the asses pay into the union, but there's gotta be some discipline amongst them. I don't think any of them have any fear of being fired. When was the last time there was a shake-up at the union or TTC? They should be giving quality service because that's their job! If you come here, you'll more than likely experience the apathy and laziness as well. It's a goddamn embarrassment considering I've been to other cities the same size and bigger AND their fares are not only cheaper, their service is better and their operators are friendlier and harder working.
I'm usually against competition for public transportation, but I'll accept anything at this point to get rid of the TTC.
Adam Giambrone is a fucking louse. I'm surprised he got as far as he did considering he did very little for the TTC itself. Under his reign now, I believe we've had the biggest fare hike ever, we have these stupid structures on the front of the TTC streetcar that cost us millions (that nobody ever fucking uses and are worthless in the winter), we broke the queen streetcar line into two and fucked over the entire line as I see even MORE empty streetcars coming then bursting to the seams streetcars, we have a sheppard line that goes nowhere and that is rarely used (not entirely Giambrone's fault, but he hasn't made it any better).
Why is this guy still around? Why do young politicians look up to him? He's smart? The "youngest" ever? I'd argue it's BECAUSE he's the youngest ever, that he's simply not ready for the job. His own fucking union employees turned against him and voted down a city deal after he advised them to take it.
Toronto itself has become more and more expensive the longer I live here. Stupid things like the 5 cents for plastic bags, increased taxi fares, the HST, higher property taxes, electronic tax etc etc. Seems to be more like a city for the rich. As for 'where' the money is being spent, we lose a lot of money since we pay out a hell of a lot more than we get back. Sure, helps the smaller cities up north, but it doesn't help when we're the ones financing them and get nothing in return. We have a ton of mismanagement and we DESPERATELY need an audit and a cleaning out of city hall. It was only a month ago when a news story broke that city employees were using city-issued credit cards for personal use. Few months before that, the Catholic District School board did the same thing: using city funds for personal use. It also hasn't helped that Toronto and Ontario have had high rates of unemployment and that the government has been paying the price as fewer people are paying taxes and more are collecting EI. Still, the gun registry, the ehealth program, we take mis-spending to whole new levels.

Maybe it's time to move to the Prairies or something...