Welfare: Xbox sold less than 3m US consoles in 2024, worst year ever

Will Xbox manage 1 million sales in 2025?

  • Yes

    Votes: 137 51.5%
  • No

    Votes: 129 48.5%

  • Total voters
Wii U levels of performance (oof)

But in all honesty, the cliff occurs the moment Nadella pulls the plug and starts putting games on other platforms. I don't believe he was wrong to do so, but what if Xbox wants to get real nuts and make all its IPs exclusive? Who knows what that timeline looks like anymore....


What anyone expecting when they keep speed running straight into irrelevance with every dumb move since "best deal in gaming"

Hope Xbox fans like the new role of MS Gaming: straight up a third party publisher for PCMR, Sony and Nintendo


It's likely XBS annual sales last year were below 5 million units and since hardware sales are in severe decline YoY it is likely XBS will sell even worse in 2025.

Only 2.7 million units sold in 2024

Yearly sales:

2021 - 3.7m
2022 - 4.5m
2023 - 3.8m
2024 - 2.7m

If people are wondering why there’s talk of retailers not receiving units in the Middle East and the Series X being hard to find, here’s your answer.

As for Europe…











And in Japan the situation ain't any better:



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Putting all their games day one on PC is what happened

Most have no use for an Xbox console anymore
Exclusive games don't make hardware important, useful, desirable, etc. Games just run on boring, standard x86-compatible CPUs and dx11/dx12/vulkan compatible gpus.

What's best for everyone is maximum global deployment of boring hardware at the lowest price.

Xbox was smart to put their games on PCs. Sony is smart to put their games on PCs, and would be smarter to do it more aggressively.
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There have been many mistakes accumulated over the years that have led to this disastrous situation with Xbox.
You're looking at it the wrong way. When MS started Xbox the PS2 was running a 100% esoteric Sony CPU and GPU. This makes PS2 games objectively look and play differently than PC games, period. PS2 games don't port easily or well to PC and the proprietary look and gameplay get lost in translation.
20 years later MS has moved PS onto x86 AMD/AMD HW with games that look exactly the same as PC games, play just like PC games and port effortlessly port to PC.
Nintendo abandoned proprietary GPUs in favor of Nvidia and 100% of 'console' HW is either Nvidia or AMD.
IOW, from MS' point of view Xbox has served its purpose and can be quietly discarded.
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Gold Member
This guy.

He was a double agent the entire time!

John Cena Mind Blown GIF


Sega is back but not how most would want them . The cloud is Sega's new main hardware & I kinda have faith that Sega & Capcom will be the companies that make Cloud gaming make sense.
I really dont want them to do some lame subscription shit, if they made their own version of Steam, stepped up their game quality and output considerably (which they seem to be doing but it needs to be better) then that would be sick, if they manage to revive their other IP's successfully and PC sales start making up the majority of their software revenue than they could consider making their own hardware again but I'm not sure


You're looking at it the wrong way. When MS started Xbox the PS2 was running a 100% esoteric Sony CPU and GPU. This makes PS2 games objectively look and play differently than PC games, period. PS2 games don't port easily or well to PC and the proprietary look and gameplay get lost in translation.
20 years later MS has moved PS onto x86 AMD/AMD HW with games that look exactly the same as PC games, play just like PC games and port effortlessly port to PC.
Nintendo abandoned proprietary GPUs in favor of Nvidia and 100% of 'console' HW is either Nvidia or AMD.
IOW, from MS' point of view Xbox has served its purpose and can be quietly discarded.
Except what we are seeing with steamos is that Windows will not be needed to run "PC games". The future of gaming pcs won't be played out on the windows pc store.


ChatGPT 0.001
Right consoles need price drops, $350 for a switch? I saw the series x for $399 still? Series S sales? Microsoft found a way to sell the series s, those sales aren’t described.
Microsoft GIF by Xbox


aka IMurRIVAL69
Thats a good question. Whats your take on this?

Several things IMO.

Sony has way better marketing. Xbox marketing has been nonexistent/ a joke for a very long time now.

Consoles are still appealing to many people. $500 box that you plug into a TV and play CoD/ Madden / Fortnite. If all your friends have a ps5 that is what you will buy.

The industry changed. The biggest money makers are GaaS that are available everywhere. Gone are the days when the biggest money maker is something like Halo 3 or Uncharted 2. Zoomers don’t care and just want to crank through the latest Fortnite battle pass to unlock Goku or whatever. This is why game pass failed too. Younger generation doesn’t care to play a bunch of games, they are still playing Apex/ CoD / LoL / CS2 / Fortnite / whatever.

So Sony sees this and tries to make a bunch of GaaS, and might as well make some more money on your big 1st party 300M budget games by porting to PC. It hasn’t affected their bottom line at all or else they would’ve stopped years ago.

Only thing that’s surprising to me is Sony hasn’t launched their PC app yet.


Several things IMO.

Sony has way better marketing. Xbox marketing has been nonexistent/ a joke for a very long time now.

Consoles are still appealing to many people. $500 box that you plug into a TV and play CoD/ Madden / Fortnite. If all your friends have a ps5 that is what you will buy.

The industry changed. The biggest money makers are GaaS that are available everywhere. Gone are the days when the biggest money maker is something like Halo 3 or Uncharted 2. Zoomers don’t care and just want to crank through the latest Fortnite battle pass to unlock Goku or whatever. This is why game pass failed too. Younger generation doesn’t care to play a bunch of games, they are still playing Apex/ CoD / LoL / CS2 / Fortnite / whatever.

So Sony sees this and tries to make a bunch of GaaS, and might as well make some more money on your big 1st party 300M budget games by porting to PC. It hasn’t affected their bottom line at all or else they would’ve stopped years ago.

Only thing that’s surprising to me is Sony hasn’t launched their PC app yet.
I would add sony is by far the strongest brand.
Since psone days it heavily advertised at sport events in europe and was and is a big sponsor at most soccer games.
It also was the brand that made gaming mainstream.
Withs is music and movie connections due to sony music or sony pictures it had the perfect platform to turn it into the cool brand.
You started hearing parents using the name playstation for everything video game related. Even if it was a nintendo they just yelled at you turn that playstation off and get to bed.

You also had thr right generation of gamers back then.
Lots of new ips appeared on playstation and many exclusives like all of squaresoft games or konami games etc.
These ips are still with us and are tied to the playstation brand no matter if they are also available on othet platforms. This brand dominance is also a major contributor for third party games targeting and also exclusively releasing first on playstation. Its just a low risk and a safe bet.
So you have the likes of ff7...ff16, silent hill 2, wukong and so on.

I can say so much more but.....
8.2M are Dreamcast cumulative sales worldwide until March 2001 since the japanese launch that happened in late 1998.

DC annual (fiscal year) sell-in:
FY99/03: 0.90M
FY00/03: 3.91M
FY01/03: 3.39M (discountinuation announcement happened at the end of this FY)
FY02/03: 0.93M
Thanks for the numbers. Now we have something to compare with if and when Xbox reveal their full price PC handheld.


that game was never a system seller, they probably hurt their bottom line by missing day1 ps5 launch though.

It's not much the specific game, but the message that was sent. Any hopes of Xbox having exclusive games any longer ended in this "oh, and one more thing!"


They'll probably release a couple of machines in 2026/2027 (handheld and more traditional "console") just to have a option for the folks who still want their hardware. It's not like the cost will matter too them.

I’m having a case of deja vu. This is the same kind of things people claimed with hardware like Zune and Windows Phone.

“Microsoft won’t abandon the hardware because it’s just a drop in their financial bucket, even if they’re just a niche player in the market…”

They shitcanned the Zune, abandoned Windows Phone, and sold NOKIA off to the tune of a $7.6Bn loss. Microsoft is a software and services company, it’s a miracle Xbox has been able to last as long as it has. They’re undoubtedly trying to find a way to allow Xbox users retain their digital libraries on other devices (read: Windows PCs) and will be out of dedicated console hardware soon.
All the "fans" or shills (i don't even know what the fuck these people are) making excuses and accepting all the slop and eating their BS for years certainly didn't help either. You want change? You want Xbox to be better? You hold their asses to the fucking fire and tell them it isn't good enough. I remember all the excuses these tools were making for the Xbone reveal. Clowns, completely embarrassing.

At least with Sony, their fans (the real ones), have no issue voicing their disdain for their terrible mistakes. The brand loyalty only goes so far, you saw it at the beginning of the PS3 gen and we are now seeing it again in the middle of the PS5 gen with their GAAS and agenda pushing blowing up in their faces. Only this time Sony has no real competition in the console space, but their main threat is now PC. Unfortunately Sony can still blunder the generation away and still be successful, because for casual players, PS5 is the vastly preferred option at this point. For those of us that built up massive libraries from the PS4 gen, we are locked in to the space. All the more reason for their push to all digital leaving absolutely no exit from their eco-system unless you want to just flush all your purchases away.

EDIT: Voted yes in the poll, unless they completely cut supply, breaking 1 million in 1 year is such a trivial amount that even a flat-lining brand could manage that.
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Putting all their games day one on PC is what happened

Most have no use for an Xbox console anymore
This. Also, if they had some system sellers like god of war 2018, they could have easily sold way more Xbox's. That's also the reason why I didn't get an Xbox. Didn't want to deal with 2 consoles, Xbox games that I was interested in were available on pc and there wasn't a 10/10 game that made me want to rush and get an Xbox.

Yeah, Spencer addressed this during his interview with Easy Allies.

He said that it isn't a matter of releasing great games, not even 11/10 quality, they lost the most important gen last-gen when people started building their digital libraries.
Might be in the minority, but I disagree. Most people don't really replay games and don't care about their digital libraries. Casuals, for example, aren't going to replay old cod or sports game when a new one is available. Even semi-casuals don't often replay games. That excuse, personally speaking, isn't really the reason for Xbox's failure. Xbox one was still selling well until they posted their games to pc and they had their decline in this gen, the first where it was clear from the begining that their games are always going to be available day 1 on pc( and often have more features and are better, heck age of mythology recently added more options for custom map, etc, but that is currently only available on pc not Xbox).

PS dudes get to pretend it doesn't do anything because they helped absorb all Xbox's lapsed clients (which proved it does something, but whatever).

The real brand damage wouldn't manifest until a gen out, by that time there will be new excuses for it.

Yup. Can't speak for everyone, but I didn't buy an Xbox because they didn't have exclusives I was interested in( the few games they made that I was interested in was also available on pc). If I had known every Sony game was being ported to pc, I wouldn't have bought a ps5. And now that know Sony is going to be porting their games to pc, I am not going to buy a ps6. The impact of Sony's decision to port their games isn't going to manifest until next gen.


NaughtyDog Defense Force
Exclusive games don't make hardware important, useful, desirable, etc. Games just run on boring, standard x86-compatible CPUs and dx11/dx12/vulkan compatible gpus.

What's best for everyone is maximum global deployment of boring hardware at the lowest price.

Xbox was smart to put their games on PCs. Sony is smart to put their games on PCs, and would be smarter to do it more aggressively.

Then why are gamers picking PlayStation over Xbox if exclusives don't make the hardware important or desirable?


I have been Xbox for the last 2 generations and decided that I am going Nintendo only from here on out. I just don't see any reason to stay with MS and don't really care for Sony


Yup. Can't speak for everyone, but I didn't buy an Xbox because they didn't have exclusives I was interested in( the few games they made that I was interested in was also available on pc). If I had known every Sony game was being ported to pc, I wouldn't have bought a ps5. And now that know Sony is going to be porting their games to pc, I am not going to buy a ps6. The impact of Sony's decision to port their games isn't going to manifest until next gen.

PS defenders are right that there will always be an audience for consoles. So long as PS remains the de facto standard in consoles, there will always be enough of a base to make excuses, tell a story or handwave concerns away with. But being the only option available for people who want a console isn't a great way to sell it. Massive hemorrhaging to Nintendo and PC will occur next gen. Will be seen as a reason to go harder on being a third party, to fill the gap they created even more, thus widening it...a self-owning prophecy that's hard to watch.


No wonder they bought Activision. Buying the biggest multiplatform franchise and benefit from competitor's increasing market share.


Well if the games aren't great and good enough, why would people buy any hardware in high numbers, they won't, try telling that to Phil!.

Alan Wake

They need a price drop for the consoles and gamepasa included or they won't sell anything. It wouldn't catch Sony of course, but if they're all about Gamepasa having more out there seems like a better idea then what's going on now.
Do you think they even care about selling consoles at this point? They'll make no money selling a few extra consoles. They'll make money releasing games on PS5 and Switch.


Gold Member
Monopolizing and greed in acquiring and hostile takeover of other companies killed MS xbox brand instead of building up there inhouse talents and development team. MS wasted the talents and potential of Rare team, MS team, and wasted the momentum of Halo, and Gears franchise. But I think, for me, MS is better as a third party developer much like Sega this days. MS in the past are very good in software third party development before entering console industry.
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Is it just me thinking this, or is the theoretical next Xbox console basically just going to be a "legacy" machine for the few faithful they still have. Giving them the ability to play tons of games across Xbox generations as well as some new ones for those that don't want to migrate to PS or PC. It feels already like it will be an ultra-niche product to me designed to support the few faithful they have left in the Xbox space, while all their focus will be putting titles onto PC, PS5, and Switch 2.

For the overwhelming majority of gamers, it will be a completely unnecesary box that they won't buy.


Who's going to buy an Xbox to play gta 6, surely the smart choice if you don't already have a console is buy the ps5 pro, or even vanilla ps5.

No truly compelling reason to get it for Xbox.
College Football was a multiplatform game that gave Xbox Series a noticeable boost. GTA VI will probably do the same

I don't think MS gives a fuck about their hardware sales these days. They make tons of money from publishing their games all over the shop, and is quickly becoming one of the biggest publishers in the industry.

Just look at their line-up for 2025. Pretty much awesome stuff.

They'll probably release a couple of machines in 2026/2027 (handheld and more traditional "console") just to have a option for the folks who still want their hardware. It's not like the cost will matter too them.

For me, PC Game Pass made their console totally unnecesary.
They give a fuck because their pivot to multiplatform was largely caused by the declining console sales.


Putting all their games day one on PC is what happened

Most have no use for an Xbox console anymore

Really cant understand how people try to underestimate this detail.

With all their games on PC and the first party games being few and apart plus with the progressive drop in their quality the incentive to remain locked in a weak mostly "third party" console is not there ...

I feel the exactly same way about playstation right now .. so I can understand everybody who moved from xbox to PC, and Sony dosent even releases games day 1 on PC ... strength of first party exlcusives in the end is the only thing that matters.
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Now this has been awhile and I have mentioned this here before (I think) but I got the vibe from Spencer he truly felt buying all these companies and putting their games on Gamepass was a magic bullet to get people to buy their console

In some version of this plan COD would become xbox exclusive (+PC) ... cant help thinking that MS didnt expected so much pushback from regulators. Forcing their hand to make COD remain multiplatform.

There's no way in hell they expected everybody who owned PlayStations start to buy xboxs only to play COD on gamepass....
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It’s total is exact the total of N64 consoles sold worldwide. Also 2 times total sold wiiu and information is teaching us this is the worst console ever….


Instead of focusing on 1st party EXCLUSIVES to their consoles and even securing 3rd party exclusives like Sony have done and make them only playing on their consoles, they instead focused on propping up a fucking rental service that only the hardcore Xbox fans who know they’ve lost the console race are excited about. I mean seriously, if COD couldn’t move the needle for Gamepass then why would the recent announcements?
And spare me Phil- you NEVER wanted everyone to play all games on everything. You’re only saying this cause you NEED to release all your games to as many devices as you can to recoup the $69 or so billion you wasted on ABK to prep up your rental service.
And yet lying Phil is still trying to say they are focusing on their own hardware!!!


King Snowflake
Putting all their games day one on PC is what happened

Most have no use for an Xbox console anymore
I still think this is awesome. I bought all Xboxes through Xbone, and get to skip buying a box that only gets turned on for exclusives. I wish Sony would do the same or release their games faster on PC so I can skip their boxes too. PS+extra on PC with "day 1" PS exclusives (PC Port versions) would be a decent compromise.
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