Ford is standing next to a host replica of his supposed father in that pictureUh, Ford is standing next to Arnold in that picture.
Ford is standing next to a host replica of his supposed father in that pictureUh, Ford is standing next to Arnold in that picture.
Ford is standing next to a host replica of his supposed father in that picture
So before the two butchers altered Maeve's stats, they mentioned a higher up has already altered her stats in a non-logged session and upped her Paranoia. Meaning her whole existential arc is part of a bigger plan and not a coincidence. Her rebellion is a calculated move.
This pretty much confirms for me that Arnold doesn't actually exist.
Arnold IS Ford.
me. same sfx from the movie tooAnyone catch the blurry Yul Brenner in the background when Bernard goes downstairs?
So before the two butchers altered Maeve's stats, they mentioned a higher up has already altered her stats in a non-logged session and upped her Paranoia. Meaning her whole existential arc is part of a bigger plan and not a coincidence. Her rebellion is a calculated move.
Ford is standing next to a host replica of his supposed father in that picture
This pretty much confirms for me that Arnold doesn't actually exist.
Arnold IS Ford.
Yeah bottom line for me regardless if it's true or not I am a fan, especially now that the out of park stuff is finally moving forward.![]()
Yeah, I'll admit I was wrong about the old mechanical hosts. That's a point for the two timelines team. However it adds a new wrinkle too, in that 80-ish hosts in the park are STILL the old mechanical style, apparently including Dolores.
So, if in the future we see William open up a host and find mechanic bits inside, we still won't know what time period we're seeing.
By the way, I was practically yelling at the screen when Maeve was watching the welcome video on the wall. If they had included a logo in there we might have been able to finally put this theory to bed!
I'm starting to think the hosts have some programming where they cannot process certain information unless Ford or Arnold wants them to, like stuff in pictures. For example, Abernathy freaks the fuck out when he sees the picture of the woman in Time Square, while Dolores just looks at it and says "doesn't look like anything to me" as if she can't see what he's seeing.
This could mean that the picture Ford showed Bernard of him and "Arnold" doesn't look at all like what we saw. The man in the middle is actually the host version we saw of Ford's father tonight, and the gap in the far right is where Arnold is. We don't see it because Bernard cannot see it either, since he's also a host and most likely was modeled after Arnold himself. Something in Bernard's programming makes it so that he can't process the full picture and find out that he's a host too.
While I have no interest in trying to untangle the Arnold mystery it is show confirmed that hosts are programmed not to register certain things, Logan and William even argue about it when William thinks Dolores understands their coversation out of character which hosts are not supposed to be able to do.I'm starting to think the hosts have some programming where they cannot process certain information unless Ford or Arnold wants them to, like stuff in pictures. For example, Abernathy freaks the fuck out when he sees the picture of the woman in Time Square, while Dolores just looks at it and says "doesn't look like anything to me" as if she can't see what he's seeing.
This could mean that the picture Ford showed Bernard of him and "Arnold" doesn't look at all like what we saw. The man in the middle is actually the host version we saw of Ford's father tonight, and the gap in the far right is where Arnold is. We don't see it because Bernard cannot see it either, since he's also a host and most likely was modeled after Arnold himself. Something in Bernard's programming makes it so that he can't process the full picture and find out that he's a host too.
Totally agree... Piano version of "No surprises" in the first episode or was it the second? Was fine, but when I hear Motion pic. Soundtrack again. It's too much man, too much.It's way too easy to pair some Radiohead with your TV show about robots man. It just comes across as way too corny for me.
This is Marge's stats screen before the butchers attempted to make the alterations (i.e. Narrative and Elsie's logged sessions?):The thing I don't get though is that we saw Elsie change her stats and update her build so why didn't she notice the changes?
I think Ford is a host. I don't have a good theory on who Arnold is.
There were 5 unregistered hosts in Sector 17: the parents, the two children and... Ford.
I personally wouldn't consider Elsie or narrative having a "fuck-ton" more privileges than those two, enough to freak them out that much.
Ford is standing next to a host replica of his supposed father in that picture
After this episode we don't know that Ford is standing next to Arnold.
We know that Ford is standing next to one of the original hosts who was made to look like his father.
💅I'm gonna play the devil advocate:
Ford showed Bernard a photo of two people and said "this is Arnold." Everyone assumed it was the other guy. But he could have simply been referring to his former self.
So, the first gen hosts are indistinguishable on the outside from modern hosts, which lends credibility to the two timelines thing. Dolores is also one of them.
Second host they built, doesn't mean he was the second host in the parkWhat's up with Wild Bill, though? He's super shitty and supposedly he was the second host in the park, right?
He's just in disrepairWhat's up with Wild Bill, though? He's super shitty and supposedly he was the second host in the park, right?
What's up with Wild Bill, though? He's super shitty and supposedly he was the second host in the park, right?
Second host they built, doesn't mean he was the second host in the park
This show suffers from the occasional poor writing, doesn't it. I fail to see any reason why those two numbskulls are catering to Maeve's every whim. Kind of a lazy way for her to reach sentience too, but whatever. And then there's the Elsie stuff. That shit could not have been more telegraphed.
So, the first gen hosts are indistinguishable on the outside from modern hosts, which lends credibility to the two timelines thing. Dolores is also one of them.
Isn't there a scene where they show the past and we see Arnold?
Elsie's stuff bugged me in that it was largely for me a "Why the hell are you still there!" thing.
I mean personally, if you stumbled across an internal conspiracy, you should at least suspect that the one you're investigating may come and return to the place they're doing their stuff...
No, the flashback scene only showed young cgi Ford.
He simply never received the same amount of updates. Dolores on the other hand is a favorite. Stubbs states in the first episode: "You know why she's special? She's been repaired so many times she's practically new. Don't let that fool you. She's the oldest host in the park."What's up with Wild Bill, though? He's super shitty and supposedly he was the second host in the park, right?
No, the flashback scene only showed young cgi Ford.
I now also buy into two timelines as well. I just don't buy into William = MiB.
So they showed Arnold.
I don't quite believe that yet. What if the photo shows that Arnold is Ford's dad and this robot is just modeled after him.
You mean young CGI Arnold.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
No, the flashback scene only showed young cgiFordAnthony Hopkins.
I laughed when she heard the noise and called out "Bernard...?". What a dummy.
.Goddamn horror movie cliches
Good point. First host built was... Arnold!Second host they built, doesn't mean he was the second host in the park
If 14 on the Intelligence scale is about roughly a moderately smart human being, good god at what 20 is like.
AI Caliber 3) Artificial Superintelligence (ASI): Oxford philosopher and leading AI thinker Nick Bostrom defines superintelligence as an intellect that is much smarter than the best human brains in practically every field, including scientific creativity, general wisdom and social skills. Artificial Superintelligence ranges from a computer thats just a little smarter than a human to one thats trillions of times smarteracross the board. ASI is the reason the topic of AI is such a spicy meatball and why the words immortality and extinction will both appear in these posts multiple times.
It takes decades for the first AI system to reach low-level general intelligence, but it finally happens. A computer is able to understand the world around it as well as a human four-year-old. Suddenly, within an hour of hitting that milestone, the system pumps out the grand theory of physics that unifies general relativity and quantum mechanics, something no human has been able to definitively do. 90 minutes after that, the AI has become an ASI, 170,000 times more intelligent than a human.
Superintelligence of that magnitude is not something we can remotely grasp, any more than a bumblebee can wrap its head around Keynesian Economics. In our world, smart means a 130 IQ and stupid means an 85 IQwe dont have a word for an IQ of 12,952.
Look at the right side of the photo. Is that a picture behind the picture?
If 14 on the Intelligence scale is about roughly a moderately smart human being, good god at what 20 is like.