Aww shit GAF, take it to the bank. It is over.
It's weird how kid Ford and his family looked so Old Timey English. Isn't this in an alternate future?
Aww shit GAF, take it to the bank. It is over.
I doubt we will ever have robots that lifelike.
Yeah I had gotten off the two timelines theory, but between new girl being revealed as the board rep instead of William and Logan and now seeing this...fuck
I hope we didn't just see Maeve getting true artificial intelligence...
It's weird how kid Ford and his family looked so Old Timey English. Isn't this in an alternate future?
I wonder if we will get more seasons, though. HBO usually announces that pretty early on.
Someone told me they went from planned 4 to 7? Or maybe that was something else lol.
I hope we didn't just see Maeve getting true artificial intelligence...
Sure, but we usually get contextual clues that the characters exist in the same time and acknowledge each other's existence.Because they're saving the confrontation for the season's climax. Shows contrive to stall important plot points like this all the time. Stranger Things and GoT come to mind.
Anyone else notice The Gunslinger from the 1973 film in this episode?
I thought that was a pretty cool nod to the film.
Anyone else notice The Gunslinger from the 1973 film in this episode?
I thought that was a pretty cool nod to the film.
Yeah two timelines is basically confirmed. I still think William=MiB would be silly.
Anyone else notice The Gunslinger from the 1973 film in this episode?
I thought that was a pretty cool nod to the film.
I want to see more of his time as a cannibal cult leader.
Hell, if the double timeline thing is correct Dolores and William might even run into him.
Yup I'll be getting that call from my mother. Her and my stepdad were confused by episode one. Episode one!All I know is if there is two timelines my father will call me all confused asking me to explain it.
30 years is a long time though. They said he was the rancher for 10 years, and a sheriff before that, and the cult leader before that. And that was all within the time Bernard was working at Westworld. Presumably he wasn't around 30 years ago, or he would have at least heard of Arnold. Also, he doesn't look that old. Unless he is really a host, then ignore everything I said!!!!
Bernand did say he's been around the park forever.
Fuckery is afoot.
Didn't she say "you do say you've been around forever"?
Nah, the movie era is the same as William's.3rd timeline confirmed
Aww shit GAF, take it to the bank. It is over.
Jurassic Park. I rest my case.While it is very nice to see the movie get referenced and easter egged, even maybe added to the show's cannon somewhat. It is highly unlikely that the events of the movie really play much into the history of the park in the show.
Movie Spoilers:The last half of the movie is the brutal and systematic murder of the newcomers/guests by the hosts with maybe 1 or 2 guests surviving. No park, no matter how awesome, would survive killing off literally hundreds of the wealthiest people in the world
I.E. the references to the movie were probably just easter eggs and little to none of the history/cannon is going to actually be based on those events so the movie events aren't really in Williams time or any time of the show for that matter.
While it is very nice to see the movie get referenced and easter egged, even maybe added to the show's cannon somewhat. It is highly unlikely that the events of the movie really play much into the history of the park in the show.
Movie Spoilers:The last half of the movie is the brutal and systematic murder of the newcomers/guests by the hosts with maybe 1 or 2 guests surviving. No park, no matter how awesome, would survive killing off literally hundreds of the wealthiest people in the world
I.E. the references to the movie were probably just easter eggs and little to none of the history/cannon is going to actually be based on those events so the movie events aren't really in Williams time or any time of the show for that matter.
I hope we didn't just see Maeve getting true artificial intelligence...
Jurassic Park. I rest my case.
Well you could handle that in a couple ways. 1. They replaced the dead with hosts. 2. They paid a fuck ton of money to families to keep it under wraps. The sequel to West World while awful actually used the 1 for it's plot. They were replacing people with bots in order to get power within governments.
If all it took was swiping that characteristic/trait up on the tablet screen, why the fuck didn't those simps just quickly swipe down, thus taking her intellect to derp levels? I mean it's quite clear she's pretty wily ('cause she's already a "14"). Irked me a bit.
Sweet!Yup, was pretty cool.
Here's the screen (posted by Makai) for those who missed it:
(edit: beaten lol)
And here's the source of the prop used for it:
Jurassic Park. I rest my case.
How about this guy's law firm?Like a dozen people died that no one would miss? I mean the kids were cute I guess but who in that group had high powered lawyers just waiting to sue?
In the WW movie:You'd literally have the top 2 dozens law firms in the world tear WestWorld down brick by brick for the next 20 years with how many wealthy people were there
Aww shit GAF, take it to the bank. It is over.
Checked the scenes. No 1 hooker was there but not Maeve.Was Maeve at the Marquis when William and Logan were there? Do we ever see them on screen at the same time? Or has it only been Clementine?
Because they said Maeve had only been at the Marquis for about a year.
How about this guy's law firm?
Westworld is a sci-fi show based on a movie from 1973 but I still think this tv show goes to show that VR is the real future of humanity.
Well I guess that's that then.Welp
Checked the scenes. No 1 hooker was there but not Maeve.
Also I've never thought Bernard was a host but this episode contained the first piece of evidence that might convince me: Ford's miraculous appearance during the scene in the house.
We're just meant to believe that Ford just happens to be there and Bernard doesn't notice him standing in the corner? If I thought Bernard was a host I'd read that scene as the entire scene freezing once the dad figure shoves Bernard against the wall as some sort of "security procedure" until Ford can arrive, and Bernard's consciousness "skips" the time, since he's on pause
Things are getting interesting outside the park, and they used the old logo again when in the legacy system.
She was pretty hot on Raising Hope