I love Jimmi Simpson in this, one of the highlights so far. And I think Elsie has come into her own as well (I recall some people not liking her).
The "autopsy" technician guys are fucking terrible though, particularly the red-head bearded guy. Ugh.
Even Diet Thor?
As for the robots people keep bringing up old bill but he was the second robot, and Arnold was still alive. Arnold died 34 years ago and the incident happened and MIB came 30 years ago so that's four years, and I think they state they passed Turing after the first and old bill sure as hell did not pass.
The way MIB talked about it didn't sound like robotics was like animitronics, and more like the outside was the same but the inner workings were mechanical not synthetic. I don't remember the exact wording but he said it along the lines of opened up and took apart, and every piece was perfect, leading me to believe it was only apparent if you dissected them.
I quoted myself, in on mobile though so format is reversed but everything in that post is based on info they have given us with anything about the theory cut.How can William be the MIB when all the hosts are the high tech versions? If young William is the MIB he wouldn't and couldn't interact with high tech hosts but hosts like Old Bill that are clearly inferior.
I haven't seen him in so long I forgot he existed. When was the last episode he showed up?
He was just there last week. He's the guy the staff consult before executing any orders in the park, like when they found Dolores was deviating from her loop, and when MiB needed the pyro spell lvl2.
Is it just me or did Ford use a cheat code in the bar scene?Teddy seemed a lot healthier after Ford said something about being strengthened by past adversity.
Oooh right I forgot he was a Hemsworth.
yeah, i agree
i dont feel anything for william at all.
also i love your avatar :>
That is why he is called Diet Thor I assume![]()
The "split timeline" theory is absolutely fine if you account for the old logos and the mystery of the Man in Black's identity, thus the obvious logic behind a secondary narrative that tells of his origin and the original "incident". In that respect William or someone else being the Man in Black, and that arc showing us the first incident, is fine. The issue I have is that Deloris is shown having a flashback of the Man in Black, in the barn, which partially triggers her violent response and use of a firearm, freeing herself from the attack to meet up with William. She couldn't recall this if it was an origin story. Additionally, Deloris is alone during the house attack because Teddy is off hunting Wyatt, a new addition by Ford, who discusses as much with the Man in Black.
I get the origins of the theory and originally believed it, but the inconsistencies of the old logo if there's no split timeline is outweighed by the inconsistencies of known information during narrative arcs if there is a split timeline.
I also worry that expecting some outrageously complex narrative enveloped in multifaceted science fiction mysteries that'll all make sense in the end is maybe giving the writers of a HBO series aimed at being the next Game of Thrones a bit too much credit. I'd love it to be so, but after the last couple of episodes the mysteries seem more forward moving rather than complex retrospectives. I just don't see how the William-is-MiB dual timeline theory can match Deloris' flashbacks and the existence of Wyatt, unless I'm misremembering something myself.
Deloris' flashbacks
How can William be the MIB when all the hosts are the high tech versions? If young William is the MIB he wouldn't and couldn't interact with high tech hosts but hosts like Old Bill that are clearly inferior.
the name is kind of a hint for what happened 34 years ago, ehThe assassination of Arnold James by the coward Dr. Robert Ford.
You mean Delourous.
that black guy's dick was ginormous
you all are just being cheeky basterds now with Dolores' name :<
there is a special hell for y'all >:O
Yup, as I said the facts we know with no theory thrown in is Arnold died 34 years from the present, when the park was to open, and MIB's first trip and the incident are 30 years.We don't know the timeline. We know there was an incident 30 years ago, but that's not to say it happened around the opening of the park.
Take for instance, that flashback to where we see the hosts learning to dance. They already moved much more fluidly than Old Bill did and we can see Robert Ford's age was perhaps in his 30s or 40s at that point. Given we don't know Ford's real age, just Hopkins (Nearly 80) it's safe to say the character is probably meant to be in his 70s at least. So we know that they've progressed beyond Old Bill stages by the time of the incident.
Yeah what the heck. He's great. I was really looking forward to what he would bring to this show and I haven't been disappointed so farTalking shit about my boy Jimmi Simpson? Dem fightin' words.
Speculation now first off I doubt old bill could pass the test.
2. In the present day timeline they are clearly aware that she's doing weird shit and has ventured way off her normal loop. So why are they just watching her do all of this? Why not bring her in for a proper analysis or simply memory wipe and get her back in Sweetwater?
Was this related to the meeting Ford had in episode 4 where he made those thinly veiled threats to the head of park security?
There are two things on my mind that don't seem to have been explained by anyone on here pushing the William = MiB theory.
I've bought in to the theory, btw, but these things still remain unanswered
1. Why, if Dolores went crazy 30 years ago, did they simply wipe her memory and keep her in the park instead of just dismantling/decommissioning/incinerating her?
For sentimental value? I can't buy that.
2. In the present day timeline they are clearly aware that she's doing weird shit and has ventured way off her normal loop. So why are they just watching her do all of this? Why not bring her in for a proper analysis or simply memory wipe and get her back in Sweetwater?
Was this related to the meeting Ford had in episode 4 where he made those thinly veiled threats to the head of park security?
I know I just really want people to think about the timeline and the facts because split timelines or not all the information still states that 30 years ago even with mechanical parts the experience was still lifelike.He can't. That's evident in the opening scene in this week's episode.
"Never seen a greyhound have you?"
"Seen a few showdowns in my day."
I share the AVClub review's concern that they're basically going to refuse to give us any concrete information about anything until the finale because they're trying to fuel an entire season with season long questions instead of answering and building on them to form new dramatic questions
I'd say it's confusion for both instances.
We won't know for sure until we see more of Arnold's attempt to bring the park down, but is it plausible that they counted it simply as a flaw in their system, and not Dolores specifically? With a buyout, would they not do a stock and inventory check, and given that the company is in the red, would they also not be as effificent as possible in what assets they have? Makes sense for a new company, in trying to get Westworld back into the black, that they'd try and patch up the damage as cheaply as possible to begin with. Once it became clear the newly rebooted robots weren't going to be killing anyone anytime soon, it probably became an oversight.
With the modern timeline, the park executives all comment on how Ford's new narrative is playing havoc with the hosts and where they're meant to be. They even comment that they've noted Dolores is off loop, but can't tell whether she's with a guest or not.
She's clearly been assessed (by Diet Thor in the Pilot), placed back in her loop several times (how many times have we seen her awaken in her bed?) and yet there's something there keeping her consciousness stringed together, probably the legacy of Arnold, exacerbated by the recent update and their reveries.
I personally think Ford is deliberately manipulating events to allow Arnold'a vision to come to fruition.
There are two things on my mind that don't seem to have been explained by anyone on here pushing the William = MiB theory.
I've bought in to the theory, btw, but these things still remain unanswered
1. Why, if Dolores went crazy 30 years ago, did they simply wipe her memory and keep her in the park instead of just dismantling/decommissioning/incinerating her?
For sentimental value? I can't buy that.
2. In the present day timeline they are clearly aware that she's doing weird shit and has ventured way off her normal loop. So why are they just watching her do all of this? Why not bring her in for a proper analysis or simply memory wipe and get her back in Sweetwater?
Was this related to the meeting Ford had in episode 4 where he made those thinly veiled threats to the head of park security?
1 is answered by the fact you are looking at it through the business view. We clearly have a few mad scientists in the cast, including Bernard quite obviously hiding some of this recent abberant behavior in the present day. It's hardly unthinkable Ford or Arnold might have done the same before, especially when it implied the business side has only recently begun to have much sway.
2. I'm not sure this really is even related to the theory. We don't know the real motivations of the majority of our human cast.
Arnold is already dead when Dolores goes off the rails. And Bernard probably, almost certainly, wasn't working there at the time.
We know the motivations of park security, they shit a brick any time something goes even slightly wrong. Ignoring Dolores right now doesn't make much sense, but some previous posts have raised some valid points in this regard.
Arnold is already dead when Dolores goes off the rails. And Bernard probably, almost certainly, wasn't working there at the time.
We know the motivations of park security, they shit a brick any time something goes even slightly wrong. Ignoring Dolores right now doesn't make much sense, but some previous posts have raised some valid points in this regard.
I didn't mean Bernard as an actual literal example of protecting her 30 years ago, I meant as an example of the mentality of the people working there. If even he, who looks to be the 2nd or 3rd most powerful person in the park, is willing to do this sort of stuff 30 years into the future, then it speaks to the culture of the staff, particularly the scientists. If Bernard is putting people in danger by ignoring and encouraging her disfunctions, it's not a giant leap to think others may have done so as well.
For instance, Ford seems to think Arnold is speaking to her. His curiosity regarding that subject might be enough reason to keep her around.
I know I just really want people to think about the timeline and the facts because split timelines or not all the information still states that 30 years ago even with mechanical parts the experience was still lifelike.
It's possible, but still seems a bit of a stretch to me. I guess we won't know for sure until we see exactly what Dolores ends up doing and how it breaks down. If she straight up tries to kill a guest or engineer then the curiosity / negligence explanation wouldn't stack up imo.
One theory I touched on earlier could be that if Delos end up buying the park, and William is an EVP of Delos, he might have enough sway to demand that Dolores remains a host, despite what happened.