Here's a video about the LG CX and burn-in:you could mention burn in when talking about older models but i think it’s very rare with newer OLED tvs.
It’s all plasma all over again. Some people just are not going to acknowledge it for years just because they own one.Games have UI elements. Eternal Darkness for example.
Nice try though!
You're still coming to the brightness argument which I agree with. LCD is objectively better in that area. Near black handling can vary and can be fixed with calibration. Black crush is a problem on lcds too. 24hz motion still benefits from the instant response of OLED. You'll get more judder for sure but that can be mitigated with motion interpolation. Which can suck I know but the C1, in particular, has a near soap opera effect-free mode called 'cinematic movement' that works wonders. I can't even see SO on it and I'm very sensitive to that.I think we are arguing two different things, you are saying its overall the best given the weighting placed on the difference per pixel dimming makes. I'm just saying there are objectively better things with LCD, games don't need to have completely clean generated frames with no blur because modern games have motion blur, so I think its better to have better 24hz motion at the expense of blurry 60hz motion that you need to cover up the gaps in frames anyway if the game doesn't have motion blur.
For games that don't use blur for obvious reasons then yes its superior in motion, but then theres still large window brightness and near black handling. I'd prefer to have a slightly elevated shadow and see the detail than just not see it or see swirling pixels.
I get where you are coming from and I agree most respected enthusiasts will tell you its the best overall. I'm just objectively comparing each area. Is it possible you have also haven't actually seen HDR on a super high end LCD that isn't a Samsung as well? Fair enough if you have.
Which models? Things like that matter when you're talking about an evolving technology. You're saying burn in is still a risk, which it is, but you have plenty of people explicitly saying that they've not had burn in on their modern high end OLEDs because it's a decreasing risk.Testimonies?
A simple google search shows COUNTLESS pictures and videos of burn in and countless HORROR stories.
It's inherited to the organic tech and can't be fixed after all these years.
correctOLED is superior. Water is wet.
Here's a video about the LG CX and burn-in:
Here's a video about the LG CX and burn-in:
OLED the baby sitter needed TV!If you actually watch the video you'll see his use case is extreme. This thread is about gaming on one display versus the other. That's not what Linus was using it for. Keep up with the fud.
OLED the baby sitter needed TV!
Here's a video about the LG CX and burn-in:
I guess I'm an idiot for enjoying an objectively better display? Something proved over and over again by science? Guess I'll take it. I'm an idiot then.
Here's a video about the LG CX and burn-in:
I guess I'm an idiot for enjoying an objectively better display? Something proved over and over again by science? Guess I'll take it. I'm an idiot then.
Forgetting the fact you can't count are you just going to ignore the video by Vincent that I pointed out on that very page you showed me?Oh look one of the hundreds of videos proving my statement.. who would have thought??
You're still coming to the brightness argument which I agree with. LCD is objectively better in that area. Near black handling can vary and can be fixed with calibration. Black crush is a problem on lcds too. 24hz motion still benefits from the instant response of OLED. You'll get more judder for sure but that can be mitigated with motion interpolation. Which can suck I know but the C1, in particular, has a near soap opera effect-free mode called 'cinematic movement' that works wonders. I can't even see SO on it and I'm very sensitive to that.
It’s all plasma all over again. Some people just are not going to acknowledge it for years just because they own one.
Fair enough. Your takes are certainly more well thought out than the fud spreading BURN IN types.Thats my issue though, I think the C1 motion is heavily improved over previous LG motion but I watched a lot of different content on it and I can still see artifacts in challenging content (Look at the Trolls World Tour demo video on the 77C1 for instance and thats literally them putting their best settings forward for show floor display and artifacts are clearly visible to me).
I personally don't even use the motion stuff on my Sony because I dislike removing that cinematic quality that 24hz has even though I can rarely see artifacts with it.
Anyway I love my ZD9 and my AF9 alike, but its got to be my ZD9 for gaming and most 24hz content looks better on it due to the motion, but obviously if its dark or LCD challenging 24hz content then I go with the OLED, but then I dislike the motion compared to the ZD9 motion at 24hz. I do realise its an outlier TV though, you can count on one hand the number of LCD TVs that can actually compete with OLED in terms of dimming.
Lets just agree to disagree.
Burn is fud on OLED? Almost every review (the paid well) Vincent even mentions it being possible.Fair enough. Your takes are certainly more well thought out than the fud spreading BURN IN types.
Except I haven't ever said that. It's just extremely unlikely unless you're a dumbass. Look up what fud means.Burn is fud on OLED? Almost every review (the paid well) Vincent even mentions it being possible.
It being possible means it's real. You saying it's not is fud.
I responded with baby sitter needed ie you need to baby sit/watch your usage.Except I haven't ever said that. It's just extremely unlikely unless you're a dumbass. Look up what fud means.
Yes? Who is this Vincent? If he says oleds do not burn out then yes he is factually wrong. What makes him better than linus’s expert ? Or the other videos with “experts”Forgetting the fact you can't count are you just going to ignore the video by Vincent that I pointed out and that very page you showed me?
Vince usually mentions the fact that OLED can get burn in, but he conveniently quickly mentions it and moves on.Yes? Who is this Vincent? If he says oleds do not burn out then yes he is factually wrong. What makes him better than linuses expert ? Or the other videos with “experts”
just like plasma oled burns through pixels at fast rate because they are like little light bulbs. Each has its own maximum number of uses Screen de-uniformity happens fast as each individual pixel burns out at its own rate.
it’s not rocket science. It’s actually very simple to comprehend and it quite literally cannot be negated as it’s incomprehensible to suggest oleds do not have individual lifespans for each pixel.
I might have said the same thing s few different ways but saying oled does not have burn in is just dumb when you look at how it works it’s actually very dumb to say.
instantaneous pixel response can be negative in video or other content with low frame rate. still worth, but you can see in some slow motion shots in that video. not noticeable at 60+ fps but in movies it leads to increased judder. the workaround is "cinema clear" or whatever "trumotion" mode but some don't like as discussed in this forum
anyhow, I use a bunch of old Samsung LCD tv too (2019, 2016, 2015) and in SDR they're fine. i only care about the marginal difference in graphics when playing a few games where graphics are front and center
You didn't even watch the video that is the subject of this thread did you?Yes? Who is this Vincent? If he says oleds do not burn out then yes he is factually wrong. What makes him better than linus’s expert ? Or the other videos with “experts”
just like plasma oled burns through pixels at fast rate because they are like little light bulbs. Each has its own maximum number of uses Screen de-uniformity happens fast as each individual pixel burns out at its own rate.
it’s not rocket science. It’s actually very simple to comprehend and it quite literally cannot be negated as it’s incomprehensible to suggest oleds do not have individual lifespans for each pixel.
I might have said the same thing s few different ways but saying oled does not have burn in is just dumb when you look at how it works it’s actually very dumb to say.
Yes but what does that have to do with my statement and the post against it? Including yours?You didn't even watch the video that is the subject of this thread did you?
Maybe on your Walmart black Friday set
Vincent is the guy in the video in this thread. A well-respected display calibrator who uses science. It's literally his job to know what the best displays are. He'll pick OLED. Every other calibrator will pick OLED. Hollywood picks OLED for mastering their movies and tv shows. You can like an inferior product all you want. The science is not on your side.Yes but what does that have to do with my statement and the post against it? Including yours?
2016 is KS8500. not sure about the other. I think q80R. they both have issue with playing HDR games on PC for some reason (raised blacks). The 2015 is a more budget model. Other than being dim it's also fineWhat do you have from 2019 and 2016? I'm just curious as the KSXXXX and QXXR line were quite nice.
2016 is KS8500. not sure about the other. I think q80R. they both have issue with playing HDR games on PC for some reason (raised blacks). The 2015 is a more budget model. Other than being dim it's also fine
dunno, but I gave up and bought LG OLED for PC games. and that just works without jumping through hoopsSome sort of HDMI level mismatch? My flatmate had a KS and we could never get HDR working properly, I would think 80R would be fine though
Are the raised blacks just on the desktop or in game too?
Lol “ science “,Vincent is the guy in the video in this thread. A well-respected display calibrator who uses science. It's literally his job to know what the best displays are. He'll pick OLED. Every other calibrator will pick OLED. Hollywood picks OLED for mastering their movies and tv shows. You can like an inferior product all you want. The science is not on your side.
dunno, but I gave up and bought LG OLED for PC games. and that just works without jumping through hoops
UI widgets from a number of games, buildings from one game I can't place, and a background I used for just a couple of weeks. Even have 'NETFLIX' burned in the bottom right, despite having not used Netflix in over a year.
I never said that. And yes 'science' Do you not believe in science? Do you honestly think 5 months is normal? Come on now. Don't be silly.Lol “ science “,
see i didn’t say those 5 months were not the best. The problem is it’s only a better picture for a very short time before the issues make it a no go for me. I just can’t sit there with screen deformity and burn in and enjoy a game or movie .. no matter how well the blacks and non blooming are. If I was a professional film company and could afford to buy a new one every year without issue then yeah sure!
But do not tell people burn in and screen uniformity do not exist as that’s a complete lie.
OLED is superior. Water is wet.
Lol “ science “,
see i didn’t say those 5 months were not the best. The problem is it’s only a better picture for a very short time before the issues make it a no go for me. I just can’t sit there with screen deformity and burn in and enjoy a game or movie .. no matter how well the blacks and non blooming are. If I were a professional film company and could afford to buy a new one every year without issue then yeah sure!
But do not tell people burn in and screen uniformity do not exist as that’s a complete lie.
The way some people talk about burn-in not being a problem makes me feel like I'm the only guy on earth with a burned-in C7.
UI widgets from a number of games, buildings from one game I can't place, and a background I used for just a couple of weeks. Even have 'NETFLIX' burned in the bottom right, despite having not used Netflix in over a year.
Set is about 3-4 years old.
Yes.the number one factors that determine input lag are still refresh rate and the internal engine lag.