Games I've been playing, or tried recently
1~FFXI. (Just mild stuff on the side lately, helping with AF3's and Avatars for the non-cop outs who do the solo-versions, bah. Doing some farming, etc, taking a break for a few weeks from biggies)
2~Viewtiful Joe (Blah! Not as hard as I was hoping, but still pretty frustrating)
3~Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Ok, I bought it for fodder for a trade in deal, but I figured why not open it, maybe it'll actually be good, maybe, please? Jesus christ, bad idea, this is a new low, even for Rare, I can't put into words how much I hate this game)
4~Ninja Gaiden (It's good fun, I guess, but I almost feel overwhelmed by the movelist, for a beat em up? Kinda odd. And god, this camera, I'm pretty tolorent, but it's grating, this, along with Kingdom Hearts are the two games where the cameras drive me nuts, but at least unlike Kingdom Hearts, Ninja Gaiden has the benefit of not sucking everywhere else)
I've been thinking about snagging WoTS2, but I've heard that it's quite broken compared to the original, which I enjoyed. Hm.