Asimov, Isaac The Best of Isaac Asimov 1974
Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves 1972
Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale 1985
Bakker, R. Scott The Prince of Nothing 2004-2007
Ballard, J.G. High Rise 1975
Banks, Iain M. Use of Weapons 1990
Beagle, Peter S. A Fine and Private Place 1960
Bester, Alfred The Stars My Destination 1956
Blish, James Cities in Flight 1955-1962
Brackett, Leigh The Long Tomorrow 1955
Bradbury, Ray The Martian Chronicles 1950
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1953
Brunner, John Stand on Zanzibar 1968
Bulgakov, Mikhail The Master and The Margarita 1940
Card, Orson Scott Ender's Game 1985
Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous With Rama 1972
Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood's End 1953
Clarke, Arthur C. The Fountains of Paradise 1979
Crowley, John Little, Big 1981
Danielewski, Mark Z. House of Leaves 2000
Dick, Philip K. The Man In The High Castle 1962
Dozois, Gardner Best of The Best: 20 Years of The Years Best SF 2005
Dozois, Gardner Best of The Best 2 2007
Dunsany, Lord The King of Elfland's Daughter 1924
Ellison, Harlan Dangerous Visions 1967
Ennis, Garth Preacher 1995-2000
Ford, John M. The Last Hot Time 2001
Gaiman, Neil American Gods 2001
Gaiman, Neil and Pratchett, Terry Good Omens 1990
Gemmell, David Legend 1984
Gibson, William Neuromancer 1984
Grimwood, Ken Replay 1987
Haldeman, Joe The Forever War 1975
Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers 1959
Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger In a Strange Land 1961
Heinlein, Robert A. Have Spacesuit -- Will Travel 1958
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Hoban, Russell Riddley Walker 1980
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World 1931
Jackson, Shirley The Haunting of Hill House 1959
Joyce, Graham The Tooth Fairy 1998
Kay, Guy Gavriel Tigana 1990
Keyes, Daniel Flowers For Algernon 1966
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Dispossesed 1974
LeGuin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness 1969
Lem, Stanislaw Solaris 1961
Lovecraft, H.P. The Dunwich Horror and Others 1963
Lynch, Scott The Lies of Locke Lamora 2006
MacDonald, George The Princess and The Goblin 1872
Martin, George R.R. A Song of Ice and Fire 1996-Present
Matheson, Richard I Am Legend 1954
McCarthy, Cormac The Road 2006
McDonald, Ian River of Gods 2004
Meynard, Yves The Book of Knights 1998
Mieville, China Perdido Street Station 2001
Miller Jr., Walter M. A Canticle For Leibowitz 1960
Moore, Christopher Lamb 2002
Morgan, Richard K. Black Man 2007
Newman, Kim Anno Dracula 1992
Niven, Larry Ringworld 1970
Orwell, George 1984 1949
Pangborn, Edgar Davy 1964
Poe, Edgar Allan Tales of Mystery and Imagination 1837-1845
Pohl, Frederick Gateway 1977
Pohl, Frederick and Kornbluth, C.M The Space Merchants 1953
Powers, Tim The Anubis Gates 1983
Powers, Tim The Fisher King Trilogy 1992-1997
Priest, Christopher The Glamour 1985
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Mars Trilogy 1992-1996
Russ, Joanna The Female Man 1975
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein 1818
Shephard, Lucius The Best of Lucius Shephard 2008
Shippey, Tom The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories 1992
Silverberg, Robert The Book of Skulls 1972
Silverberg, Robert The Science Fiction Hall of Fame Volume One 1970
Simak, Clifford D. City 1952
Simmons, Dan Hyperion 1990
Smith, Cordwainer The Rediscovery of Man 1993
Smith, Michael Marshall Only Forward 1998
Stapeldon, Olaf Odd John 1935
Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash 1992
Stevenson, Robert Louis The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1886
Stewart, George R. Earth Abides 1949
Straub, Peter Ghost Story 1979
Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human 1953
Tiptree Jr., James Her Smoke Rose Up Forever 1990
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of The Rings 1954-1955
Vance, Jack The Jack Vance Treasury 2007
Verne, Jules Journey To The Centre of the Earth 1864
Vonnegut, Kurt Cat's Cradle 1963
Vonnegut, Kurt Slaughter-House Five 1969
Wells, H.G. The Time Machine 1895
Wilde, Oscar The Picture of Dorian Gray 1891
Wolfe, Gene The Wizard Knight 2004
Wolfe, Gene The Book of The New Sun 1980-1983
Wyndham, John The Day of The Triffids 1951
Wyndham, John The Midwich Cuckoos 1957
Zelazny, Roger Damnation Alley 1969
Zelazny, Roger Lord of Light 1967