I finished Peter F. Hamilton's Commowealth Saga (Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained) a few days ago. Again. Dunno how many times i've read that, love it.
Space opera, very long, totalling some 2000 pages. A lot of plot lines, some may seem a bit meaningless... the book(s) are not certainly for everyone. Depends a bit how much you like world building, the Commonwealth universe is quite well developed, IMO.
Now i'm reading The Witcher The Last Wish, in Finnish (Noituri: Viimeinen Toivomus or something like that in Finnish). I'm not sure what's wrong with it, it just feel strange. It might be that i'm reading it in Finnish, i rarely read anything anymore in my native tongue. I need to read this in English too to be able to say what's wrong, probably. Yes, i know it's written in Polish originally...
Also reading, again again (i like reading books multiple times) The Road to Dune by Frank and Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson. I don't particularly care for Brian's and Kevin's short stories* in the end but otherwise the book's gold, containing the sort of original version of Dune pieced togheter by Brian and Kevin, deleted scenes and chapters from Dune and Dune Messiah and letters relating to Dune's writing and publishing. Very interesting stuff for a Dune fan.
*I've read all the Dune books there are. Nothing tops Frank Herbert's masterpiece of course... The Dune Prequels and Legends of Dune are all right (but not really that special) books on their own right but they're very different from original Dune series. The Dune Sequels are worse than... I'm not saying anything else about them.
The Heroes of Dune are annoying. Yes, annoying. They retcon stuff from Dune and it's sequels, nothing really critical but still... And they're not very good either. Weak or stupid plots, they try to explain some "noodle incidents" mentioned in other Dune works but very unsatisfactorily or retconin some orignal stuff in the process. Oh and 12 year Paul adventuring in a Guild Heighliner? WTF?
If someone here is going to read Dune Prequels etc, my recommendation: Legends of Dune is all right but it's not Dune, just space opera that happens to borrow stuff from Dune. Dune Prequels are all right but seem to be set in an alternate Duniverse. Don't treat neither as canon but don't let that stop you from enjoying them if you like 'em.
And sorry about ranting/explaining about other Dune books but i cannot leave this unaddressed.