I personally likedIt's really hard to pick your favorite Murakami, seems like what ever people read first from him became their favorite, for me it was Wind Up Bird. I'm currently re-reading Hard-Boiled Wonderland and it might actually become my favorite. Tho I really liked the setting of Wild Sheep Chase so I have to re-read that one too before I make my mind.the prison camp and all the parts that took place in Mongolia but parts about Manchuria were rather dull and I really wanted to skip them.
"The Wind-up Bird Chronicle" is probably my favorite. I don't think I can rank the others, so I'm just going to say that "Kafka on the Shore," "Norwegian Wood" and "Hard-Boiled Wonderland" are all tied for a very close second. Hard-Boiled Wonderland was my first Murakami novel. I haven't read any of his shorter novels yet. And 1Q84...where to begin. I think it was the Gary Stu (i.e.