Ribbon said:
Ahh I really like this one. I need to go back and revisit some Vonnegut stuff.
Ribbon said:
Tim the Wiz said:I've swapped a colossus for a behemoth; finished Wise Man's Fear and started:
It's a bit melodramatic and annoying thus far, but it's the finale of Malazan's main narrative thread, so it's difficult to look away as the largest convergence yet approaches. A pity that so few of the players are ones which populated the earlier books - there has to be a comparative lack of connection with many of these Johnny-come-lately Ascendants and the like. Not far into it, though.
Jerk 2.0 said:I would put that book up there with the best of Lynch, Martin and Abercrombie. All the others on the other hand...
Jerk 2.0 said:Same here.
Definitely better than Rothfuss' pap, but pretty disappointing overall.
Almost finished now. I am hoping that Erickson returns to the quality seen in Midnight Tides.
I would put that book up there with the best of Lynch, Martin and Abercrombie. All the others on the other hand...
Salazar said:Let's all play the "doesn't belong" game.
Salazar said:One thing I will never understand is love for Zelazny.
Tim the Wiz said:You didn't like the Corwin Cycle of Amber?
DublinersEsnel Pla said:So, GAF, what were some of your favorite books from your required reading lists?
I just came home from book store and bought that very same bookGroteSmurf said:
About 40 pages in. Gives me plenty o' ammo.
Jerk 2.0 said:Maybe the rest of his body of work is much worse, but from what I saw, it seemed fair to include him as one of the better writers in the genre.
Plywood said:I've held off on this long enough!
I will read this book before the show premieres, damn it!
from goodreads said:Zinzi has a talent for finding lost things. To save herself, she's got to find the hardest thing of all: The truth. FILE UNDER: Modern Fantasy [Black magic noir / Pale Crocodile / Spirit Guardians / Lost stars]
This book has been fantastic so far.Dresden said:Finished Flashman and the Angel of the Lord, Flashman and the Mountain of Light, and Flashman and the Dragon recently.
I really am Flashman'd out--I want to read The Great Game but that's about it. Really am going to take a break from Flashman and just start this:
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaFile under: . . . [Black magic noir / Pale Crocodile / Spirit Guardians / Lost stars]
Plywood said:I've held off on this long enough!
I will read this book before the show premieres, damn it!
sparky2112 said:Skipped over this in the long years between my youth and when I 'rediscovered' fantasy. Yep, a bit slow to get going just like everyone says, but Williams's prose is good, so it's not much of a chore to read...
There's a clip on youtube showing a short snippet of each of the characters (except for one, I think) as performed by Caroline O'Conner. Even that little bit gives you an idea of how great it would have been.justin.au said:Bombshells by Joanna Murray-Smith. Didn't like it as much as Honour, but Meryl Louise Davenport's monologue was all kinds of brilliant. So sad I never got to see it performed by Caroline O'Connor.
Tim the Wiz said:
Otherwise, disappointing to hear that it's still in the doldrums that far out. Almost feel like ditching it and finishing up my re-read of Flashman.
Jerk 2.0 said:Longer still since I have held so much loathing for a character that I am supposed to like.
I dunno. I think that's kind of intentional. Rothfuss seems like a big enough nerd to recognize all the tropes he's throwing around. I'm not far into WMF yet, but in NotW, you could definitely see some metatrope aspects working their way into this Mary Sue.Jerk 2.0 said:Wise Man's Fear
It has been some time since I have hated a protagonist as thoroughly as Kote. Longer still since I have held so much loathing for a character that I am supposed to like.
Dresden said:I think Quoth is a pretty inoffensive lead, what's so bad about him? Asides from him being a Mary-Sue, but that's common enough in fantasy.
MacGurcules said:I dunno. I think that's kind of intentional. Rothfuss seems like a big enough nerd to recognize all the tropes he's throwing around. I'm not far into WMF yet, but in NotW, you could definitely see some metatrope aspects working their way into this Mary Sue.
Think about your stereotypical Mary Sue author: Socially awkward/oblivious, self-victimizing, undeserved sense of superiority. That's Kvothe. Unable to connect to most of the people around him and perpetually stuck in the friend zone with the woman he's crazy for who is constantly running around with other guys. He feels he's unjustly persecuted by others but practically all of his problems come from running his mouth. His sense of superiority, is perhaps deserved, but he takes it to a level of arrogance that constantly backfires on him.
The story is very tropey but it seems to go back and subtly dismantle enough parts of that to make me think that there's a little more depth to the process than it appears.
Great choices. I just finished Hyperion two nights ago. Loved it so much. I'm already into the next book, Fall of Hyperion, and it's really entertaining right from the start.Jarlaxle said:Hyperion
Just finished this. Really good read. I'm not usually into sci-fi too much but I thought this was excellent and will definitely have to check out more from Dan Simmons in the future.I thought the section with Sol and his daughter Rachel getting younger and losing her memory every day was absolutely heart wrenching. Some truly sad and emotional passages there.
The Darkness That Comes Before
Just started this tonight. Very early into it but it seems really interesting. Seems to be a slower read initially which is not a bad thing, just writing that demands more attention and thought to it.
Salazar said:Eh, I don't see your cause.
Besides, one douche in fantasy fiction towers over all contenders.
Dresden said:About halfway through this beauty.
Really goddamn good.
Commodore said:The Count of Monte Cristo, for the first time. 300 pg/20% in and I'm hooked. I've known the story a long time, but the novel itself is something else. Love my Kindle.
Dresden said:
About halfway through this beauty.
Really goddamn good.