Recently finished:
Pretty good, not great. Eggers is on a U.S. offshoring manufacturing rant here, coupled with a middle-aged guy who finds his skills no longer all that needed in the 'new economy'. It takes place entirely in Saudi Arabia, where the Saudi king is supposedly trying to build his own Dubai, albeit very half-heartedly.
Also finished:
Lots of folks around here have read this, I think. This too was good, but I think a little overhyped. A nice, quick read. The ending was a complete copout, however.
Now on to:
I love that Stephenson writes nothing but big giant slabs of books. My one complaint about his is that for all the thousands of pages he writes, I always feel like I never really *know* his characters - except for maybe Jack Shaftoe. Still, nobody info-dumps like Stephenson, and that's really one of his primary draws....