San Dan Glokta
My hot takes:
1- Every console manufacturer should take extreme measures in gate-keeping games on their consoles, and should openly sign exclusive content rights with 3rd party publishers, and porting to PC or competition shouldn't even be on the table (i.e. M$: fumbled the bag big time, Sony: In the process of fumbling the bag, Nintendo: Rather good regarding this till now).
2- SOMA is a mediocre game at best. Its only "Horror" or "Deep" or "Philosophical" because it reflects the player's own insecurity regarding his/her place in the universe, and what comes after. It's made from the ground up as misery porn for nihilist-esque mindsets.
3- Red dead games are slow as molasses bore-fests. They don't deserve the hype besides the horse testicles in RDR2.
4- The actual best Call of Duty game was Infinite Warfare.
1- Every console manufacturer should take extreme measures in gate-keeping games on their consoles, and should openly sign exclusive content rights with 3rd party publishers, and porting to PC or competition shouldn't even be on the table (i.e. M$: fumbled the bag big time, Sony: In the process of fumbling the bag, Nintendo: Rather good regarding this till now).
2- SOMA is a mediocre game at best. Its only "Horror" or "Deep" or "Philosophical" because it reflects the player's own insecurity regarding his/her place in the universe, and what comes after. It's made from the ground up as misery porn for nihilist-esque mindsets.
3- Red dead games are slow as molasses bore-fests. They don't deserve the hype besides the horse testicles in RDR2.
4- The actual best Call of Duty game was Infinite Warfare.