I am a fiend for art and I was wondering what are some of your favorite rap and hip-hop album covers. What makes a good cover for you? On the surface I just want it to look cool. Have good image quality and have something interesting going on in the image. Covers that are a solid color with just a single simply drawn image are bland to me. Also those low image quality covers with the big ass loud text I can't stand. They look cheap and like it was laying in some pawn shop or corner store. If there are any covers that convey that content within the music, then that's a major plus. Here are a few of my favorites:
I still haven't listened to this album yet, but I've seen this art around a lot and it really makes me want to. The Wu-Tang clan are comic book and martial art movie lovers and this is represented in this cover. This shit is just badass. Just some hip-hop dudes fighting ninjas on a checkerboard.
This type of album cover is almost as common as the portrait shot. It's rather simple with just the three artists heads among a black background with the title, but the contrast with the orange being bright and the black being dark with the brown of their skin in between makes it stand out among others. It's an iconic cover. I would've gone with The Miseducation, but I don't consider it a rap album since you know, it just has three rap songs on it.
This has sort of a comic booky look to it as well. The colors really pop.
Things Fall Apart has this cover and one of a crying black child. I could have gone with either cover, but I chose this one because this one feels like you're in the middle of a dire moment. I have to look up the meaning behind this album cover, but it looks like it's a photo from during the Civil Rights movement.
The ink outlines really help this stand out along with the red and green contrasts. The album cover has a very eden-like thing going on with it as well. I feel like maybe this is supposed to represent something in the album, but I'm not sure.
Slum Village - Yes!
This is one of those 50s inspired covers, but with black people in it so I'm not instantly reminded of the racism from that time period. I also really like the YES! text particularly the purple ! and the green Y stand out.
Not only is this cover great, but this album is too. My personal favorite of the year so far. This cover features the silhouette of a young girl with a sunset in her torso with a pair of hands touching her shoulders. There is a lot of orange and yellow in this album cover that gives it a warm feeling. This is also the only album cover I can see a connection to the music. The title, The Past Is Always Present in the Future I feel represents how history has relevance today and also with your past shapes the current generation. There is a song on here called "In My Daughter's Eyes" that talks about Substantial's relationship with his daughter and what he wants for her. This album cover is likely her and he also has an album cover that's exactly the same as this, but with himself in the middle. It's a nice connection there.
Those are just a few of mine.
Squad pics are common for rap album covers and I just randomly happened to run into this and thought the image was pretty cool, but that spot at light in the bottom right corner is a flaw. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be there or if it's a faded spot or a glare from the plastic. This is actually a single cover, but it's way better than their actual album cover.

I still haven't listened to this album yet, but I've seen this art around a lot and it really makes me want to. The Wu-Tang clan are comic book and martial art movie lovers and this is represented in this cover. This shit is just badass. Just some hip-hop dudes fighting ninjas on a checkerboard.

This type of album cover is almost as common as the portrait shot. It's rather simple with just the three artists heads among a black background with the title, but the contrast with the orange being bright and the black being dark with the brown of their skin in between makes it stand out among others. It's an iconic cover. I would've gone with The Miseducation, but I don't consider it a rap album since you know, it just has three rap songs on it.

Things Fall Apart has this cover and one of a crying black child. I could have gone with either cover, but I chose this one because this one feels like you're in the middle of a dire moment. I have to look up the meaning behind this album cover, but it looks like it's a photo from during the Civil Rights movement.

The ink outlines really help this stand out along with the red and green contrasts. The album cover has a very eden-like thing going on with it as well. I feel like maybe this is supposed to represent something in the album, but I'm not sure.
This is one of those 50s inspired covers, but with black people in it so I'm not instantly reminded of the racism from that time period. I also really like the YES! text particularly the purple ! and the green Y stand out.
Those are just a few of mine.