Both have been in the Steam registry for more than two years now ( and respectively). I mentioned them in my e-mail that convinced Ubi to
finally patch Anno 1404/Dawn of Discovery, but unfortunately their listings are as lifeless as ever... for now, at least.
Your emails to Ubisoft are kinda what inspired this. I seem to remember you talking about them in a previous Steam thread.
I never played NOLF. Maybe I'll just watch a LP instead at this point.
I found the discs in a VA store, of all places. Cost me $2.47. Best $2.47 I ever spent. Loving the first game, though it's definitely more dated than the second, which is SO GOOD.
i've always wanted to try split second and pure too, heard they're capped at 30fps and they're sold on some exclusive digital store?
I don't even understand why some people do the digital store thing. Matrix Games does it. I remember hearing that the Age of Empires games were on Gamersgate or some random store like that for the longest time. No idea why.
You can get used ones for ~$20 if you live in the US, it's worth that price. I loved it and recommend it to anybody who enjoyed the original Thief games. Never finished the sequel though, which I hear is way better.
I would straight-up pay $50 to buy working, 1080p copies of the No One Lives Forever duology on Steam. Heck, if they through in Contract JACK, I'd be willing give 'em $40!
Not sure why you say Thief. Can't say I felt they were really comparable, but I play 'em run n' gun, like Half-Life.
I'm kinda surprised to see Prey on this list. I had no idea that it was removed from Steam. I know for a certainty that it used to be available on Steam.
Resident Evil 1, 2 and 3 all had PC ports if I remember correctly. They could make a trillogy pack and put it on Steam. I would also like to see Outrun 2006, and Sega Rally Revo see a return, but I doubt that will ever happen.
Prey, like Fable III, "ran out of keys." Unlike Fable III, however, it's not because GFWL is shutting down, and the lack of a GFWL store means a lack of a way to create keys for Fable III. It's just... Bethesda... being... weird.
Isn't Outrun 2006 a victim of Ferarri Licensing Hell?
Rise of Nations is in a bit of an odd spot despite the IP being sold off as, to quote the manual, Microsoft owns "portions" of the game. This is probably why there are actually two separate listings in the registry:
one is Microsoft's and
the other BHG's.
I need to go scream very loudly at people.
Impossible Creatures seems to be in the same boat. THQ apparently had it, except that Microsoft published it (and owned it?) at one point. Also Ubisoft. I don't even know where the rights are now. I think Deep Silver or someone must have acquired them after THQ died, so I'd like to track them down, just to confirm that it's all with them, or that Microsoft or someone has it. No way I'm paying the $70 or so it costs to get a used copy of the game.
Some other games that should be on Steam are Deep Shadows FPSRPG series (Xenus II White Gold, The Precursors). The game are great and could definitely do with some exposure, especially with all the open-world buzz these days.
Forgot about these. No idea why they aren't on Steam. White Gold's been removed from GamersGate and Boiling Point never came to anything, as far as I can tell. Precursors is still available on
Gamersgate, though.