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What game are you currently playing?


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
I'm playing a lot of Sonic 2 on emulator. More specificly the bonus stages.

I made save states before each of the seven bonus little games. I'm trying to get the highest score that I can. It's simple fun.
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I have currently been playing System Shock: Enhanced Edition since I have fond memories of the original (thank god they got rid of that shorty control scheme though). It still holds up 25 years later. I’m not really placing much trust in the remake, but we’ll see.


Neo Member
Just beat Pokémon sword yesterday, 28 hours clocked. It was fun, annoying, tedious and charming all at the same time with absolutely no challenge. I beat it so my kids could see any team and all the other Pokémon I caught.

Finally starting breath of the wild again for like the 4th time. Only a couple hours in do not much to say.


I am on vacation so i have a lot of free time. I am playing :

-Alpha Protocol
-Yakuza 7 (JP)
-Yakuza 4 Remaster
-Yakuza 5 Remaster
-Gears of Wars 2 and Gears of Wars Ultimate

I also got an Xbox with Game Pass. I downloaded 30 games so i am playing other games ocasionally. I will start Halo and Quantum Break tonight.


What time is it?
Wrapped up Judgment, The Messenger and Hollow Knight.

-While it didn't stick the landing in the final act from a narrative perspective, I really enjoyed Judgment. If they do a sequel, I hope they lean more into the detective aspects of the game.
-Hollow Knight is wonderful but I think the mapping system is overly cumbersome and the difficult ramp seems pretty steep if you want to do everything.
-I hate finished the Messenger. I dislike just about everything about the game after the twist occurs.

I'm looking forward to Ori next week and I'm working my way though Toy Story 3 (surprisingly competent).
Decided to give PS Now a go for the first time and... I love this shit. If I manage I can prolly Play through Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Control within a month. For 10 EUR... that's good value. And I won't Play them again anyway. So....

Anyway, booted SoTR and digging it quite a lot so far. Seems that, except for this one Village, there are no big open section any more (hated that shit in Rise). So the whole game feels a lot thighter and has a better flow than Rise. Love it.


Been digging through my backlog trying to find a game to play until FFVII drops.

I just don't get Kentucky Road Zero I'm afraid. Stopped playing somewhere around Act II. I guess this game is all about the writing? Well I didn't capture me at all. Slow, no actual gameplay, not really into the graphical style either...

When I found out Sawaki Takeyasu made a sequel to El Shaddai called The Lost Child I was very interested, but man what is this... game plays like those Japanese low budget Wizardy clones and just feels cheap all the way. I stil have it installed, but not sure I'm ever coming back tbh.

Started Left Alive which I got purely because of the character art and the Front Mission connection, but man people were not kidding when they said this was bad. Made it to the second chapter somehow, but I feel this game is just broken mechanically and more or less unplayable because of that. Still I feel a weird fascination and urge to pick this up again one of these days.

Now started Tales of Vesperia (the PC version of last year) and it's... OK I guess? Disliked the last couple of Tales games I played, but gave this a chance on account of all the praise it got back when on PS3. I ike the characters, but hate the combat, usually I have the opposite reaction to tales games. Wonder if Tales of Arise will get it right again, haven't really enjoyed a Tales game since Symphonia (yet played them all for some reason...) I'll probably stick with this for the time being.
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Just beat yakuza 5, thus competing kiryu's "saga" since I've played the rest already. Gotta say, I'm glad with zero and 6 they limit the characters you play as to two at most. Playing as characters like Shinada sucked. Lastly while I enjoyed the story, even by the standards of the yakuza series, the story was convoluted.


Been digging through my backlog trying to find a game to play until FFVII drops.

I just don't get Kentucky Road Zero I'm afraid. Stopped playing somewhere around Act II. I guess this game is all about the writing? Well I didn't capture me at all. Slow, no actual gameplay, not really into the graphical style either...

When I found out Sawaki Takeyasu made a sequel to El Shaddai called The Lost Child I was very interested, but man what is this... game plays like those Japanese low budget Wizardy clones and just feels cheap all the way. I stil have it installed, but not sure I'm ever coming back tbh.

Started Left Alive which I got purely because of the character art and the Front Mission connection, but man people were not kidding when they said this was bad. Made it to the second chapter somehow, but I feel this game is just broken mechanically and more or less unplayable because of that. Still I feel a weird fascination and urge to pick this up again one of these days.

Now started Tales of Vesperia (the PC version of last year) and it's... OK I guess? Disliked the last couple of Tales games I played, but gave this a chance on account of all the praise it got back when on PS3. I ike the chartacters, but hate the combat, usually I have the opposite reaction to tales games. Wonder if Tales of Arise will get it right again, haven't really enjoyed a Tales game since Symphonia (yet played them all for some reason...) I'll probably stick with this for the time being.
You play berseria? That was a good one in my opinion. Zestiria was terrible, so I'd avoid that one if you haven't already.
Final Fantasy VII (PS1)

The recent release of the FF7 remake demo for PS4 put me on a permanent media lockdown until the full version releases. So, as a result, I've been getting my FF7 fix by playing my first full playthrough of the original PS1 version.

My current progress:



I'm ~26 hours in now and just got up to Rocket Town. Mother of god I love this game. It's the very definition of a timeless classic.

Dat' Materia system



Neo Member
Football Manager, but I'm always playing this (for about 20+ years, now)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions
And I want to start an indie game this week - thinking about Afterparty
I have a few games that I haven't beat:
-Bioshock 2
-Horizon Zero Dawn
-God of War
-The Evil Within 2
-Batman Arkham Knight

The problem I have is that I'm not feeling any of it. I'm currently playing SotC a boss a day. But the only game I really want to play at the moment FF7 remake.


Currently playing Fire Emblem Three houses and have over 300 hours into it and going over every single tiny detail as I know it'll be YEARS before we get another one.

Also Blackout and going for my 300th win coming up soon, specifically the redrop game modes. Always have a blast with it. Vendetta VMP combo for the win.

Would reccomend both games.


yesterday finished Earthbound Zero kindda shocked when I knew who
ninten's gramma was and that she left a song for her grandson
overall great game apart from walking slow like a turtle.
anyway started Mother 3 afterwards and I can already tell its gonna be amazing I named my characters Roland and Susan 😉

also beat
magus the first time
in Chrono Trigger.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions is just about wrapped up. Next up will be Metro Exodus.

Then it is time to dust off my PS4 Pro for some REmake 3 and FFVII remake in April.
Gears 5. Just finished Halo series and wanted to give this a go. Finished first chapter and just launched a rocket for hammer of dawn. They got me hooked already.

Next I plan on going through all the Resident Evil Remakes (0, 1, 2) leading up to 3.
The Division 2.

It's basic as fuck but finally fun at the end game stage.

But god damn is it really the most basic game without a fucking personality at all. (The story and world is better than the Watch_Dogs franchise, so Ubisoft is getting better) Every NPC is forgetable as hell and with the enemy factions, two of them look like color swaps of each other, Thank god for specializations for giving some variety in gameplay.

Really glad it only cost me 3 bucks. I'd be pissed if I spent 10 or more.
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Just want to brag.

PC: Doom(2016), Disco Elysium, Supraland

Xbox One: GTAV, Apex Legends

PS4: The Last of Us Remastered, Apex Legends
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Finished Chopper Attack on Nintendo 64. Good game but really short, only 8 levels (in Extreme Mode). I think Nuclear Strike should have been something like this, instead of the tilted view thing it was.

The ending probably has the best idea ever seen in a videogame, Saturn V launching helicopters! Those lazy NASA guys..



Got death stranding as a Christmas gift, finally got around to playing it. So far, all I've got to say is that the game is beyond weird. Haven't decided if I like it yet.


Gold Member
So a slight change for my rotation and I got back into BotW for the first time in almost a month. I never really feel like I make much progress other than a tower and a few shrines. Lack of enemy variety and weapon durability really bring down the experience.

Ok so currently:
Siege - main MP going on 3 years now, new season is out today I believe
Breath of the Wild - my current living room, chill on the couch game
Battlefront II - play this occasionally with friends on co-op, Ewoks are fun
Ghost Recon Future Solider - Got this recently for cheap, If I'm not playing BotW in the living room then I'll play this


The Tribe Has Spoken
I’m currently playing through Doom 3 for the first time after finishing Doom and Doom II.

The sound is really amazing and atmospheric on my 5.1 system and the gunplay feels great. Dunno if it’s the “HD rumble” of the Switch Pro controller or not, but the vibrations from shooting your weapons and even enemy bullets whizzing past, feels the best I’ve ever noticed in a shooter. Most games you barely notice it and don’t even think about it, but for some reason, this feels different.

I’m about 5 hours in and the levels are a bit samey and confusing, but I hear it changes up a bit in the final third. I love the atmosphere, I just wished they did more to differentiate level sections from each other. They all look exactly the same so far.



Playing Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon because our son has our Switch with him on campus, so I can't play the new remake of the first one. :( Super is great, but man, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't totally ga-ga over the presentation of this new one -- just love the visual style they went with!


Sonic 3 for the first time in many many years. Really enjoyed it, the Marble Garden and Ice Cap zones in particular (fantastic music tracks to them too). I was quite taken aback by the scale and non-linear layout of the stages in comparison to 1 & 2 but it made for a nice departure, there was plenty of scope for exploration and it was a bit slower paced but I found it had that bit more depth to the prequels, whether its a better game or not I'm not sure. I certainly enjoyed it more than the monstrosity of a sequel, Sonic 4.

Only negative points were the Carnival Night Zone (never liked Springyard or Casino Night zone) and Robotnik's encounters weren't as interesting as the other games.

Now if only Sonic 2HD would ever get finished.

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I have dusted my good old Nokia N95 8GB.

Finished Brother in Arms 3: Hell's Highway. Impressive Symbian 9.0 game, but the performance crawls between 12 and 15 frames per second, even when it is supposed to be OpenGL ES 1.1 hardware accelerated. The game itself is not nearly as good as Brother in Arms for N-Gage and Nintendo DS (that peformed equally bad).


Playing K-Rally. YEAH! This game was a blast back in 2007. It was like a Micro Machines version of Death Rally with solid 3D scenarios, great gameplay and even bluetooth multiplayer. It was developed by Polish studio iDreams (aka Skyforce and Can Knockdown developers).



Neo Member
GTA Online. 3x RP and GTAbux on deadline mode. I LOVED this game mode when it first came out on and played on PS4. Can never find a game of it on PC nowadays, but with the extra RP and dollaridoos though there's been a bit of a revival.


I just played through Axiom Verge, finishing it for the first time today. It was fantastic! With Axiom Verge 2 coming out, I really no need for mediocre official Metroids like Samus Returns. It's pretty amazing how fans of Metroid have, imo, surprised the people the real-deal. I haven't played AM2R, but from what I heard and seen, it looks MILES better than SR,

Anyway, didn't mean to get on my soapbox. I'm just glad to see indie developers picking up the slack when it comes to Metroid style games, and speaking of those...

I'm gonna have to finish Blasphemous. I loved it when it came out a few months back, got to one of the final areas, then got distracted with replaying all the Resident Evil games when RE3 was announced. I completely forgot where I was in Blasphemous, and will probably just start fresh with a new game instead of retracing all my steps to figure out where I'm at.


*sigh*....... sweet, sweet Final Fantasy VII, so beautiful, so well crafted in every detail.

Take for example the very moment you beat Motor Ball when you escape Shinra HQ. Cloud and his team of would be heroes stand at the end of the road over looking the world ahead of them, musing over their next move. As in the journey officially begins now.

Not unlike Final Fantasy 1. After you defeat Garland and leave Coneria your party crosses a bridge and the story truly unfolds.

It's good shit like this that keeps me playing the greats and looking for more nods or homages to other works.
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