So I've been playing some Chinese indie game call 'Rending Sky'.
What drew me to it was the naked chick with the spear and shield

When she (Rhea?) loses enough health, she also loses her shield (and the abilities is provides) and her sole piece of clothing - that sheet thing. There is no X-rated nudity though - just the occasional nipple or butt.
It plays like a REALLY janky Final Fight, so I cant really recommend it for the gameplay, but I can recommend it for the art style and character design.
The game plays okay-ishly once you get a handle on the controls. The naked chick can run around and has good mobility. She can also counter attacks with her shield, and she needs that to beat some of the bosses. The bosses will also kick your ass, until you learn to move, attack and counter properly.
There are two other playable characters. One is a blind swordsman, whose whole game revolves around landing counters. He's probably the most powerful character once you get used to his playstyle and the timing required for it. And then you have an angry orc brawler. He has good dash mobility and can run into an even bigger and angrier monster.
The game has some good ideas, like the different playstyles and ways to beat bosses, but the execution is rough.
Relatively short game too. Beat it in about 7 hours (with one of the characters), which is fine as I only paid $10 AUD for it. I've put in about 10 hours now.