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What game are you currently playing?


Spider-Man right this moment. Swinging thru NYC is very nice indeed. Webbed combat and gimmicks take the standard set by Batman out of Arkham and into an open world. loving all the side quest this is one I want to 100%

Control yeah this game is real good just now finding out

MGSV downloaded this for PS4 Pro after beating it many times o. pC and it holds up so so well. underrated af.

The Last of Us I’m seeing what all the fuss was about it’s a good game but I’m not super into the combat.

Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey when I need a break from shooting people and want to climb a tree and get a coconut instead. this and Death Stranding are both doing similar games. nonviolent world explorers. well I lied there is a lot of violence in the jungle just ask Herzog. love to be climbing through the trees. Primate Simulator is so good.

Demon’ Souls in RPCS3 at 60fps is great fun and looks wonderful but damn I forgot how hard that game is at times.

New Super Mario Bros. U slowly collecting all the special coins trying to 100% this game.

Tetris 99/Rocket League always. these are my only multiplayer games and I love them.

FFVII Remake trying to 100% this as well. Stuck at the secret Shinra VR boss.
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Ys VIII. The story so far is just kind of there,but the characters and combat have been enough to keep me interested.


Gold Member
Focusing completely on Persona 5 Royal right now. I'm 101 hours in so far but think I'm about maybe 10 hours away from finishing.

Once I'm done then I'm gonna go back to Pokemon Sword and start Persona 5 Dancing.

After that then I'll start Death Stranding + go back to Persona 4 Golden


I was working on Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but taking a short break to play stuffs that doesn't require too much attention. Moved over to Need for Speed Heat. It's not bad but I feel like the NFS series is too focused on adding other things than racing/cops. This story nonsense is too much. Not everything needs a detailed story.

You race, make money. Customize your cars. Buy more cars and better parts. Get a reputation for street racing, run from cops. Have rivals, be the best. That's really all it should be. Midnight Club LA did a pretty good job of this.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Going to give NFS Heat a try myself. Maybe I'm a dumbass.

Finallly got Dragon Warrior 11 - it's gorgeous.
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Blair Witch to me was just another uninspired first person horrorr game that is more interested in aping Silent Hill 2 than really doing anything interesting with the property. I don't know who the game is aimed at but I don't think it succeeds regardless.

I think I'm about to wind down on Friday the 13th as I'm close to hitting level 150.

I'm giving Dead by Daylight another chance at the moment due to the Silent Hill and Saw DLC. It's a little more fun than I remember, at least on the Survivor side, but man playing on PS4 sucks. Long wait times, godawful player base that ruins 90% of the matches, and performance issues that actually interfere with gameplay substantially. I probably won't stick with it.

On a more positive note I'm going to get back into Death Stranding today. Seems super fitting considering what's going on in the real world.
I too want to know how people rate that game. What’s the experience close to or feels like?
I downloaded it via Game Pass on the PC, played like for like 30 minutes and then deleted it. Do not bother. The game's shit.

@topic: Got the Platinum in Days Gone this week. Though it did overstay it's welcome toward the end I loooooved this game - and this even though I was like "no, not a sandbox game again..." at the beginning. It just clicked somehow a few hours in. Loved the characters, world building and the slow progression of the story.Could have been a bit more diverse with the side missions but meh... whatever. Loved it regardless. Guess Bend will improve on this in the sequel... which I bloody hope we'll get on the PS5. Would rate the game with a weak 9/10. It's been a bloody long time a game made me sit in front a the console for a couple of hours. Days Gone did.

Now I booted Terminator Resistance on the PS4. Honestly only bought this game because I got it for 10 EUR on Amazon, heard it's not THAT bad and the Platinum can be obtained rather quickly. A couple of hours in I have to say it's indeed not THAT bad. Graphics are fucking bad but the shooting feels just fine and the game is 60 fps. Gonna be just a quick romp.

After that I'll probably finally boot RDR2. Been holding out on this one for a very long time. After Days Gone I finally feel up to tackling it though. Dunno. Will see.
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The nicest person on this forum
I recently finished FF7R, I love what did with the ending with this game, even if Part 2 completely fails, I can still respect what they did.
Fire Emblem three houses, but Edelgard is annoying me. Should have went with Golden Deer.
Spider-Man right this moment. Swinging thru NYC is very nice indeed. Webbed combat and gimmicks take the standard set by Batman out of Arkham and into an open world. loving all the side quest this is one I want to 100%

Control yeah this game is real good just now finding out

MGSV downloaded this for PS4 Pro after beating it many times o. pC and it holds up so so well. underrated af.

The Last of Us I’m seeing what all the fuss was about it’s a good game but I’m not super into the combat.

Ancestors The Humankind Odyssey when I need a break from shooting people and want to climb a tree and get a coconut instead. this and Death Stranding are both doing similar games. nonviolent world explorers. well I lied there is a lot of violence in the jungle just ask Herzog. love to be climbing through the trees. Primate Simulator is so good.

Demon’ Souls in RPCS3 at 60fps is great fun and looks wonderful but damn I forgot how hard that game is at times.

New Super Mario Bros. U slowly collecting all the special coins trying to 100% this game.

Tetris 99/Rocket League always. these are my only multiplayer games and I love them.

FFVII Remake trying to 100% this as well. Stuck at the secret Shinra VR boss.

I will 100% go back to Spider-Man if they can do some sort of 60 FPS port on PS5.


I bought a Switch recently so I've been working my way through its exclusives. So far I've finished Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3 and Link's Awakening. I'm currently playing Animal Crossing and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. I have Mario Aces and Mario Odyssey coming next.

I honestly didn't enjoy Astral Chain and Link's Awakening, but I really enjoyed Luigi's Mansion 3. Animal Crossing is very addictive and has a lot of charm but it has already turned into something I check for 30-60 minutes a day and that's it. Mario Kart is incredible, easily the best kart racer ever.

My to do list: Pokemon Sword, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 and Splatoon 2.


Disgaea D2.
The game is not over until you have maxed all stats!
(Only about level ~1000 right now so the game has barely begun.)


I’ve been buying lately.

Guacamelee 2
I knew this would be fun because of how good the original was. Just reached the point at which I have the same power set as the original, which seems more accelerated than the original. That’s either because I backtracked so much in 1 or because they want to give you the powers a bit earlier. Or maybe I just played it a lot. Regardless, it’s more of the same with some upgrades, and that’s exactly what I wanted.

I’ve had a bit of a rough start with this one. I’ve been slightly stubborn with the difficulty, because I was insistent that there must have been something I missed that was making the combat so brutal. Turns out the only thing I missed was that your damage increases at the end of combos, which are timed. Luckily the game has fine tuning options for difficulty, so I’m going to tweak because the combat is such a low point of this game.

This is the game that has triggered a change in my purchasing habits. I will no longer buy games that compromise on combat or some other essential element of the fun. I watched ACG review Elex and he said the combat was lacking, but I thought “I’ve enjoyed clunky games before, it will be alright”. But that was before the bar was raised over the years and free time decreased. Luckily the next game is a departure from Elex’s combat.

Wow. The comparisons to Dark Souls put this on my list, but I didn’t realise just how custom made for me this game is. Loot drops and skill upgrades and style switching, gameplay is nice and quick, it’s challenging but I haven’t been mad about dying because right now it’s bliss. We’ll see if that remains true later in the game, but right now it’s brilliant fun and I can’t wait to play more of it. And then the sequel.


Gold Member
Nioh : just finished up the main story and can now start the DLC.
I've never played Diablo or the like but the loot system post main game in
Way of the Strong
is ridiculously addictive.
Over 70 hours in. Odachi is my main weapon type and completely overpowered.


I've been playing through Trials of Mana and for breaks and regular fun I hop into a bit of Animal Crossing and Everybody's Golf. Don't know what it is about the later but I find myself just absorbed and constantly playing while the hours fly by. I also had it on my backlog but after the thread I started up MGSV again, starting over but enjoying myself for the most part. Thinking of what games I'm going to start next. Oh yeah and chipping away at Yakuza 0 still.
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Neo Member
I've been doing one or two quests a month in Red Dead Redemption 2 since the end of 2018 when the xbox one x came out. I realized I don't like playing it on console that much and yet I hate to double-dip on the PC version too. I'm up to 30% completed in it, I love the world and whatnot but not the controller stuff. I actually don't like the characters in that game either, that's part of it, not even the protagonist. But I love the world so much.


Darkness no more
I tried playing Drakengard 3. It’s been a long time since I’ve played something that is this much of a technical mess. The frame rate constantly drops by large amounts even when you are just walking around a plain looking environment. Going to drop it.


The nicest person on this forum
I tried playing Drakengard 3. It’s been a long time since I’ve played something that is this much of a technical mess. The frame rate constantly drops by large amounts even when you are just walking around a plain looking environment. Going to drop it.
Yeah, that game is technical mess but I liked the story and character enough to finish the game.

Man, I would give anything for proper remake on Drakengard 3.


Still going strong with Streets of Rage 4. I honestly didn’t expect much from this game – I’d played a beat-em-up here and there, but none from the SoR series. I mainly bought it to support what I saw as a solid retro revival effort.

Man, I love this game.

I’ve now completed it on every difficulty except Mania (and, well, Easy) and am now trying to raise my level scores on the Hard difficulty. There are so many different ways to take out enemies, with certain enemies needing one strategy or another, that I don’t tire of the gameplay. And the art and music are tasty.

Just about done on the co-op Luigi‘s Mansion 3 playthrough with my daughter. That’s a really special title too.
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Driver San Francisco what a game! Fortunately compatiable on the Xbox 1 , I didn't get the game when it originally came out in 2011, but even so it still holds up today...shame there aren't any weather effects in it though...


What time is it?
Wrapped up Vanquish on PS4. It's as fun as ever and I like brisk 6-hour campaigns.

I dabbled with some Game Pass games this weekend.

-Thronebreaker: Forgot how much I disliked Gwent. I'm also not a fan of the stylized characters (Cel Shaded?) in this game. It was also found in Shadow Tactics.
-Streets of Rogue: Speaking of styles that didn't impress.
-West of Dead: Something just feels wrong about the controls.


Shadow of Mordor because:

1) I just listened to the giant bomb 2014 game of the year podcast
2) I started it years ago and liked it a lot but didn’t finish it
3) Despite a pretty sever pendulum swing the other direction, it’s one of the most notable games of the generation that is just ending.
4) Third person action games are probably my favorite genre.


Just beat Super Metroid for the first time
Wrapping up the platinum on TLOU2
Warcraft 3 / Everybody's Golf / Dead Cells for quick sessions


What time is it?
Shadow of Mordor because:

1) I just listened to the giant bomb 2014 game of the year podcast
2) I started it years ago and liked it a lot but didn’t finish it
3) Despite a pretty sever pendulum swing the other direction, it’s one of the most notable games of the generation that is just ending.
4) Third person action games are probably my favorite genre.

I got to the half way point I think (second map in the game) and just completely lost steam.


TLOU2 very slowly. Everytime I put the fam to bed I think I have energy to play but it hasnt been lasting very long.

TBF during the day Ive been doing construction projects around my home and oneof my rentals. So when I stop I get tired.


I recently finished FF7R, Xenoblade Chronicles DE and TLOU2. All three very good games. Now I have tons of games I've never played in both PS4 and Xbox but I don't feel like starting any of them. I resumed Death Stranding and, as much as I wanted to play it until finishing it, it is not hooking me so I am starting RDR2 again. Maybe I'm starting to lose interest in gaming...


Got rid of TLOU Remastered and installed Darksiders 3: art direction is majestic, like all the other games in the series, but the Dark Souls-ish turn is not pretty...especially since you die a lot and loading times are LOOOOOONG


Still on the phenomenal Death Stranding. Last Of Us 2 next with Gris and Nier Automata on the horizon.

After the surprise that is Death Stranding going out of my comfort zone I’m willing to experiment a bit, hence Nier. Heck may even check out Persona 5 at some point.
Chipping away at Kingdom Come Deliverance (Henry masquerading as a monk right now). This past week I've been playing split-screen fps with my son. We played CoD4: modern Warfare (Ps3), Timesplitters 2 (PS2), and SW: Battlefront (PS4). It was a lot of fun trolling him in MW since he was new to the game. Most of the old out-of-bounds glitches still seem to work.

Naked Lunch

Kid Icarus - Metroid 1 (NES)
Sin and Punishment (N64)
F-Zero GX (Gamecube)
Advance Wars (GBA)
Batsugun (Saturn)
MUSHA - Rocket Knight 1 (Genesis)
World of Tanks (Xbox one)

The lockdown allowed me time to research how to hook up old games to modern sets. Unpacked all my old consoles - my setup is glorious. Modern gaming doesnt hold a candle to the stuff im re-discovering.
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I'm going back and trying to catch up on PS360-era games I never played.

Currently playing Far Cry 3 (which I absolutely love so far) and just started Bioshock.
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Completed TLoU2. Currently playing AC Rogue for it being the only one I have never played before. Basically keeling myself busy with Singleplayer games until Ghost of Tsushima comes out.

Always playing some Hitman 2, R6 Siege (if I can motivate some friends), Warzone and WoW Classic in between every now and then.


  • Destiny 2 - This game could really use a Photo Mode, so many gorgeous locations that I wish I could use as wallpapers.
  • Counter-Strike Global Offensive - When I complete the weekly challenges of Destiny 2, I jump back here for quick casual rounds.
  • Darksiders 3 - I loved the first two so much that I decided to grab the third one when I saw it on sale, loving it so far, thoughtful puzzles and satisfying combat, seems they decided to ditch the loot system, if that's the case then glad they did, it's one of the aspects that I didn't find very appealing in Darksiders 2.
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Trying to get the last trophies for Puyo Puyo Tetris. Hate having to do endless fever over and over again.

Might try goinf back to Sakura Wars after that.

Mr Hyde

Finished all the campaigns in Resident Evil 6. I had to muster up some unexpected strength in order to finish this. No matter how I slice it, RE 6 is a fucking disaster through and through. It's design choices are baffling, and every chapter is riddled with annoying segments of qte, repetitive action, cheap deaths and ludicrous set pieces.

The pacing is fucked up and you never get a moment to breathe. Every third minute there is an explosion or gun fight or something happening. And every time something happens the director wants you to pay attention to it and pans the camera over and zooms in on the action, forcing the controls away from you. It's so incredibly frustrating because the camera is already so bad that it gets borderline confusing when trying to deal with all the other shit that happens on screen.

The story is lousy fan fiction at best. I'm not playing RE to experience a well written story, but the series has always delivered a sort of campy and fun homage to old school zombie movies that I've always enjoyed. But here it goes overboard with uninteresting characters, plot devices, retreads, dumb action and uninspired bosses.

Resident Evil 6 is a bloated mess. It's what happens when you're chasing trends and wants to transform your franchise into something it's not. It takes so many cues from cinematic styled games like Uncharted that was popular at the time, and completely misses the mark, not only alienating the audience that enjoys these games, but also betrays RE-fans.

The only good thing I can come up with regarding this game is the melee combat and Ada Wong. The combat is fleshed out and with numerous ways to engage the enemy. It makes some of the enemy encounters more enjoyable than the stiff gunplay that you could find in the predecessors.

Ada Wongs campaign is the most fun as it ties up loose ends of the story and handles her characterization best out of all the games she's featured in. She strikes the perfect blend of a sexy femme fatal who's skilled in combat but also as a person who genuinely cares about her friends, despite toying with them for her own amusement. I hope Ada gets her own spinoff game sometime in the future.

Resident Evil 6 is best forgotten as a bad reminder of the identity crisis that Capcom experienced at the time. Luckily they listened to the feedback and rebooted the franchise with the excellent RE 7. The series is now back on track, looking more promising than it has ever done before.


Just completed Fallen Order.... enjoyed it but it has a lot of technical issues, graphics are not very good, loads of cracks in walls to hide loading and lifts, not enough variety in force powers..... I think Control had better feeling powers and gameplay. Stig is all over this game.... the puzzles and climbing sections are very reminiscent of parts of GOW 2 & 3. A decent game...it's metacritic is probably too high, reviewers probably wanted to encourage EA to make more of these types of games..... didn't work that way.

Next I'll start Uncharted Lost Legacy and I hope I can fit in another game before Ghost of Tsushima is out.
Days Gone. Good fun but frame rate is atrocious on a base PS4. Bought the Dark Souls Trilogy on sale recently so that’s next for me. Not buying any more games this generation until I buy a PS5. Have plenty on PS plus backlog that will tide me over for a few months.
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