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This must be the epitome of bullshit game design.


Curse of the dead gods.

I kinda wanna try mafia remake but everytime i look at some gameplay videos it just looks like mafia 3 gameplay with a different coat of paint and i hate mafia 3.
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
This weekend I played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Altough I played it on hard the game lends a bit on the easy side, at least until the end.
Still, the game is a hell of a good time. Wish it was longer tho, the game feels like a bush rush more than anything else (but what a rush).


This weekend I played Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Altough I played it on hard the game lends a bit on the easy side, at least until the end.
Still, the game is a hell of a good time. Wish it was longer tho, the game feels like a bush rush more than anything else (but what a rush).
Some say this game is even better than MetalGear 5! I myself got back into MGS2 HD edition, and close to completing it for the first time ever, outside of that I only ever completed MGS1 Twin Snakes, and MGS4...


I dropped my controller on my exposed SSD and destroyed it, the SSD, so lost my OS and all my savegames, lol.

Upon reinstalling everything on my HDD it made me appreciate my gaming setup even more and I really started getting into Doom Eternal. Playing with 360 controller on very high sensitivity on Hurt Me Plenty provides just enough balance. It's actually so exilerating. It doesn't necceserily look good, except when it's in motion but then, damn.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Some say this game is even better than MetalGear 5! I myself got back into MGS2 HD edition, and close to completing it for the first time ever, outside of that I only ever completed MGS1 Twin Snakes, and MGS4...
Haha well, I won't compare MGR with V because they are completetly different games. But yeah! Both are pretty enjoyable, but I would put MGR above V too.

Are you playing the Metal Gear saga for the first time? Hope you are having fun! You should play 3 next, imo it's the best of them all. (Though I still need to play 4, as I never had a ps3)


Haha well, I won't compare MGR with V because they are completetly different games. But yeah! Both are pretty enjoyable, but I would put MGR above V too.

Are you playing the Metal Gear saga for the first time? Hope you are having fun! You should play 3 next, imo it's the best of them all. (Though I still need to play 4, as I never had a ps3)
Not playing the saga for the first time, years ago I completed twin-snakes, then in 2008 I got the PS3 especially for MGS4! ...MGS 3 I saw a video walkthrough at the time before it came out on the HD collection, same with Peace-walker...it would have been great if they brought out a HD update of portable ops, loved the music/cutscenes to that game..


I finally did it and bought No man's sky. I saw the recent update and it is currently on sale. After approx. 10 hours I really like it! it´s a great game to zone out and just relax.


Final Fantasy XIII. I have played all of the Final Fantasy's multiple times outside of the XI, and XIII. My favorite favorite video games as a kid and teenager starting with the firstnon NES.

2 hours in impressions from best to worst.

Music and Sound design: The battle theme immediately forced itself into my internal brain playlist. The sound design for the battles are crisp and feel arcade-esque which I love.

Ganeplay: Theres not a lot to do in the battles right now but I'm a fan of turn based and I like the presentation. I can see how it could evolve and get more interesting as more skills and atb bars become available. Its fast paced, and the stagger animation and sound hits a dopamine trigger. I hope they utilize the ranking for better loot like it says. So far it doesn't seem to matter much. I also like using the field items to effect the start of battles, especially the sneaky one that gives you initiative and gets the enemies close to stagger at the beginning of battle.

Graphics and Presentation: Even for final fantasy standards I thought the graphics would look a little dated. No qualms whatsoever. The envinroments and futuristic and isn't my favorite, but it's different enough to beinteresting.

Story: I know its early, but it feels like they are trying a little to hard. I cant even remember how to spell most the terms and they seem out there and hard to take seriously. Fal-ci Ill-C.... it's strange cause the loading screen summarys and kind of captivating butbi wouldn't put that all together while playing. I know this is a common complaint of the game and dont expect it to get better. Not sure if I'll deep dive into the literature or lore though I've heard it help make it more intersting.

Characters and Voice acting: Phew, honestly abysmal at this point outside of maybe Lightning. Theres a hint of a draw from Lightning and her relationship to her sister. But everything else is cringy garbage so far in my opinion.

I love the Final Fantasy games for the characters and stories first. With those being the biggest weakness so far with XIII I'm not optimistic. Gonna give it some more hours in my limited play time I have to give it a fair shake and see if the gameplay, world, and music can make it worth it.

If not I got spiritfarer preloaded which I'm kinda interested in.

Dick Jones

I'm currently playing Watch_Dogs. It's a better game than people give it credit for. Even with the downgrade on visuals prior to release it is still a beautiful game years on. Burdening the word iconic on the protagonist just introduced was a mistake that led to people mocking it. I got it cheap but had it in the backlog as it was treated as a joke (ala Knack but Knack 2 is a very underrated game as a result). A near launch PS4 game its better than most I had at the time. Thw ending will probably suck now after all the praise.


Been playing a lot of Switch, specifically Mario games recently.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - According to my Switch I've played this game for over 65 hours already and I've only owned the Switch for a year.
I've recently started playing it online again and try to get in at least a few quick races every day.

Mario Tennis Aces - I've owned this game for a while but only really played it in local multiplayer when friends came over or with the girlfriend. I've only just started the adventure mode and am really enjoying it so far. Playing adventure mode has definitely made me better at the game but I still don't feel good enough to try it online yet. It's a fun sports game though especially in a world without Virtua Tennis.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars - I haven't played any of these games before so have started with M64.
I'm not really struggling that much with the camera and think Mario actually controls incredibly well for such an old game. I'm playing through it with my gf though and we haven't really made much progress but it's been fun (think we only have 11 stars so far). I'm desperate to play Galaxy but am going to save it for around Xmas time.
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Gold Member
Still going through the Bioshock series.
Maybe 3/4s done Bioshock.

Also started the Wither 3 again. Tried to get into it a couple times before. I think with a lot of down time (covid) I have enough time to let things soak in. I'm loving the world and lore. (potions, oils, toxicity, crafting, runes)

I also started Dragon Quest XI. I might have to choose between the two RPGs and focus on one for a while.

Currently d/l Destiny 2 free to play. Need some sort of shooter to unwind.


Far Cry 4
It was for a long time on my shelf and finally decided to try. Much better than 5th part, but worst than FC3.
Almost 20 h in and 6 missions to the end. Decent game, but nothing more or less.

Mr Hyde

Soon done with Paper Mario. It's been great so far, minus the repetitive combat. After that I'm leaning towards Super Mario Galaxy or Blasphemous Stir of Dawn NG+ run.
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So in honor of the new Hyrule Warriors game coming out in a while, I decided to finally play the first one...until I tried to buy it. It was out of stock everywhere and price gouged in several used store. Here I thought it'd be like 20 bucks new by now. Man, Nintendo games play by a whole different set of rules. Anyways, managed to snag a copy of the definitive edition on Switch at Gamestop eventually, so I've been playing through that. It's got a little more soul than an average musou, but it's not doing anything drastically different than the usual formula. That said, it's been a long ass time since I played through an entire musou game. I really hate when stages are designed to zig zag you across opposite ends of the map multiple times per stage. This game seems to be more fond of than than most, but they let you swap characters and actually point characters to wait at a certain spot, which is nice.

Also been grinding out both of my characters for Monster Hunter World, to get the valentines layered sets. My alt is barely MR2 so I can't craft the actual armor sets to make farming the VIP tickets faster, so I've been grinding flora frostbite event quest and helping noobs trying to get my 5 tickets. It's been slow.

Also I've been really really into Genshin Impact the past few days. It pretty much took all other gaming time away. I'm really having fun exploring the world and doing sidequests for now.
Persona 3: FES (The Journey).

As the first of the modern Persona trilogy, a lot of it felt like a rough first draft of what was much more polished in Persona 4, and that made me appreciate how reactive the developers were to their own work/community feedback, and how well they managed to significantly improve the design in future sequels. Now even though it does feel like a first draft, that doesn't mean it's bad. The elements that shape its identity as a (modern) Persona are there, and they are good.

The non-controllable characters were far less of a hassle than i thought they would be. The AI does a decent job, for the most part. You can nudge the actions of your party in the right direction through the use of Tactics. Most of the complaints i've seen made me expect something bad. I was stupidly deceived. The combat is good.

I didn't mind Tartarus as much as i thought i would. I guess it's a matter of properly balancing the social/sim portion and the dungeon crawling portion in a way that you don't feel burned out. The dungeon floors, although repetitive, are short and direct. At first, i was a little worried of how progression was saved for the dungeon part, but i got used to it; The fact that i can avoid encounters by navigating around them, and the fact that enemies will avoid you after a certain level helped alleviate that.

The writing is ..clumsy, for the most part, and there is no subtlety to its theme. I think i fundamentally liked the narrative more here than in Persona 4, but the characters (despite their unrealistic attachment to the protagonist) are far better handled in Persona 4. Aigis is good though, that character can stand toe to toe with the best of Persona 4's cast.

All in all, P3FES is worth playing, at least once to get the full experience. It's .. almost great, with highs and lows. But i definitely recommend P3 Portable for replays. The gameplay improvements, quality of life additions, the user interface improvements and the additional content in Persona 3 Portable vastly outweigh the only negative aspect (the gutted presentation) in comparison to Persona 3 FES.

Now on to Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
Nexomon Extinction, here and there. Fun Pkmn clone. All the quips from the cat-buddy go over my kids' heads, but it's a pretty self-aware game. Reminds me of Disgaea, in that sense.


I gave up on RE7 for now - for some reason, too scared and not too motivated... Will definitely pickup later day - but started playing 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim!

Im not even out of the guest house and it hasn’t scared me too bad yet. Ha. I’m determined to make this my first finished RE game.
Finally started Crysis (the original one, not the remake/remaster/rewhatever).
Am I the only one who looked at the difficulty setting and immediately used the hardest, just so that Koreans actually, you know, speak Korean?


Control on the PS4. My friend recommended this game to me and I am really digging it. REALLY DIGGING it.

heh heh Fortnite with my son the "Build Dad build, why are you not building?!?!?" Edition.

Although to be honest, FN is one of my guilty pleasures when I have no games to play. I mainly work for the umbrella then leisurely do the quests. We just started playing again and having a new map to explore is pretty interesting. I will also say I am not a social gamer. even in MMOs I usually solo as far as I can or play with my wife or close friends. In Fortnite, I actually added people to my friends list and look forward to playing with them when they are on.


How many hours you got in The Sims 3?I finished Ghost of Tsushima.Amazing game,now Mafia 1 from 2002 and RE7.

Honestly, I have no idea how many hours since I use my physical discs and do not use Origin or have TS3 on Steam.

Ghost of Tsushima and RE7 are amazing. I enjoyed both as well. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


Im not even out of the guest house and it hasn’t scared me too bad yet. Ha. I’m determined to make this my first finished RE game.

Good for you! I think it's the 1st person shooter motion sickness, combined with 1st person jump scares etc - and I feel pretty powerless at this point of the game.... and I normally have the most trouble on beginning part of any RE games where I have pretty much nothing to go on or to fight back.

I'm not much further into than where you are, I think.... but there was just one section of hide-and-seek part, where I'm not sure how well hidden my body is (Unlike 3rd person view, I can't see my own body) - so I end up exposing myself, and got caught up from behind a few times - and that's where I gave up for the point being.

Maybe once I beat the 13 Sentinels in a couple of weeks - it would be a full Halloween swing, so I may just jump back in and deal with the Bakers. :D


Strangest thing... I'm currently replaying Assassin's Creed Revolutions. But the longer I play, the more I'm starting to suspect I have never played it before. And I was so sure but none of it feels familiar.

My memory was that the Pope ending of Brotherhood happened in Revolutions and the one in Brotherhood was just a fake out.

Such a weird feeling.

But the game seems very entertaining. So yay for me.


I am currently playing a few games, this week anyway.

I'm playing Ghost of Tsushima. I picked it up at launch but I binge games for a bit and then take breaks so I'm only a third or so through.

I am also playing Red Dead Online doing dailies until I get to 250 gold bars. I play it pretty casually to keep it from being tedious.

Then I also have been playing a lot of Super Mario Sunshine. This has always been my favourite Mario game that I only ever played at friends houses or on slightly jank emulation. Its really nice to revisit it on the switch.

And I've been dabbling a little bit with Super Mario 64 as well, although I did hack my switch so I could put the homebrew version of the game on it. I liked that it runs 1080p 60fps and has some mods built in so I can play as Luigi. I remember as a kid around launch hearing endless rumours of Luigi in the game but he never was so that's kind of satisfying to play.

Oh and I nearly forgot about VR I play Pistol Whip at least a couple of times a week, and play a fair amount of Vrchat.

I think that's it for this week. If I go back another week there's some other games I've started but these ones have been consistent.
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Paying The Touryst. This is a great game for when you don't have the energy for something that requires time investment. I'm working on the high scores at the arcade which is harder than I thought it would be. Just needed to get it on the Arkanoid clone. So far I've had a lot of fun in the game is very rewarding. So if you hate 3D platforming this game is definitely not going to change your opinion.


It's funny, I rarely play ARPG's but when I do I love them. It's always like another year before I play another one.

My latest example is I was really into POE. Loved it. Haven't played another until just starting Grim Dawn (which I'm part way into). Also playing D3 alongside atm and enjoying that (tho it seems a little too streamlined for my taste). Why do I always forget about this genre? ffs.
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Probably gonna try to beat Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (PS4), beat the original years ago but I've been enjoying it. After that, might try to beat either Shenmue 1 HD (PS4) or Pokemon Shield (Switch). Pretty deep into all three games.


I've been playing the XCOM2 complete edition on ps4. Its amazing and a total mess at the same time. The game itself is basically everything I wanted after the first one, but dear lord does it run like a mess. It also deleted an Iron Man save into the ether, which a quick google search revealed was far from an uncommon occurrence, so I had to bite the bullet and play honest man style. So far I've been a little dishonest its fair to say, which is why I just prefer doing iron man runs.

The fucked thing is I bought the complete edition of the first game on ps3 years ago and it was basically the same. After the second corrupted iron man save I never played it again, and its a big part of the reason it took me so long to pick up the sequel.

Fucking sigh. Fool me once, some shit some shit

It's funny, I rarely play ARPG's but when I do I love them. It's always like another year before I play another one.

My latest example is I was really into POE. Loved it. Haven't played another until just starting Grim Dawn (which I'm part way into). Also playing D3 alongside atm and enjoying that (tho it seems a little too streamlined for my taste). Why do I always forget about this genre? ffs.

Ah yes. Grim Dawn. In the last 4 years or so, I too have gotten 'part' way through it

got the lordvessel from an epic pair of digital tits, and gave it to the snake that just appeared before the lizard palace

tried a couple of the orange gates...bosses hard lol...haven't run into the third gate it showed in the cinematic, and since they disappeared, that could get tricky

stone greatsword is rad, game is rad


RE7 - Just finished second fight with Jack. Pushing on.

Project Cars 3 - Just racing and completing career mode challenges.


Currently playing RAGE 2 on PC (nearly at the end) and also The messenger (great game, by the way), to bad i don´t have much time.


Replaying Halo CE in the Master Chief Collection. Switching on and off remake visuals. Man, 343 really screwed up the visuals. I think the older look was so much better, Bungie are indeed the kings of FPS genre.
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Mr Hyde

Bulletstorm: Duke of Switch Edition

Grabbed it for 5 bucks on the Eshop. Probably the only dudebro shooter I can tolerate. Playing as Duke is hilarious, his deadpan dialogue fits perfectly within the games premise, as it's equally over the top and absurd. The skill shot system is fun and it's never a dull moment. Better than Duke Nukem Forever.
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