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What game are you currently playing?


The nicest person on this forum
TBH, I would love to see this game made into an Anime or movie. It would be a pretty ambitious project!
The best part about how the story constructed is you choose how you approach each story, and story in none linear. I'm not sure how it would worked as movie or TV show.
but the different timeline of each happening is slightly confusing.
You can check Event Archive to see in chronological order.


Primarily Sakura Wars.

I'm not much for the stats baseball types gush over, but the moments MLB The Show 19 clicks are a pleasant surprise. Hey so what last year's game was in the bargain bin!


Just finished Chapter 8 of Sacred Stones. Gonna go with Eirikia's route. I've played the GBA games quite a few times already, but man, going back to them after the 3DS games (which I still love Awakenings, don't get me wrong) is so refreshing in terms of dialogue and story progression. They may not be Lord of the Rings, but in comparison to the Fates games -- holy shit! -- just so, so refreshing. Plus, I love the sprites and animations :p


Crash Bandicoot 4!

I could not be more pleased with this. Having waited 22 years for a real Crash 4. No disrespect to Toys For Bob but looking at their releases of the 2000's, this game has no right being as excellent as it is. These guys have done the franchise proud.

Mr Hyde

42 stars in Super Mario Galaxy. I love the fast and fluid gameplay. You're constantly flying around to different platforms, with gravity switching, challenging platform sequences, hidden stars, boss fights etc. It'sso creative and varying. It shows the devs has been going nuts with crazy ideas. It also looks so good in HD. My favorite 3D Mario game without a doubt.


Oneechanbara Origins. First time trying out this series. I actually like this a lot. I wasn't expecting it to be super deep but it definitely has some cool shit.


Resident Evil 7 via gamepass.

I'm enjoying this much more second time round several years later. I was hyped to the point of ultimately being disappointed first time, but this time it's much better.


Finished Mankind Divided. It's excellent. I hope Cyberpunk is able to scratch the same itch.

Then I played Headliner: Novinews (sale on eshop). That was interesting, loved how most of the consequences were revealed right after making them. I think I'll have to replay it at some point.

Other sale title I got from eshop was 80 days. I've played it before on tablet and got back to London around 70 days. This time 50 days had passed before I got through Asia. Hit 80 in Bangkok. Had a lot of money but my route sucked.

What next? No clue.


Diablo 3. Never been interested to play any of these, but my son loves DOTA2, and D3 Ultimate was like 70% off on PSN, so I bought it so we could play co-op when he’s on break. Just downloaded it yesterday to test it out, and I’ll be damned if I’m not loving the shit out of it!


Diablo 3. Never been interested to play any of these, but my son loves DOTA2, and D3 Ultimate was like 70% off on PSN, so I bought it so we could play co-op when he’s on break. Just downloaded it yesterday to test it out, and I’ll be damned if I’m not loving the shit out of it!
D3 is a great podcast game as well. I spent alot of time listening to last podcast on the left while playing through D3. I'd recommend torchlight 2 if you want more of that kind of gameplay.

As for me, most just Ff15.


Horizon Zero Dawn on PS4 (fat). I am enjoying it a lot! I recommend it to anyone looking for a good open world, action oriented adventure game.

It has some bad aspects:
- Humans enemies are dumb and damage sponges.
- The tutorial at the beginning sucks and might turn some people off.
- Hunting Grounds are not fun.

But it has definitely some high quality content:
- Fighting machines is mostly tons of fun and allows creative combat.
- The graphics even on PS4 fat are beautifull.
- The world's flora is impressive and the natrual environments are really immersive.

That being said, the high points far outweigh the bad ones. Definitely a fantastic game!


Currently playing LEGO Jurassic Park. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen the movies, so I watch the movie first, and then I play that part of the game. It’s really funny how Traveler’s Tales puts their G rated spin on some of the scenes. Several of which are literally 1:1 with the movie. Plus, I love the use of the voice work throughout.


Going through Stalker series, finished Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky, started today with Call of Pripyat, so far I'm enjoying it.

I've only finished SoC when it was released, skipped Clear Sky due to how buggy it was at release (and still is lol), somehow forgot about CoP along the way.


I've started playing Darksiders Genesis and I like the twin stick shooter mechanics, especially since I'm playing as Strife and relying a lot on ranged combat. The game looks nice and I enjoy exploring the maps, but the platforming sections can be infuriating. I've already died many times, because the game didn't respond to my inputs like I wanted to. The isometric view doesn't help at all with this, probably wouldn't be an issue if the game had traditional third person perspective.


found a f2p game Might and Magic: Chess Royale. It's an auto battler royale which is surprisingly fun, but has some pay to win mechanics. most games I get top1 without having paid anything, but I got lucky with some of the heroes I got in chests. They also don't do a whole ton of events or worthwhile daily quests unfortunately. Like the game though, but could use a good amount of improvement.


Been back to the tried and true CiV 6 on the switch...
To hyped about next gen with no load times, to start a new console game...

Been modding nerf guns too which is a blast,,,


Yakuza 6 and Star Wars Squadrons in PSVR. Just filling time til Cyberpunk.
Is Squadrons worth it for PSVR? I have a PSVR and for me it's such a slog to set up, I was thinking to just play it without VR but do you think it's worth the experience? I have not bought the game yet, was gonna wait for sale.


as mind-blowing as it gets

yes, setting up psvr is boring, which is why I only did it once
ok cool.

Yeah it's a chore because I don't like the mess leaving it out but even if I do, I have to switch the cables out every time to play normal games in HDR. I hope whenever we get a PSVR2 it is much simpler, its the reason I don't play my VR much.


Gold Member
Sin & Punishment on N64. The character models look kinda creepy. The English dubbing is a nice touch. Wonky controls, but the game is enjoyable to say the least.

Bonk’s Adventure on Wii U VC. Such a great game with lots to look at. The facial expressions on Bonk’s face are hilarious.

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Finished Lost Sphear, some of these bosses in the end game were super annoying, and like every Tokyo RPG Factory game, everything was so bleak and a tad depressing... I still enjoyed it, but these games are weird. The UI looks a bit low budget too in their games.

Still going on Genshin Impact and MtGA, hitting a bit of a wall in Genshin tho, I'm AR 27 and I need to be 29 to continue the story, which looks like I"ll have to do some grinding.


Started the Resident Evil 3 remake (on PC) which is very nice looking and fun, alltho it feels a bit like a downgrade from the previous remake, in puzzles and characters (I'm not that far tho). It's a cool Halloween game.

Haven't played any more Gravity Rush 2, should get to that in the weekend.
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Prince of Persia 2008.
To my surprise this is running at 720p60 on PS3!!! Does anyone know if the 360 version also runs at 60fps? It should be a smooth locked 60 on XSX if it is. The PS3 version has some tearing. Oh my god, I hope MS can find a way to get it at 4K, too.

EDIT: Having looked on YouTube, the Xbox 360 is 30fps. So it's probably the same on PS3 but the console is outputting at 60Hz but not 60 fps.
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Remnant from the ashes with my kids
Pretty fun but not sure I'd play it Solo

Apex with my friends cause they basic bitches

Divinity 2 and honestly everyone should give this game a try.
Wish I had more time for games because there are a lot that I'd love to play.
Everyone should play Cloudpunk if you need that cyberpunk feel before the real thing. Exploring the dense city is a joy and really pop on my Oled. Other than that, Apex Legends and replaying Witcher 3. Next week is a busy busy week for new releases.


Would you replay Mass Effect 2 for a 2nd time, or wait knowing the legendary edition is around the corner, with added content, refined interface etc....?


Would you replay Mass Effect 2 for a 2nd time, or wait knowing the legendary edition is around the corner, with added content, refined interface etc....?

I just finished the trilogy on PS3. Thoroughly enjoyed it. And I'd be ready to do them all again with the legendary edition, with hopefully better resolution and frame rate.


I recently finished Horizon Zero Dawn, with about 40 hours of gameplay. I really, really liked it!

Beautifully crafted open world, with tons of truly varied environments and a constant feel of threat. From deserts to deep forests or cold mountains, every place in this game is really well made and immersive.

I also enjoyed most of the combat gameplay aspects. Fighting most machines is pretty fun, and it's very interesting to see how differently each of them acts accordingly to the animal they represent. Some of them (Stalkers specailly) are really smart btw!

The story starts as some kind of uninteresting and generic tale, but it actually evolves into something way deeper and more interesting than I could have imagined - it became really good and interesting, and I totally want to know how it will continue in the next game.

The bad things imo were: a) the horribly long and hand holding tutorial with kid Aloy; b) bad inventory management system; c) bullet sponges human enemies with bad AI; d) some frustrating and bad designed hunting grounds. (even though I got a Sun mark in all of them)

Since the good aspects far outweighs the bad, I believe I could give this game something about 8.5/10 if I had to score it.

Now I have bought Spider-Man, The Last of Us 2 and Ghost of Tsushima. Am unsure which one should I start next.


Is Squadrons worth it for PSVR? I have a PSVR and for me it's such a slog to set up, I was thinking to just play it without VR but do you think it's worth the experience? I have not bought the game yet, was gonna wait for sale.
I think so. The TIE fighter, because of its design, is just a window you look out of so almost might as well just be a screen, but all the other ships have great up, left, and right views to take in that I think it’s a huge advantage over playing it on a tV. The limit for me is one or two levels at a time, though, due to VR gurgle gut.


Blasphemous. I'm about half an hour in and its getting pretty tough.

Are we talking Ghouls n' Ghosts levels of difficulty as the game progresses?
I finished Yakuza Kiwami 2 the other day! Amazing game from start to finish! Awesome main story, great characters, ridiculous and over the top sub-stories. I even completed the Cabaret Club storyline lol.

Yesterday I started playing "A Plague Tale Innocence". I had to turn off chromatic aberration right from the start, I almost got a headache a few minutes in. I'm on chapter 3 now and I'm really liking the game. Good setting, interesting premise and characters. Looking forward to playing more.

Mr Hyde

Finished the first dungeon and major boss in CrossCode. This game takes me back to the beautiful 16 and 32-bit era, when in my teenage years I was playing Alundra, Suikoden, Pocky and Rocky and Zelda AlttP. This game feels like a mix of all the above, with a cross between sci fi setting and old school jrpg fantasy.

I'm 10 hours in and I absolutely love every second of it. The puzzles can be a bit obtuse and difficult but it's not something that takes away the enjoyment of the overall gameplay experience.


Fallout New Vegas just keeps getting better and better.

I was getting my ass kicked. Then i found a dead body of a "Legion" soldier. I stole his powerful pistol.

Now i am raiding a factory and fighting against GHOULS. So good.

There is a voice calling me upstair, apparently he is the leader of the ghouls. I am going there, wish me luck.


Done with the 13 Sentinels - as much as I loved the game, I don't think I have enough to go through 9999 (?) stages in post game - LOL... I think I was up to 60+ waves and called it a quits. A truly lovely game.

Was thinking about what to play next - thought about picking up RE7 where I left - but decided to go to the Legend of Zelda: Link's awakening remake for the Switch. Since I played GBC version a long long time ago (one of my favorite 2D Zelda game) - so figured it's an overdue. Currently in an early part of the game in the forest, looking for the tail key - I'm pretty charmed by the gfx style... although the frame rate drop is pretty noticeable even docked - but it's so cute! LOL. Hopefully I will be done with the game by the time PS5/XSX gets released.


What time is it?
Went Gamepassing the last couple of nights:

-Supraland: It's charming and I really like the progression, but the locomotion and jumping feel pretty terrible. I was super excited to see this on Game Pass but I doubt I'll finish it.
-ScourgeBringer: Nothing really wrong with it but boy does it feel like every other Indie game out there.
-Rainbow Six Siege: Just wanted to play some Terrorist Hunt and boy does it feel clunky.
-Brutal Legend: I rescued the headbangers before giving up. Looks and feels super dated.
-UnderMine: Speaking of games that feel like every other indie Rogue-like.

Maybe I'm overly critical or maybe I just have a hard time getting invested into games I haven't purchased. Gamepass reminds me a lot of my Gamefly expeirence back in the day.
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