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ChatGPT 0.001
Modern Warfare Beta PS4, Saturday afternoon and I have the beta downloaded, Call of Duty and the modern theme have too much chemistry to not be good, stop doubting this game, one of the biggest franchises out there. Very fast game, running around the maps feels good.

Gears 5 MP PC
I took the time to finish the campaign on Xbox One, now I'm distracted with its multiplayer on PC. Winning franchise for M$, and possibly the biggest third person shooter of all time.
Just started this as well. The game so far, to me, is just really cute, funny and endearing. I really like the writing. The playable girl character is such a great injection of adorableness.

Yeah I love how she's a fangirl. And I like how they replace the name USA with BBQ. Not to mention the american english they spoof.
Wii was out of commission for about six weeks but I got around to fixing it and played s'more Resident Evil 4 on it. I love how completely disjointed the dialogue is. After failing over and over, I finally beat the scene with the cabin surrounded by villagers (the same where Luis says "I see the president has equipped his daughter with ballistics"), and then after barely scraping by, Luis is like "I forgot something, You two go on ahead" and walks out LOL. Such a cheesy game with such good gameplay. Can't wait to unlock Mercenary mode.

Still grinding through Bravely Default. Loving it. I'm gonna play through some Titanfall 2 tonight (haven't beaten the sp campaign yet).


Cultist Simulator

Bizarre but strangely compelling. My experience so far can best be summarized as: -


Ostensibly it's a time-based card game wherein you are battling against the natural attrition of bad effects that arise as you try and claw yourself out of poverty whilst simultaneously attempting to form a society to explore the Eldritch mysteries you have learnt about and avoiding both insanity and the law in the process.

To say it's challenging is an understatement. There's no tutorial and fundamentally a lot of the actions are kind of hit and hope in terms of 'what will this do?' with little in the way of clues, as too early outcomes. It's very much a case of steady progress through as you start to gradually piece things together in terms of the various systems, though I'm a long way off from having a Scoobie about any of the advanced stuff at this stage.
Fail states open you up to more character options to start with, which does make me think that your initial one 'The Aspirant' is pretty much meant to be a tutorial stage, rather than one you play through to completion, though therein naturally lies a challenge. 🤔



finished plague tale
got about 11 hours out of it
solid 7/10 i think
the narrative is alright, carried greatly by amicia
can be a bit clunky at times
but the sling is a nice shtick
crafting was nothing to write home about but it gives you options to play however you desire
strong alan wake vibes
and um...
probably the best thing about it is the setting, graphics and presentation
zero replayability though


In a single weekend I've gone from starting Destiny 2 for the first time to now being max level. Needless to say, I'm enjoying it :)

Yeah with bl3’s mediocre reception/console performance, i am debating going back into destiny with it going free to play on Tuesday.


Still Nioh, just killed the Ogress yesterday. Loved the design of that one. Somehow my living weapon lasted a little more dont know why, if you do please let me know. Like i realize if you kill enemies the timer rises and if you get hit it decreases but this was a boss, so how come it was raising??

And just arrived at the old continent in FFIX. What a beautiful game. Sad i missed it when it came out (couldn't afford original games at the time and the shitty copies got stuck after an hour of gameplay or so...)


This is by far most I've ever played at once due to sales on titles I was waiting for all coming at once.

Uncharted 3 - Working on the Plat

Sekiro - Just bought in the sale, only From game this gen I didnt buy on release.

Plague Tale - Looks amazing.

Street Fighter 5 - Seeing if its something I want to learn. Got a great price for most of the content.


Uncharted 3 - Working on the Plat

Uncharted 3 is easier to platinum than 1 & 2, but, there's the cruise ship level with the fight against armoured guy on deck followed by the gunfight inside the main hall which is by far the hardest part on crushing. Good luck. You'll need to cheese your way past those sections to a certain extent (i.e. against the armored guy, climb onto the shipping container & shoot him from there).


Uncharted 3 is easier to platinum than 1 & 2, but, there's the cruise ship level with the fight against armoured guy on deck followed by the gunfight inside the main hall which is by far the hardest part on crushing. Good luck. You'll need to cheese your way past those sections to a certain extent (i.e. against the armored guy, climb onto the shipping container & shoot him from there).

Thanks for the heads up. As long as theres nothing like the water room in Uncharted 1 lol.
ps4 - rainbow 6 siege, replaying mgsV

ps3 - xcom enemy unknown

switch - valkyria chronicles, bastion, cuphead (1 more contract and i get to face diceman and if all goes well ill get to face off against the devil himself)


Yeah I love how she's a fangirl. And I like how they replace the name USA with BBQ. Not to mention the american english they spoof.

I tried the first game when it first came out, and though I really loved the presentation, I just wasn't able to get into the battle system. But this time around I think it really is entertaining. Plus, my goodness, this game is just so well crafted so far. You can play as either the girl or the boy, and switch between their stories at any time? Hell yeah! I'm just having a really great time with the game. Could just be my mood, but I'm happy I finally gave it a chance.
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I'm bouncing between Gears 5 (campaign mostly) and Prey 2017 at the moment.

Gears is pretty solid. The script feels like it was written by Joss Whedon (packed to the brim with clever, quippy characters, but also strong in its characterization and attention to world building) but I think it works, and the gameplay is a nice refinement from 4's. I'm fine with the openness of act 2 (haven't gotten to 3 yet), it gives you a breather between encounters and helps set the mood of this journey that Kait and Del are going on. Not liking what they're doing with JD so far but we'll see how it goes.

Oh, and I gotta say that Ramin Djawadi's score for this is much more memorable than 4's was. It's good stuff.

I'm not very far into Prey, I believe (6 hours in) but I'm already hooked. I live for this type of Deus Ex/System Shock-esque game where you can immerse yourself in the world by interacting with objects to your desire, approaching problems in a variety of ways, and scavenging around for resources, just trying to survive. It's just one of those games that exemplifies the what video games are about, why they offer an experience that books and TV/film only touch on. Not saying they're superior, but every medium has something key to offer.

Never gonna forget that Zenimax did mah boys at Human Head Studios dirty though.


I finished and Platinumed Arkham Asylum (Return to Arkham bundle). Amazing game can't wait to play City.

But before I am sticking a bit at Dragon Age Origins to maybe finally finish it. Shame on me to take so much time for it because it's really an incredible game.

Also a bit of Dead Nation in coop with a friend. It's always a pleasure to hear a mass of zombie being cut in half by one of the blades of my blade cannon...


Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Darkest Dungeon
World of Warcraft

Forgot how addicting Monster Hunter can be. Farming mats with people for hours and hours is a blast.


I'm bouncing between Gears 5 (campaign mostly) and Prey 2017 at the moment.

Gears is pretty solid. The script feels like it was written by Joss Whedon (packed to the brim with clever, quippy characters, but also strong in its characterization and attention to world building) but I think it works, and the gameplay is a nice refinement from 4's. I'm fine with the openness of act 2 (haven't gotten to 3 yet), it gives you a breather between encounters and helps set the mood of this journey that Kait and Del are going on. Not liking what they're doing with JD so far but we'll see how it goes.

Oh, and I gotta say that Ramin Djawadi's score for this is much more memorable than 4's was. It's good stuff.

I'm not very far into Prey, I believe (6 hours in) but I'm already hooked. I live for this type of Deus Ex/System Shock-esque game where you can immerse yourself in the world by interacting with objects to your desire, approaching problems in a variety of ways, and scavenging around for resources, just trying to survive. It's just one of those games that exemplifies the what video games are about, why they offer an experience that books and TV/film only touch on. Not saying they're superior, but every medium has something key to offer.

Never gonna forget that Zenimax did mah boys at Human Head Studios dirty though.

Every time I get into Prey I love it but I go months between playing games and have felt completely lost the last few times I loaded it up. I think I'll try to play straight through it soon. And now I'm reminded I didn't finish Alien Isolation and Dead Space either...
Gone on 2 weeks of vacation and got nothing better to do than still play EDF 4.1 with my pardner in crime. And Dead Cells...Holy fuck, Dead Cells... MS, why you do dis to me? (Game Pass on PC!) Why hook me on crack? This is Rogue Legacy with a cooler character design, and i fucking crave it.

...I'm not good at it, but man, do I crave it.
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Borderlands 3 and Euro Truck Simulator 2

I always wanted to try Euro Truck. Bought it for cheap a few days ago. Even got some of the map DLCs. You can customize the difficulty and realism to your liking.
I'm using a xbox controller. Not going to buy a fancy wheel.
Driving through endless roads, listening to the radio and the engine. It feels so relaxing.


Kingdom Come Deliverance - It is not holding my hand. And that's pretty cool.

I burned to death in a jail cell twice while trying to get through the first quest. Holy shit.

I've seen several YouTube videos on how to get stacked up pretty quick, but, I think I'm just going to play the game and see how it goes.


This is by far most I've ever played at once due to sales on titles I was waiting for all coming at once.

Uncharted 3 - Working on the Plat

Sekiro - Just bought in the sale, only From game this gen I didnt buy on release.

Plague Tale - Looks amazing.

Street Fighter 5 - Seeing if its something I want to learn. Got a great price for most of the content.

Shit man, if i try to learn more than one game at a time i forget how to walk.

Yakuza 3 Remasterd: Working on the Platinum now, i forgot how bad the minigame grind is in this game, luckily they nerfed some of the difficulity on the trophies, so its easier then y0 and y1, but still taking it slow.

Apollo Justice Ace Atorrney: Just finished the original trilogy, i am liking the game so far, its fun to play for an hour now and then.

I always wanted to try Euro Truck. Bought it for cheap a few days ago. Even got some of the map DLCs. You can customize the difficulty and realism to your liking.
I'm using a xbox controller. Not going to buy a fancy wheel.
Driving through endless roads, listening to the radio and the engine. It feels so relaxing.

Euro Truck is a fantastic game, i really should play it again super relaxing, glad you are enjoying it.

My next games in my backlog are Onimusha remaster and Nier Automata, anyone here got any advice what i should play first?


The nicest person on this forum
I'm almost done with Astral Chain and Catherine Full Body (1st playthrough) thinking doing Daemon X Machina and 2nd playthrough of FE Three Houses but then I remembered Link Awakening coming out in few days. on the bright side I heard Link's Awakening is not that long, so maybe I finish that before going after Daemon X Machina and FE Three Houses.
Started Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon yesterday as quick romp to Bridge the time until Zelda this Weekend.

As funny as story and dialogue are, the graphics are so bland and ugly. Not a fan of the controls on the PC either. Shooters better playable on controller than on M+K... What a time to be alive.

Mega Man

Gears 5 Co-op with my buddy and...
Blasphemous on the Switch

Really enjoying both! Gears has truly captured my imagination atm

One of my favorite computer to console ports of the 90s: Syndicate for the Super NES. I believe I got this version even earlier than the PC one. At one point I owned both. It plays surprisingly well for a game with lots of command options, at least when you get the hang of it. Still know how to control the game, so they must've done something right. It has a different mood, but is still pretty dark overall. One thing I miss is the voice samples when selecting a weapon.
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