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What game are you currently playing?


Luigi's Mansion 3

Who knew sucking and blowing could be so fun.
Controls can take some getting used to but this is otherwise another feel good Nintendo game.

Super Mario Bros 3

I'm making my way through the mainline 2D Mario games for the first time but quickly gave up on SMB2 as I didn't really enjoy the throwing mechanic. SMB3 is so much better and easily the best of the series that I've played so far. I find these 2D Mario games pretty difficult though. Thanks fuck for save states.

Tetris 99

I still haven't placed better than 2nd. I can't help but play this every day though. I will win one day!


Finished The Outer Worlds. Started out a bit slow and perhaps too much like a Fallout/Mass Effect hybrid to really stand out as something unique, but eventually it won me over - so much good stuff in it and I would say it's my Goty at the moment. Also, Afterparty. Perhaps a bit overwritten and not really a game, but I had a really good time with it. As a forty-something it was fascinating to go through a story that's a hilarious but also somewhat poignant portrait of modern youth's anxieties and fears.
Going through World of Light atm. Nearing the end. Very fun.

Ditch it and move onto Cross instead ;)

P.s. Is Radical Dreamers worth playing?

Mate I've been replaying Cross for years. It's my favourite game ever. Already beat that earlier this year, too :p
I beat Magus, he took me two tries... Marle's Haste spell is op as fuck, seems like it lasts forever.

As for Radical Dreamers, I didn't play it :(


Gold Member
just started File 5 of Astral Chain.

i'm enjoying the game but the controls/camera are a bit awkward. also the visual design of the game makes it it really hard to make things out and keep track of what the hell is going on during combat.
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If you liked Banjo Nuts & Bolts (there are dozens of us) this is the spiritual successor. It has all the jank handling, all the self-imploding physics and there is a horn that sounds like a banjo. I haven't been able to put it down for days.

You can build way more than in Banjo too. I've replicated both of the JLG telehandling forklifts I use at work and am working on a Skid Steer. All the hinges can be assigned functions so I made them control the same as the real word counterparts. The outriggers can be deployed, the up/down/boom/tilt functions are all there. the only thing I forgot was the lean functionality.



It's in 1.0 right now and rough in spots but it really is a blast if you like this kind of thing.
Monster Hunter World

Good game and as a PC purist this the only game I've played that needs a controller besides racing games so I bought a cheap controller that goes under the brand name EasySMX.

18$, decent reviews, and has vibration.


Damn I tried on the weekend to go back and play the remaining side-quests in Breath of the Wild and just remembered how much I didnt enjoyed the game. Was a pain just to get out of Hyrule Castle, then I was decimated everytime by the Guardians, I forgot how to teleport to towers 🤦‍♂️ . Then always those red ninjas that give you bananas appearing all the time. Went to leave the Slate at the start point of the game to start the DLC. Couldnt last a minute with that thing. Too lazy to restart the game just to relearn alll the quirks I think Ill just let it be until BOTW comes next year XD. I shamefor me because I always try to 100% any Zelda entry.


Ok, I just finished up One Piece: World Seeker last night. Great idea, great concept but very flawed execution. Like I said, the one thing that World Seeker gets right is exploration. It's a lot of to swing around and explore with Luffy. It feels like you've travelled miles to get from one completely different town to another. And collecting anything you see makes item gathering missions a breeze. Fast travel helps of if it's wasn't for the fact that loading times take forever. Story-wise, it's a nice little plot with the typical One Piece quirky-ness, gets cutscene heavy towards the end and kinda delivers a genuiely dramatic ending.

Now that being said, it's kinda sad that most of the game features voiceless dialogue, like I mentioned before combat is awkward and not very well executed. If the enemies gang up on you, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Unless you max yourself out and have the best items equipped, regular encounters can be genuielly frustrating (snipers on rooftops make city exploration frustrating). Boss fights are actually pretty easy save for the final boss.

Had the combat been a little less rougher and the stealth aspects (enemies will not spot you unless you stand point blank) really well made, this would almost be the most ambitious One Piece game out there. Hopefully, they'll fix it in a sequel, because the adventure aspect is spot on.


Modern Warfare
WWE 2K19
GTA: Online
Ghost Recon Breakpoint (So far, trashcan) I wanted to liberate Auora like I did Bolivia, got dammit!


Started Playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PC , absolutely fantastic i've heard some people have had issues , luckily for me its not crashed all had any issues what so ever. it's Divine.
Tekken 7 PC after getting addicted again to the drug called "holy shit, why is it THAT easy to put mods in Unreal Engine Games". Loving it.

Not even an hour of the free weekend of Just Cause 4 on Steam... but it made me reinstall JC3 because that was a pretty one XD


I’m actually starting to get into fortnite. I only play it with my 6 year old, but I’m totally seeing what the appeal is.

playing with a kid is hilarious because while I start to take it seriously and am like “there they are! Get to cover, quick! Shoot them!!!” Etc he just starts dancing lmao😂 im like “what the hell are you doing they’re shooting at you!”

amazing how calm he is playing it as well. He is as good as some of you nerds I would like to think, and he doesn’t panic when taking people down, which he can do no problem. He is 6 next week, I am so proud of him.

some of his friend don’t even know how to navigate a menu...


Taking a good break from borderlands 3. Got bored with Outer Worlds and returned it before I could finish.

Decided to jump back into Apex Legends. Haven't played since the cluster fuck of that first battle pass. Bit shocked how much the map has changed. Fun game in bursts.

Also trying out Stardew Valley. Never played games like this before so it's different. Really enjoy it after I smoke.


I've started Assassin's Creed Odyssey, got the Gold Edition for 45€ in Playstation's Deal of the Week sale which isn't too bad in my opinion, especially since the DLC is supposed to be quite good.
Been enjoying it so far, playing very slowly on nightmare difficulty, exploration mode and most of the HUD turned off. I love the ancient greece setting and the world seems to be pretty detailed so far.


The nicest person on this forum
I finished Luigi’s Mansion 3 and its among best game I played this year.

FINALLY, I can start replay Fire Emblem Three Houses to get other endings for other routes.

Man, what crazy busy year for Nintendo!


I've been playing mostly Warframe on the Nintendo Switch. I didn't know about the game before it and I got hooked. It just had it's one year anniversary and I realized that I spent over 800 hours on a single game in one year. Haven't done something like that for a long time.

Problem is that I have a humongous backlog build up for the Switch. I have Witcher 3 (never played it before), Astral Chain, FE, DQ11, Atelier Ryza just sitting there. And this is just a sample, listing less than half of physical Switch games I purchased the last 3 months. I guess it's a good problem, but still a problem. At least I'm having a ton of fun.

One observation: I refrained from playing Bloodstained until it was patched. Patch 1.03 seemed to fix most of the major problems so I finally booted it up. But woah, the game sure feels a lot less polished than my favorite portable Castlevania's. Then it crashed upon opening a book. Back to the freezer it goes until more patches come. Somewhat disappointing.


I finished Luigi’s Mansion 3 and its among best game I played this year.

FINALLY, I can start replay Fire Emblem Three Houses to get other endings for other routes.

Man, what crazy busy year for Nintendo!
How long did it take you to complete Luigi? And is there any replay value?


Playing Death Stranding and really loving so far.

My next will be Kingdom Hearts DLC if those monsters could still release this year.


Astral Chain - I really need to get a pro controller for this, not enjoying as much only because of the joycons.
Outer Worlds - Still my first play through and enjoying it. Trying to do as many missions as I can.
Need For Speed Heat - Starting tonight after work!


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. I'm really enjoying the MP so far. The amount of gun customization is just ridiculous.
Hopped into TMNT IV (SNES) for funsies and played as far as I could on one credit (died on stage 3). I don't enjoy most beat em ups because they are usually too cheap, but I love the variety of moves in TMNT. It feels totally fair.

Also hopped back into Daioujou after a long sabbatical. Inject those chains into my veins.


Neo Member
Retro City Rampage DX - fun pixelart GTA-type game. Hilarious pop culture and 1980s game references.

I Am Setsuna - Inspired by 1990s JRPGs, this is a nice little JRPG. I like the ATB system.

Golf Story - quirky Australian-made golf game/RPG. Funny, heartwarming, and gameplay feels good.

Basically finished Retro City Rampage DX. Almost dropped it at a particular point because I didn't know what to do, but watched some videos and saw that I overlooked something important. A decent game, it is a throwback to the old NES games, for good or ill.

Halfway through I Am Setsuna. Good twists that keep hitting me in the feels. I really like this game, glad I bought it when it was on sale.

Got to the disc golf of Golf Story. I hate doing those challenges, the controls are really bad. Everything else about the game is really good so I'll keep playing until I just give up because of more disc golf crap.

Just started Stardew Valley. I love this game. I'm glad I investigated further because I didn't think a farm simulator-type game would appeal to me, but it's deeper than that, and it's just a fun, relaxing game that you want to keep playing.
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Started Dark SOuls Remastered so I can finish it once and for all! Even since the original came out on the PS3 I got it, played a couple of hours and left it for osme reason I cant remember. Over the years I attempted continuing with it, but something always came up. So now Ive decided this will be the time I finally tackle the first DS (I already finished the other souls entries 2,3,bloodborne, demons).
Currently fighting the Gaping Dragon, got cursed so one hit kills me, but Im too lazy to go back to the Gargoyles tower to get it removed :S.
After finishing Nioh this games feel like 200% slower like im driving a dman tank xD

And for my drive home in th eBahn Im playing FF Tactics (War of the Lions) and god damn ,had surpassed my expectations, its so damn addictive. literally time flies while playing, if I dont pay attention the Bahn stop could pass by XD
Difficulty is brutal in the way that one wrong choice and youll most likely fail the mission. Only thing I dont like is not being able to quit the battle. So have to reset the game each time I feel the outcome will be shit.


Gold Member
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

i'm quite enjoying it. it's like easy Dark Souls lol (not that they are hard...). it has similar combat/mechanics and design but it's much easier.
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Started Dark SOuls Remastered so I can finish it once and for all! Even since the original came out on the PS3 I got it, played a couple of hours and left it for osme reason I cant remember. Over the years I attempted continuing with it, but something always came up. So now Ive decided this will be the time I finally tackle the first DS (I already finished the other souls entries 2,3,bloodborne, demons).
Currently fighting the Gaping Dragon, got cursed so one hit kills me, but Im too lazy to go back to the Gargoyles tower to get it removed :S.
After finishing Nioh this games feel like 200% slower like im driving a dman tank xD

And for my drive home in th eBahn Im playing FF Tactics (War of the Lions) and god damn ,had surpassed my expectations, its so damn addictive. literally time flies while playing, if I dont pay attention the Bahn stop could pass by XD
Difficulty is brutal in the way that one wrong choice and youll most likely fail the mission. Only thing I dont like is not being able to quit the battle. So have to reset the game each time I feel the outcome will be shit.
About FF Tactics, there is a way to break the game completely around mid-game

Spoiler below, don't read if you don't want to know how
Go straight for Artithmetician. It's a huge pain to max out but the payoff is breaking the game. They can cast spells on units based on various mathematically calculated criteria such as height or level. What this means is you will often be able to cast powerful spells at 3+ enemies at once, all over the map


About FF Tactics, there is a way to break the game completely around mid-game

Spoiler below, don't read if you don't want to know how
Go straight for Artithmetician. It's a huge pain to max out but the payoff is breaking the game. They can cast spells on units based on various mathematically calculated criteria such as height or level. What this means is you will often be able to cast powerful spells at 3+ enemies at once, all over the map
I dont give a damn, Ill follow your advice XD some other told me to have 2 mimes and 2 mages with calculate. Mimes I found out are too hard to get so dont know if Ill be able to. And "Calculate" are they referring to an ability only the Arithmetitian job you mention?


Uncharted 1-4 plats now obtained. I did the Crushing runs without tweaks. Chapter 20 on Uncharted 4 was ridiculous... took about 5 hours lol.

Almost finished Lost Legacy as well. The APC level was surprisingly tough as it stretches the stealth gameplay to its limits.

Just about to start Shenmue 3 and maybe Civ 6.
I've been feeling a bit old school so I dusted off the GameCube and started a new play through of Tony Hawk's Underground. Eric Sparrow is still one of my favorite annoying antagonists. Last night I spent some time in Pokemon Omega Ruby to catch up with my wife in her Alpha Sapphire since she's stuck and wants help.

I'm also trying to get back to Astral Chain on my Switch since I really like it, but my Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen addiction keeps getting in the way. That stupid cartridge just keeps finding its way back in.
Played some DBFZ over the weekend and the past week. It's a lot more complicated than I remember, assuming you have a counter to all the basic moves. One of my new favs is Captain Ginyu, whose special attack spam sends out other members of the Ginyu Force (instead of shooting a ki ball or something). It's so over-the-top and hype.


The nicest person on this forum
Fire Emblem Three Houses, this time doing Golden Dear route on maddening difficulty and my god its difficult. enemies can have 40% chance hitting and still mange to get me.
Death Stranding, and working towards platinuming infamous second son. I know it’s a launch title but I have still not completed it. Holds up pretty well even after all these years, good fun for what it’s worth and looks really nice in parts. Can’t wait for Ghost of Tsushima when it finally comes out, have sucker punch been working on that for 5+ years?
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