Radical Dreamer
Chrono trigger. Currently in magus castle.
Chrono trigger. Currently in magus castle.
Going through World of Light atm. Nearing the end. Very fun.
Ditch it and move onto Cross instead
P.s. Is Radical Dreamers worth playing?
Mate I've been replaying Cross for years. It's my favourite game ever. Already beat that earlier this year, too
I beat Magus, he took me two tries... Marle's Haste spell is op as fuck, seems like it lasts forever.
As for Radical Dreamers, I didn't play it![]()
How long did it take you to complete Luigi? And is there any replay value?I finished Luigi’s Mansion 3 and its among best game I played this year.
FINALLY, I can start replay Fire Emblem Three Houses to get other endings for other routes.
Man, what crazy busy year for Nintendo!
With collecting all gems it took me roughly around 25hours to beat.How long did it take you to complete Luigi? And is there any replay value?
Cool, thanksWith collecting all gems it took me roughly around 25hours to beat.
Retro City Rampage DX - fun pixelart GTA-type game. Hilarious pop culture and 1980s game references.
I Am Setsuna - Inspired by 1990s JRPGs, this is a nice little JRPG. I like the ATB system.
Golf Story - quirky Australian-made golf game/RPG. Funny, heartwarming, and gameplay feels good.
About FF Tactics, there is a way to break the game completely around mid-gameStarted Dark SOuls Remastered so I can finish it once and for all! Even since the original came out on the PS3 I got it, played a couple of hours and left it for osme reason I cant remember. Over the years I attempted continuing with it, but something always came up. So now Ive decided this will be the time I finally tackle the first DS (I already finished the other souls entries 2,3,bloodborne, demons).
Currently fighting the Gaping Dragon, got cursed so one hit kills me, but Im too lazy to go back to the Gargoyles tower to get it removed :S.
After finishing Nioh this games feel like 200% slower like im driving a dman tank xD
And for my drive home in th eBahn Im playing FF Tactics (War of the Lions) and god damn ,had surpassed my expectations, its so damn addictive. literally time flies while playing, if I dont pay attention the Bahn stop could pass by XD
Difficulty is brutal in the way that one wrong choice and youll most likely fail the mission. Only thing I dont like is not being able to quit the battle. So have to reset the game each time I feel the outcome will be shit.
About FF Tactics, there is a way to break the game completely around mid-game
Spoiler below, don't read if you don't want to know how
Go straight for Artithmetician. It's a huge pain to max out but the payoff is breaking the game. They can cast spells on units based on various mathematically calculated criteria such as height or level. What this means is you will often be able to cast powerful spells at 3+ enemies at once, all over the map
Yea, it's their main abilityI dont give a damn, Ill follow your advice XD some other told me to have 2 mimes and 2 mages with calculate. Mimes I found out are too hard to get so dont know if Ill be able to. And "Calculate" are they referring to an ability only the Arithmetitian job you mention?