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Picked up a bunch of stuff in the EU PSN sale including What Remains of Edith Finch - which I've consistently heard good things about, and it was the price of a sandwich.

I should have got a sandwich.

Incredibly janky, not a compelling story and felt like it ended just once it had gotten into it's stride (or they just back loaded the few imaginative vignettes). Writing nowhere near as clever as it thinks it is.

You take that back right now! Reported

Haha, nah you’re alright.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I needed an in-betweener game and so I went back to Steamworld Dig 2. I’ve tried to start this game a few times and it never really clicked for me, but this time I’m 2-3 hours in and enjoying it enough, so hopefully I complete it this time.


I am trying to play Super Mario Odyssey, but I am not enjoying. First Mario game that, I don`t have playing.

I am also playing Warframe, Fire Emblem Three Houses and Doom I. All on Switch.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
(Re-)Started Watch Dogs 2 today and currently on the 6th story mission. Overall thus far, WD 2 is most likely going to be tied in the bottom 5 of completed Ubisoft games this generation.

Visuals are excellent. Music is meh at best. Voice acting is fine. Sound effects are good. Gameplay overall is excellent except for the auto-crouching which is horrible at times. Story and characters are simply bad. All the characters simply suck and come off as a joke. The best character is the antagonist and he's only been in two short scenes thus far. Absolutely hate "gathering followers". So fucking stupid.

Side content is fine I guess. Have barely bothered with it as im just trying to get through this game's story and knock it off my backlog. Looking like a 7/10 thus far with an outside shot at being an 8/10. Not that these ratings are bad because they're not but ranking my Ubisoft games, this will be near the bottom of the list.


Just passed 100 hours into Witcher 3, I avoided the game for a long time because I just couldn't get into the previous titles. Tried them but the combat was so dull and goofy that it turned me off.
I wouldn't say the combat in Witcher 3 is fabulous but it's a lot more serviceable, what it does make up for is storytelling.
I didn't think anything would top rdr2 for me recently but man there are some absolutely fantastic storylines in Witcher3, bloody baron has been a real treat.
I haven't finished the main story yet but finished Hearts of Stone tonight and loved it so looking forward to Blood and Wine which sounds like it's even better.
I wasn't that excited about Cyberpunk but if they can replicate some of the magic of Witcher 3 in there then I'm sold.
The original Crysis. I've finished all crysis games but never the first one. What killed me back then, is the aim being toggle. And there's no option in the game to make it, well, normal. Hold to aim and release to not aim, if you know what I mean. But now I found a solution, some scripting program that lets you remap this and it's working great so far. Looks great with hd textures.

The Shepard

Finally started days gone and I'm liking it so far. Looks great on pro. Got motion aiming activated, why isn't this in more games!?

Trying to get through as much as my backlog as I can before the new gen starts.


Finally given Yo-kai Watch 3 a break and have returned to FE Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. I played through it when it released, almost finishing it (I think), but put it down until now. Though I know it's a great game in its own right, it was (and still is) hard to not miss those typical FE elements I'm used to. But I'm enjoying it again so far. Restarted from scratch.


D2 down time means I can chip away at more of my backlog. So far finished up Doom 2016 and Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.

Loved Doom but the last campaign mission and ending sucked. Blood and Wine kinda underwhelmed me as well compared to the vanilla campaign but I also feel as if I made a mistake going into the fairy tale world over the vampire god path (altho the big bad wolf was lol worthy).

Moved onto Dragon Age Inquisition now. Don’t hate it as much as I did back then If not just because it’s nice to have a proper rpg to play that isn’t some anime garbage.

And it looks like Fallout 76 will get its “proper” story update by March. Trailer drops next week. There’s been a huge amount of QoL fixes to the game over the past year that I’m actually a bit hyped to experience the overhaul and a more traditional Bethesda campaign again. Fallout 76 has been trucking along nicely honestly... looking forward to it blowing up this year (in more ways than one -in both popularity and the unpredictable nature of its engine).

Mr Hyde

Second main boss down in Sundered. It's good, but the horde system is dragging it down sometimes. You are overwhelmed pretty quickly and the rogue lite elements with different maps every time you die makes it confusing. I wish they had made proper maps for this. Would have been so much better.

72% in the campaign of Spiderman and it's okay. The main story and web slinging through New York is the highlight but the stealth sequences with MJ and side stuff is really boring. Chasing pigeons? Taskmasters challenges? It's just unnecessary padding.

I also played The Witcher 3 on Switch at a friend's house and was very impressed. Even though I put hundreds of hours into this game on PS4 I instinctly felt I wanted to buy this version. Incredible technical feat and playing it handheld was quite amazing.

Daniel Thomas MacInnes

GAF's Resident Saturn Omnibus
I’m playing through my Nintendo Wii library now that I have a new disc drive for the system. Spent some time with Mario Kart Wii, where I had only completed the 50cc courses. I always enjoyed the motion controls, but I also find that I prefer the precision of the classic controller. Either way, great fun.


Going 100% on RE2 Remake before RE3 Remake comes out. I might play through the other RE games aswell, but just a single Story Playthrough. I did Zero two weeks ago.

Though it would probably be better if I worked on my backlog before the big 2020 games come out.


Currently hopping between Yakuza 0 and Quake 2. Gravity Rush 2 and Painkiller have taken a backseat for now.

After about 2 hours into Quake 2 I was annoyed there wasn't any music so I downloaded and installed a patch with some graphical improvements too, but forgot to back up my save so time to start over lol. At least it'll be much better this time around.
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Neighbours from Hell
I just finished File 07 in Astral Chain and while I am liking the game I don’t think it’s as good as some of the reviews stated. Maybe I am just used to the high bar Platinum Games had Nier Automata set, but combat in this isn’t nearly as fluid, and some of the camera and Legion controls can get a little annoying. It’s a good game, but falling well short of being a great game.

Next I think is either Journey to a Savage Planet or Valkyrie Chronicles 4.
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Recently got back into Soma Bringer, a Hack n Slash from Monolith on the NDS. It never got released outside of Japan, but there's a fanpatch that translates pretty much everything (save for the in-game glossary, but... who actually read that?).

The game is pretty good, not too impressive visually-speaking but still one of the best looking NDS games, and the soundtrack (by Yasunori Mitsuda) is simply great. Gameplay-wise, it's pretty simple (you can map a lot of abilities on the face buttons, but there's little incentive to not just use the strongest one and a couple of buffs, some being mutually exclusive anyway), and only two of the 6 classes have access to mana-regen skills, which is otherwise painfully slow. Thankfully, you can have AI-controlled NPCs following you, one of which has access to one of these buffs. Having her *use* the buff, on the other hand... yeah, those bots are total morons. Story is interesting, pretty cliché, but with some nice twists here and there. Character design is SUPER generic though.
Borderlands 3 and Shadow of the Colossus on PS4. Never played that from way back when. It’s ok I suppose. Controls have not aged well.

got Civ6 on PS4 and been intermittently playing it also.

I’m ashamed to say I’ve never completed a souls game having owned Bloodborne and Sekiro. I really like them but just never had the time to put in with work and family life. I am very tempted to get Dark Souls trilogy and go back to the beginning (I know about Demons Souls but with out buying a PS3 I’ll have to wait till the blueprint remaster) if that’s what they’re working on!


Tears of Nintendo
LIS Before The Storm. Just finished the second episode and it's absolutely incredible.


I'm having a blast playing this game.


A lot:

FFX-2 HD (PS4) 100%/platinum run
Detroit (PC)
Beyond Two Souls (PS4)

And I think I will start Nioh (PC) today and Observer (PC) :)


Shenmue 3. It is so bad and disappointing. Its so dull, slow paced and boring. And Ryo's face looks so flat like a pan cake. I'm now currently doing jobs in the game to raise $2000 to buy alcohol for an old man to proceed with the main quest.

If a vidoegame feels like work, then it's not a good game. Video games should be fun.

I'm only pressing on because I loved Shenmue 1 and 2 as a kid.
Devil May Cry 5

This game is SO. DAMN. GOOD.

Just finished Jedi Fallen Order and halfway through Death Stranding. Once I finish DMC5 and DS, I'm going to marathon the Halo series - Halo 1, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, 4, and 5.


I'm currently playing Deus Ex Mankind Divided's story dlc's and I'm loving it. The prison expansion (A Criminal Past) is especially good because of not being allowed to use augs (at all if you're going for an achievement ;)). My only complaint is why didn't these dlc's get merged with the main campaign. I understand it not being possible for someone who's already playing the story, but starting a new campaign should allow them to be added as side quests.
Trying to finish up my playthrough of Bravely Default. I recently completed the second crystal which purged the oceans. Had a quick stop to some awesome sea-barge that had a really cool town map. Now I've landed on the island with the Fire Crystal. I know that sometime soon I'm gonna hit a mid-game "surprise" that apparently makes me re-do a bunch of stuff. I also cleared the Red Mage sidequest.

36 hours in, all character levels in their mid-30s. Compared to Octopath, the class system in Bravely is overwhelming. So many options to explore. It feels more like multiclassing in a D&D game because there's no way I'm gonna max out all these classes for all characters. I have half the classes unlocked and a few of them I have unlocked but have not touched yet (Summoner, Valkyrie).

The difficulty is right where I want it. I have lost many mid-boss and boss battles due to poor planning and/or due to not having the right class loadout. I like when JRPGs throw those kind of challenges my way because otherwise it's too easy.


Been doing another run through HZD, and recently started up Astral Chain, which I've delayed getting for reasons.

Each time I've played through HZD it's gotten better. It's just gorgeous, through and through. Imagining what GG will do with its follow up on next gen gives me goosebumps.

And Astral Chain is incredible. Wish I hadn't waited so long to play it. Seriously gets me into a state like being high-- good vibes abound. Got in at 12AM last night after a 5 hour drive and started it up near the beginning of part 3, and suddenly it was 3AM. Worth it. Each new layer of combat it introduces makes it better and better and better. Platinum has the magic.


After finishing the master piece that is Death Stranding, I tried to get into Breakpoint's PvP which is pretty atrocious.

All it's done is made me go back and play some Wildlands which is the closest we've got to Socom this console generation.

So that and a couple of hours of Luigis Mansion on Switch. Don't think I'll get anything else until Nioh 2.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Still chugging along in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. Save for the best in the Resident Evil series it might be my favorite zombie game (I'm probably forgetting of some cool game that should be above this but whatever, it's how I feel at the moment). And I've not even watched the series it's based on (or rather read the comic book or whatever, since that's the license they have, not the TV show, hence the cartoony visuals, but trust me it's still super immersive and scary in game regardless, I literally HATE indoor locations, they're so dark and creepy, I just spent a game day in a ruined gymnasium looking for some folks but I apparently went so slow and inefficiently I found none of them before nightfall and will have to return another time, lol). Now, sure, it's not a big open world game (though it does have some elements that you could say are light RPG aspects) or something but it's not on rails either. It's very clearly low budget but the developers cleverly worked around their limitations to make a very compelling game. I didn't even mind having to loot junk to craft more of my deteriorating weapons and items with, it felt natural and satisfying and necessary for survival.

The world is segmented in micro areas you can choose to visit and explore at will, you visit one such area each game-day which lasts like an hour or less, I'm not sure as I haven't checked the time while playing, it's so engrossing, and you may do a story mission, a side mission, a loot run for crafting materials, or all at once if you're quick and efficient before night approaches and the endless hordes arrive forcing you (and every NPC in the area, so any dialogues and missions you didn't go through are gone forever) to leave whether you achieved your objectives or not. Then you go back to your base and see if you can progress the story, maybe unlock new areas to visit or craft something new (or the same old stuff because yours are about to break or you used them up) depending on what you were just doing and repeat the process after a good night's sleep.

Generally you play at your own pace with your own priorities, to advance the story by going after a primary objective or better your situation in terms of crafted weapons and survival items and upgrades by visiting the corresponding locations. The main story is pretty linear with certain points you can alter its course by choosing who to ally with and beyond that you just play how you want, side and main missions may also have 2 or 3 different ways to go about them (well, one of these "ways" is to be a psycho and just kill everyone so it hardly counts I guess, you don't finish a mission, just raze and pillage, lol, but if that's your goal then it's not a bad thing, you didn't feel you missed out on a mission, just that you could care less about these people so screw them, but some times you stand to gain a lot from seeing it through) but nothing too complex, it's not an RPG just as Resident Evil wouldn't be an RPG if it merely added a simple skill tree and some branching paths to its story (actually, some have had slight story alterations based on what you did before anyway) or random factions to interact with in a couple different ways on your way to the preset ending(s). It kinda feels like a light immersive sim, simpler than most yet with the survival elements on top adding some more depth and persistence to the whole thing as you can revisit areas and they're repopulated to a degree but the mechanics support that well enough.

The interactions with the zombies are unparalleled though, the very first zombie I encountered got me very nervous as I wasn't sure how easy it would be to deal with (I think) a screwdriver. I got used to the wandering undead figuring out they're fairly easy in low numbers, you can grab them and push them into each other to make space and gain some time, you can hold one in place and drill its skull or attack another that is incoming with your free hand or whatever, I barely paid attention to them beyond using simple stealth mechanics to avoid them or if they're in an area I need to get to/through almost effortlessly killing them, only minding my use of the available resources in the meta game, mostly with melee weapons which require stamina to wield and a pistol ready in case something unexpected happened and I needed it for back up despite the noise it will make.

Then the game switches it up with adding the occasional human enemy which can be quite lethal when you're used to brain dead zombies, they don't necessarily attack you unless you get in their turf (again, the AI is very simplistic like something out of the original Deus Ex as they strand around or wander and also fend off zombies or hostile faction humans approaching their areas giving the world a more alive feel, but don't expect some crazy tactics on their part, they basically stand their ground and shoot or beeline to their target, still, overall it's effective in the game) but some times mission objectives require you to do just that (or you just wanna see if they have any good loot for you and become a mass murderer), as well as infected zombies that decrease your max health even if you kill them if they're too close (so melee weapons are a no go for them unless you get good at throwing them well enough to drill their skulls) and you need medicine to recover rather than just bandages and food recovery items you crafted as before. Then it also twists the undead around, now you have zombies with head protection making both ranged and melee kills much trickier to achieve as well as higher numbers of them. All the while adding more options and tricks to your arsenal, from melee weapons to ranged weapons to survival gear and distraction or explosive items and some upgrades like larger inventory or more max health and stamina.

It's hard to put into words. Maybe it's kind of like Zombi(U), except really good and well designed with more survival aspects (but it's not a drab sandbox, it's all about the main campaign which takes like 10 or 15 hours to finish so average FPS adventure length I suppose, it's a very condensed game with little padding - though you can pad it yourself with loot runs it's not even advisable, as more days pass there are less resources to find and more zombies or something, it doesn't get too bad and you can also find better loot later on in various ways but maybe it can unbalance your game if you get ridiculous with it early on, I dunno). It has LOTS more awesome details in its systems but they were so cool to discover happening during play that I don't wanna spoil more, I was editing one in just now but I kinda already said too much maybe, haha, trust me, play this, it's good.
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Mr Hyde

Reached The Rivalry boss in Sundered. This game is so strange, on one hand I love it, on the other I hate it. The progression system is unconventional, you die a lot, but you upgrade a lot, allowing you to dig deeper and deeper into the game.

The horde system is annoying yet rewarding, the exploration is fun, yet repetitive, the art style is beautiful, yet some of its environments are overused, the platforming is hard, yet simple, the rogue lite elements ruins it yet offers freshness with every death. It's like what the fuck is this?

I want to hate but I love it and I want to love it but I hate it. Right now it's up there with GOAT Metroidvanias such as SOTN or Hollow Knight but it the end this game fucking sucks.

Mr Hyde

The last few hours of Spiderman have been dynamite. It's basically been on fire since the introduction of the Sinister Six and together with the vintage costume it looks like a real life comic book. The upgraded moves allow you to pull off some crazy acrobatics, dealing with multiple enemies in a stylish manner that screams awesome right through the fucking TV.

I might have been jumping the gun here calling it mediocre. I'm ready to take the L after I've finished the campaign. Been having so much fun now.
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I'm playing a few games at the moment:

First and foremost I'm hooked on TW Warhammer 2. I can't describe just how many boxes this game checks for me, suffice it to say it's the best TW since Empire, at least in part (in small part) due to how i can take my time. Never finished any campaign but I've done my own little objective rites for heaps of factions, captured all of the eastern mountain range as the king of the dwarves, reclaimed karak eight peaks (that one was fun, i captured sartosa in like turn 4 by fluke and built a naval trade network which allowed me to field a few armies in my assault on the objective), I've brought the fear to the far west of the map as a tomb king horror... At the moment I'm giving Tyrion a chance to explore beyond his usual AI bounds. I'm going to make a foothold in the Eastern continent by capturing the skaven settlements. Love it. Absolutely recommend it.

I'm also playing Jedi: Fallen Order. I'm actually playing this with my girl (she watching a plug and play tv with my screen duplicated to it, me doing the actual playing) which pretty much means it's my favourite thing on my computer right now. So great to share the rinse and repeat frustration with her, hearing her cackle with laughter~

Also regularly spending a bit of time on each of DOOM, Fifa 20, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and of course Witcher 3.

Oh, there's also a chill hunting sim called Red Dead Redemption 2. I hear there's more to this game but I'm privately scared it will just be gta in the West, full of contemporary personalities copy-pasted into cowboy bodies, and i prefer to just choose my own, pacifist adventure.

And finally, I'm playing "make sure no Japanese people are nearby on this Nagoya Street before you crack cacophonous gunshot farts from curry last night


I've just finished Darksiders on switch with was good enough. I'm now attacking final fantasy 12 also on Switch.


At present, I am playing the Escape Room Game. The Escape room Chicago offers a combination of puzzles, clues of data. The total of the escape room games is trying, fun, and safe for kids and adults the equivalent. Each escape game in Chicago has its own exceptional methodology. These Escape Rooms let you carry on with the existence of imagination and experience. Try not to miss these when you are in Chicago.
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