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What is the biggest opinion change you ever had about gaming?

Have you ever radically change you mind about a topic in gaming?

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Have you ever had a major opinion change in gaming?

This can include opinions on the following:

A particular game - e.g. Last of Us, Breath of the Wid, Cyperpunk

A particular industry trend - e.g. DLC, MTX, Cheat Codes, Battle Passes

A particular gaming genre - e.g. RTS, Walking Simulators, MMOs

The industry as a whole - e.g. Inclusiveness, Bikini Armor, Feminist Frequency
Growing up, I always thought I would be bored playing an JRPG with traditional turn based combat. My thought was "it's gonna be some generic anime story with combat that's gonna feel like I'm just going to through the main menu." After playing some older final fantasy games, chrono trigger, etc. I realized how wrong I was. At least about being bored, a lot of those games can kinda feel like generic anime at times when it comes to the story
I was ready to drop 'The Witcher 3' like 5 hours in, decided to give it one more good play session and it finally clicked -- finished it like 100 hours later.

Breath of the Wild similar, wasn't loving it at first but pushed through and ended up loving it, now the sequel might be my new all time favorite.

I actively didn't like Dragon Quest until 2019 when the demo for XI S came out for Switch. I loved the demo so much I immediately pre-ordered, then went and hunted down copies of old games. Played through VIII and IX before XI S even released, then obsessed over XI for months. Dragon Quest jumped up to being a franchise I didn't like, to one of my favorites in the span of like 3 months.
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Really enjoyed Uncharted 2 at first with all the production values, spectacle and character performances.

After more entries along with other games doing a similar thing, I kinda got bored and started to actively dislike linear cinematic action games. They take player control away too often, the spectacle moments start to blend together because you don't have to mechanically do much during them, and I actually enjoy just watching the story compilations of the games better on youtube than playing them.


I always thought F2P was crap until I played Magic The Gathering Arena and the model made sense. I even paid for 2 season pases (roughly the equivalent of one game) when I played it daily and felt it was worth it.


My opinion on console gaming turned for the worse towards the tail end of the 360 era, where a lot of console gaming became like a sanitised version of PC gaming and the unique fun console games seemed to fade into the background.
Yeah, no more Nintendo after the N64 and GBA, no more Xbox, no more EA, no more Ubisoft, no more Rockstar and Take Two, no more Windows PC and both PlayStation and Apple only (I bought everything before). And my gaming is so great now! I love my world!
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The Stig

In the PS1 era I HATED 3rd person action games.

Now I love the genre. I played all the batman games, tomb raider, last of us, uncharted, the list goes on.
There was about a week of my life when I literally thought PlayStation should stop making single player games altogether. Then I went on a message board and someone said "...but God of War 2018 sold 20 million copies" and I was like "Yeah...PlayStation should probably keep making those God of War type games.

A rare miss from me.


Some for me were genre, I'd say most actually lol. When I was a kid, strategy games in general were a disappointment but I always loved the box art and idea. Mainly stuff that stemmed from wargaming's past.

On rpgs I flipflopped a few times throughout the years. On one hand I really dug the Japanese stuff. More linear but sometimes better stories and art design. Then late 90's western fantasy took hold(though I have always been drawn to and love the styles of western art ala Frezetta, Luis Royo, Heavy Metal etc) of me and I was mainly focused on sandbox or at least more choice in story and even obsessed over character creators in games. I was so off of the Jrpg bandwagon yet I'd keep an eye on them and eventually caved and would buy them to show support and know that one day I would get back into them proper. I think its often a sort of sharp dissonance that drives people away, especially if they aren't in the mood for something. It can be anything, music, art, books, film or tabletop.

I am really glad I was able to overcome my hurdles as I'm much more able to enjoy things in life rather than force myself into certain positions to justify some stance on perceived superiority of one thing or the other. Its so tribal and petty. Which is funny too since those things I fussed over were so influential to developers and fans across a broad swathe of palettes and tastes.

My last genre opinion change would be on Adventure games and Visual Novels. While I'm still not totally keen on the former, I'm far more invested now in VN's. I was one of those ignorant kids that would say there wasn't much of or any game at all. I get the sentiment still, but it is definitely an ignorance I'm glad I've shed as some great stories and experiences I've had have come from them.

I'll always love bikini armor though! Or less.
sonic the hedgehog wink GIF


I went from "I don't like FPS games" to "MOARRRRRR (non-live service)" all thanks to Borderlands, Metro 2033, & Deus Ex: Human Revolution =)


Does switching from Nintendo to Sony for my console count? It's forever ago, but even as a kid I got tired of waiting for games on the N64 and every single cool game was on PS1, so, yeah. FFVIII was my first game I got for it, incredible game for the time. :)


I didn’t understand the hype for Halo CE. I played it a bit and didn’t feel much. After playing it again in coop, it felt better, I started yet a new campaign, and it finally clicked. It totally blew my mind. The game kept being better and better every time I played it.

Now it is my favourite game of all times.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
In the PS1 era I HATED 3rd person action games.

Now I love the genre. I played all the batman games, tomb raider, last of us, uncharted, the list goes on.
To be fair to you, the genre was pretty terrible during the PS1 era and hadn't fully developed itself yet. PS1 had what? Syphon Filter and Medievil? Winback? These games all had extremely frustrating camera controls back then. Also, mostly due to technical limitations, the camera was super-duper close to the player making it even more difficult to maneuver.


In recent years probably the whole 30fps vs 60fps debate.
I used to really defend 30fps and I usually argued that on consoles, where hardware power will always be limited, cutting the framerate to 30fps was a worthy sacrifice for better graphics.

These days though I vastly prefer 60fps and I wish all devs just focused on getting their games to run at 60fps and decent resolutions instead of pushing for better graphics.
I think it's partially that 60fps finally became common on consoles again after years of 30 being the norm, and now going back again is hard. But I also think we've reached the point of diminishing returns where the visual gains for going with a 30fps limit just aren't worth it. I'd rather get games with the graphics of Uncharted 4 or God of War Ragnarok at 1440p 60 vs Jedi Survivor or Final Fantasy XVI at 1080p 30fps.
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Gold Member
Red Dead Redemption 2

At first I hated the slow pace of it. Then I went back maybe 9-12 months later and fell in love with it. I made the mistake of trying to play it like a western GTA. That’s not what RDR2 is.


I used to be a snob about playing first person shooters with mouse and keyboard (360/PS3 era). I totally flipped that opinion (Xbone/PS4 era).

Till 2042 with it’s cross play, I actually preferred playing battlefield on the consoles. Playing with a controller was more comfortable and there was no hackers to deal with.
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Pedro Motta

Gold Member
I used to be a PC Master Race purist, used to love all the tweaking, overclocking, modding etc.
Then I realized how much time I was wasting on those things instead of actually playing the games.
Nowadays I prefer to play on console, on my sofa with surround sound and big OLED and usually hassle free experience. Worth the sacrifice of the increased resolution and fps in some cases.


One of the green rats
I seriously hated everything about FPS until the resistance series on PS3. That got me into Halo 3 which was great as well... Heck resistance was so good ... after I even had good time with HAZE . :messenger_grinning_sweat:
I've never been been interested in games utilizing an isometric perspective.

Then, the Ascent changed my mind, and now BG3 has proven to me that I've been missing out all these years.


I used to semi be into collecting retro game stuff around 2015 or so. Realized emulating is better in every way possible basically. Lots of money saved.

I used to not care much for Halo at all (played MP with friends on OG xbox, part 1). Always thought the SP was lame, but a few years ago I played through all of them and had a solid time.

Nothing really mind blowing though when it comes to changes in opinion.

I'm trying to get into Shadow Tactics/Desperados 3/X-Com EU, as it seems kind of cool and I'm getting older but I've never liked taking turns for combat in videogames. Going to try Shadow Tactics pretty soon though.


Reverse groomer.
I used to not understand why people played games like Halo when Quake was so much faster and more frenetic. Then I realized that not every FPS game needs to be a lightning fast reflex test that requires hours of practice to get a single kill in order to be a fun time

I used to think having lots of games in your library was awesome, back when i was much younger and didn't have much other than 3 or 4 at a time... But ultimately realized that choice paralysis is a bitch, and it makes actually playing and enjoying games much harder. My tendency to replay games is much lower now, than it was back in the day. I beat Freedom Planet 3 times with 3 different characters in under a year back when I first got it on wii U, and Beat Shantae and the Pirates Curse 4 times back when I played it for the first time too. I even beat Cave Story 3 times back when all I had was an underpowered terrible Laptop.

Now, it's a tremendous excercise to get me to beat a game ONCE. I get caught up with internet junk and all that.

Infact, that's one of the things about PC gaming that's at first a blessing but can end up becoming a quick curse. When it's so easy to exit out of a game and browse the internet, you can end up getting caught up in forum posts, youtube videos, discord, music etc. That combined with choice paralysis makes it so fucking difficult to just start and play a game.

you first look up a guide, then you get sunk into a wiki post about an item that you were linked to from said guide, then you look up youtube videos of that item, then end up on cat videos, video essays about a totally different game, replying to comments you made the other day... The next thing you know 3 hours have passed, and your free time is up. All interest you previously had in said game you were looking up a guide for is completely gone and now you're putting it off for the next 3 months.


I use to love Japanese games, then I started to hate them, now I love them again. I blame MGS2 and FFX for my initial disdain for Japanese games. I mean I avoided MGS3 for years because of the previous game but now think MGS3 is one of the best games ever. I still avoid modern Final Fantasy games however, but other JRPGs have fill that gap for me.


Days Gone.

At first, that game had me so bored. Nothing of it clicked for me. I kept playing it, though, and I have no idea why. Until suddenly, everything clicked, and I was having fun.

I'm not sure when exactly, why or how that happened. But it did and now I have one more platinum thanks to that game.


I used to hate non Pokemon and Mario turn based RPGs. Then Chrono Trigger was ported to DS (first ever European release of the game btw) and the rest is history.
Yeah, I mean something simple recently - I played Assassin's Creed back in 2009 for a little bit and walked away from it thinking it was pretty junk. I never made it past the hub area (which is admittedly shit), but I put it in randomly a week or two ago, beat it in one sitting and now I basically think it's close to a masterpiece a few complaints aside.

Feels great when things like that happen honestly.
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RTS and Racing games were everything to me. Starcraft 2s release was one of my most hyped besides mgs. Id dabble in everything from C&C to Rise of nations. Same with racing games, i played every single one.

Now? Can’t stand either. Rts just becomes repetitive builds over and over, APM, miss a beat? The zerg rush got you. I can’t be bothered getting good at racing games either. I used to dominate online.

Fuck I’m old now. I like to play games at my own pace, third person games are god like. BG3 looks sexy af. Starfield is hype. Id do anything for a new linear mgs.


Before playing Fortnite - "this is nothing but free to play crap targeted towards kids who don't know the difference between good games and utter shit."

After playing Fortnite - "oh damn, this is pretty fun."


First person perspective. Hated it, I always got motion sick.
Then it turns out it was the stutter in many console games that were the problem for me. After jumping into PC gaming I’ve had pretty much no problems at all.


Nothing radical

More open minded to try out jrpgs.

Decided that it is perfectly fine to quit playing an AAA game that I bought if I am not enjoying it.

Instead of buying every new console because of FOMO, decide to stick to one and get others at the end of the gen, play essentials and sell then right after.


I used to think gaming was 'my' thing as a kid, that it was the bee's knees, turns out it takes away from your time doing other more constructive things. I like it, but I can see how it can be harmful and a waste of time.
You're allowed to enjoy yourself you know. Who wants to always be doing something 'constructive' after a long day at work?


Gold Member
The biggest change of opinion I had is actually more of an acceptance thing. I accept that the way of PC games is digital only. At least I had the luck to have experienced the big box PC game era for at least a little bit when I was a wee lad.


Gold Member
Biggest one is probably digital games. Used to be against it but nowadays I can appreciate not having all that plastic around or having to change discs.

I still think there should be a discount when you buy them digitally though, since you give up a lot of options while it’s only a gain for the dev/publisher.
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Probably my favorable stance on big publishers, such as Activision, EA, Take2 and Ubisoft, going from positive to the polar opposite.


- I always loved point and click adventures with much story and dialogues and never thought i would hate it in other genres. Many Action Adventures of the last decade with too much story and trivial dialogues proved me otherwise
- I thought for decades AAA games are the only games worth playing. The last decade showed me that a lot of Indies and AAs are way better and much more innovative than many AAAs
- I hated Fortnite and Minecraft (stupid kids games) till my friends convinced me to try it. Turned out pretty much fun
- I hated digital purchases, but i'm starting to buy digital only. But maybe it's because i'm on pc now and and i don't have much choice :messenger_beaming:
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Used to absolutely love turn-based JRPGs. Now they bore me to tears. I think a huge part of the appeal is they superficially feel all sophisticated and strategic, when really you’re just making the same braindead simple decisions over and over, getting your little dopamine hits as you gain XP/levels/etc. The only reason any of these are even tolerable nowadays is because of auto-battle + fast forward.

Yeah a few of them try to improve the formula by adding mechanics or making it very punishing/risky if you fuck up. And hey, I’m glad those exist for those who enjoy that but for me it’s just tedious and unsatisfying. There’s only so much you can do when there’s no positioning/terrain/etc and it’s just “you stand on one side, enemy stands on the other, and you take turns hitting each other” and you fight the same groups of enemies dozens of times.

I strongly prefer games like Xenoblade series, FF XII/XIII, Ys, Star Ocean, etc. They’re not necessarily difficult but they require quick decision making + feel rewarding when you optimize your behavior and “win with style”.
Nintendo only made original games - When it's just endless sequels, nothing new.

Nobody could make a better 3D Platform game than Nintendo - Astrobot killed that.

XBox LIVE was the best service ever - Now I hardly play online due to so many people taking Online games so seriously with trying to get the best score and achievements


I'm a bit more open to western games. Ever since like the ps1 era I mostly only ever played Japanese developed games but during the ps4 I played the order 1886, horizon zero dawn, and infamous second son and I pretty much loved all those games. I even played Uncharted but I liked them less and less as I went throuh the series. I haven't played the fourth one yet though.
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