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What is the most memorable game that did not live up to your hype?


MGSV without a doubt, the story is a huge departure from previous entries with a stupid amount of cut content. Considering the game was supposed to show HOW Big Boss became a villain and created it does a terrible job with it being a ‘oh the real BB is already like that, and already building Outer Heaven’, so many missed opportunities and not having Frank Jaeger and Sniper Wolf is a crime. It really could have been a GOAT game but it needed the remaining 3 chapters that were cut…

Fallout 4 as well, its not a rpg simply put, all the factions are terrible and one dimensional, the post apocalypse is a even bigger departure from previous games, some truly garbage lore breaks like the ghoul boy trapped in a fridge for 200 years…The thing that really pisses me off though is Far Harbor is excellent with a ton of rpg elements and impactful choices with actually morally gray factions and possibilities. Unfortunately its clearly a anomaly given the following dlc Nuka World went back to shite…Its a fun game but really disjointed, the settlement stuff is so pointless with zero reason beyond vanity.



Utter tripe. After playing and loving the rest of the series only to be served up this plate of cold dog turd I was bewildered at how the devs could miss the very mark of what made ALL their other games classics..

I took it back to the shop the next day, disgusted.
It was okay-ish. Some good missions in there, but crippling the disguise system and turning it into an action game was a big mistake. I'd like it if they remade some of the best parts in the modern Hitman style, although you could probably fit almost the entire game in one of the new Hitman levels.


By far, by far FF15.
So much it was promised, so little it was delivered.

Recently Re4 remake.
How did they manage to completely destroy the amazing cutscene direction and superb motion capture from the original Re4 and even Re2 remake, is beyond me. Otherwise i loved it, but the shockingly low quality production values of the story were a big let down.


Fallout 4 is probably the one that sticks out. Was a huge fan of Fallout 3 and even skipped New Vegas as I figured I'll just wait for the next mainline game rather than something that just seems like a reskin.
So not only did I deny myself what everyone seems to be in agreement is an amazing game (New Vegas) but Fallout 4 was such a huge disappointment. Dialogue choices were really vague leading to saying things that I didn't want to do, felt more like an FPS than an RPG and absolutely hated the base building.


Resident Evil Village
Cyberpunk 2077

Finished both, but thought they were both incredibly "fine", Village even more so IMO.


Not anymore

Reached a point in the game where the main quests already feel like side content, so f*ck sidequests

That "get the stolen pass back from a kid" and "go rescue your friends from infected enemies" 1-2 combo of bad quests ruined me

Now I'm even skipping dialogue to reach the next story beat where they've actually put some budget/effort

Yes its uneven, anything that looks static and badly animated seems to be inserted last minute and is generally very bad.

The main quest design certainly takes a nosedive after


Main questing starts to become like chores too, its deliberately padding at this point.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for me.

I loved Breath of the Wild on Switch and then later on PC via Cemu emulation (Wii U version) but I found the sequel to be too similar in terms of gameplay, visuals and setting to be anything but an overhyped disappointment. I am not saying it isn't a great game - maybe if I come back to it in 5 years time I might appreciate it more - but compared with other consoles where you see a huge improvement in the quality of sequels between a launch title and one released late generation, Tears of the Kingdom just feels like more of the same. That would have been fine if it had been released within a year like, say, Majora's Mask was on the Nintendo 64, but not when it came out 5 years after the original and feels like a remix rather than a brand new game.
Gotta go with Tears of the Kingdom as well. Maybe because it's fresh in my memory.

The game is so derivative that it's baffling it took them 5 years to develop it. Use amazing technology from an ancient civilization that has left robots all over the (same) map to defeat Ganon(dorf) who has trapped Zelda! Go around collecting memories of the past to learn what happened to Zelda and complete numerous shrines that never get more complex or difficult! It felt like I was going through the motions to experience BotW again. And that game was already flawed too, which they didn't bother addressing for the sequel.

It's a shame these games are so popular, because now we'll probably never get anything else. Skyward Sword was better than this disappointment. More content ≠ good game.


MGSV easily.
It's a shame because the actual stealth gameplay is great, not only one of the best in the franchise but one of the best in general.
I just disliked everything else about the game. I missed a more fun story and characters like in the previous games, I missed better boss battles, I hated the mission based structure, I hated the base building and resource management stuff

Gotta go with Tears of the Kingdom as well. Maybe because it's fresh in my memory.

The game is so derivative that it's baffling it took them 5 years to develop it. Use amazing technology from an ancient civilization that has left robots all over the (same) map to defeat Ganon(dorf) who has trapped Zelda! Go around collecting memories of the past to learn what happened to Zelda and complete numerous shrines that never get more complex or difficult! It felt like I was going through the motions to experience BotW again. And that game was already flawed too, which they didn't bother addressing for the sequel.

It's a shame these games are so popular, because now we'll probably never get anything else. Skyward Sword was better than this disappointment. More content ≠ good game.

Yeah I kind of agree.
I actually finished it yesterday. It's a fun game and just like BotW I think that the stuff it does well it does REALLY well.
But once the novelty of the building and physics wears off I still think it's too similar to BOTW and still shares many of the issues I had with that game (boring story, boring sidequests, unrewarding exploration and questing, bad gear mechanics)
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What time is it?
MGS2 - The demo was great. The story is prophetic and also great. The surprise character switch was bold and not something that could be pulled off in this day-and-age. That said, Big Shell was mostly boring to explore and the bosses are some of the worst in the series. I appreciate the game a lot more than I enjoy playing it.

Halo 2 - Speaking of second entries and character switches, the campaign at times felt more confined than the original with more points of no return within some levels. The level designs are far less memorable. Brutes are a terribly boring enemy, don't really showcase Halo's AI all that well and are just a poor replacement for Elites (yes, I know Elites are still in the game). The story didn't feel finished and went off the deep end, figuratively and literally. I'm generally not a sci-fi fan so take that with a grain of salt, but I always appreciated how straight forward CE's story was.


Gold Member

Was so disappointed in the hyrule field, felt very empty when compared with my fave, ALttP, in comparison.

Dungeons, music, everything else was fine.
This might be sacrilege but I don't think that Ocarina of Time aged well. In comparison, ALttP plays much better and is also better paced, imho.

Mr Hyde

The last disappointment of a memorable game I can think of, was probably Ragnarok. I had a blast when I played it, but the more I think of it, the more I feel it was over hyped. It felt shallow and didn't leave a lasting impression that the original did. The game had several memorable moments, especially those involving Thor, Odin and their families, but the story in general I felt went nowhere. I don't know. It was lackluster. Had very little going for it in terms of new design or gameplay changes.

In terms of in house sequels, Horizon Forbidden West was much better, that introduced several new ideas, weapons and mechanics. It also came with a huge graphical upgrade that took advantage of PS5 hardware whereas GoW Ragnarok, while still looking solid, didn't feel nearly as good looking as HFW. It felt much more cross gen with the same awful loading passages you had to walk through to get to a new area.


I try not to get too hyped for games to manage expectations.

It was cyberpunk. I even played it a year after launch...and while it was solid...it did hit the same way Witcher 3 did.


Unreal Tournament 2003 probably. Such a disappointment coming after the brilliant original UT99. I hated the style, the gameplay, the characters. Everything just felt off. The removal of the memorable Assault gameplay mode was just weird. On a whole the game just felt empty and lifeless.

On a more positive note the sequel UT2004 was more or less a great fucking game. Not only did they add back the Assault gameplay mode they also included a new mode called Onslaught which was seriously fun.

And while on the subject of Unreal... Unreal II. What a complete piece of shit game. Easily one of the most disappointing game I've ever played.


Gold Member
MGS2, FFX, Super Mario Sunshine, The Wind Waker, and GTA3.

I understand that for most people, 2001-2002 was the best time ever in gaming.
For me, it was a time of disappointment so bad, I was on the verge of writing this hobby. Every single one of the most hyped game of that period was a huge letdown for me. I swore off Metal Gear and GTA then and there, FF was never the same for me again, and Zelda took a long time to win me over again.


Onimusha 3, it wasn't bad, it's just the secondary character was inferior to Samanosuke in every possible way, except the intro if you count the cut scenes.


Gold Member
My first thought was Ubisoft of the wild. But then I remember this...


Fuck you Microsoft
Fuck you 343i

This game was dog shit, and it didn't need to be, but everything being designed around "engagement" just made me angry the more I played.

Codes 208

In recent memory: halo 5 and halo infinite

Overall though: dragon ball z ultimate tenkaichi on the 360, it was just rock paper saiyans
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Neighbours from Hell
Chrono Cross. It was a really good game with an amazing soundtrack, but I'm sorry, it pales vastly to the Chrono Trigger, and my anticipation for Cross was through the roof.


Gow ragnarok was hyped as fuck, gameplay is good but damn hated atreus and dem mofos talk too much, in fact i played gow 3 lately and its still solid
Pretty much any Kojima game for me.
Cinematics , animations, character cast and presentation are top but gameplay is opposite of fun to me, its non existent pretty much. Those are fucking movies, not games. I'm sorry.


Persona 5, in particular vanilla P5.

Persona 4 is one of my favorite games for (among other things) how natural the dialogue is, and P5 squanders all that good will in less than an hour, somehow making Sojiro sound like an insane person in super-stilted dialogue that is also in direct odds with the scene direction (that is, the direction's saying he not crazy, of course).

P5 Royal fixed allot of the bad localization of the original, even going so far as to voice over the new lines, but my excitement was absolutely crushed by how bad my vanilla experience was. I vividly remember pacing around my bedroom saying, "I can't believe it. I can't believe it! They fucked this up," and coming to the sobering conclusion that I... guess I won't be playing Persona 5, my most anticipated game in years. I was really upset.


Dark Souls 1: Anor Londo

I was expecting something like we ended up getting in the Ringed City from DS3, or the Capital in Elden Ring. Anor Londo felt more circusy with its catwalks and perilous climbs.
I created the perfect Cyberpunk game in my mind, but playing it felt like an empty husk of a mediocre shooter with some mild RPG mechanics.
The weird bugs were just the icing on the turd.


Overall BOTW, it's not a terrible game but when I finished it with only 3 dungeons, dumb breakable weapons system I thought this was a joke, I tried to quench my thirst with the 120 dungeons but even after that I felt the game is empty, nothing to do, as I obviously don't give a shit about finding 999 kokokuku something. It was supposed to be epic, it was just a sandbox random average game. For me since this one, the Zelda series fell down very low, BOTW and TOTK are just games made to be streamable as many game mechanics can bring random unexpected situations "oh this rock fell and killed those 3 enemies thence bounced on a wall and blablabla"...
Killzone 3
I loved KZ2 multiplayer. Had tons of fun playing it
I thought KZ3 was a safe bet. Bought it at launch... And what disappointment it was...
At that time every game wanted a piece of call of duty audience so they changed everything good about KZ2 mp to pursue trends.
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