the point here is that she would be vulnerable while sleeping
... which mustn't be, because ... ?
It's an absolutely outlandish, bizarre change.
the point here is that she would be vulnerable while sleeping
Most TMS's censorship is bizarre, I would say this game has most weirdest censorship have seen in any game.... which mustn't be, because ... ?
It's an absolutely outlandish, bizarre change.
You are wrong about this, i mean, really wrong. Portable mode is closer to wii u in performance and even then, it is still stronger to the point it runs games like dark souls at native 1280x720 in handheld mode (and 1080p docked) when last gen consoles only ran the game at 1024x720 and with massive performance drops.Well wiiu and switch are about the same on performance(wiiu vs docked mode), switch just have more modern architechture.
So its not so easy to make wiiu games run 1080p
Most TMS's censorship is bizarre, I would say this game has most weirdest censorship have seen in any game.
Most TMS's censorship is bizarre, I would say this game has most weirdest censorship have seen in any game.
oh, i'm not defending this. I'm against censorship and ALL of these changes are beyond ridiculous. I was just trying to find a pov for this particular change.... which mustn't be, because ... ?
It's an absolutely outlandish, bizarre change.
I have this on Wii U, is that how I'm playing with the latest patches, or do I have to do something?
It's backlogged, obviously lol
Aaand this case became even dumber now: Nintendo just released a trailer for guest appearances in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Not only is there English voice acting (the main game only has Japanese voice acting), but LOOK at those anime tiddies. Tsubasa's cleavage here is more nude than even in the original Japanese Wii U-version, So the main game is super censored, yet Nintendo got no qualms using super uncensored versions in Heroes.
Aaand this case became even dumber now: Nintendo just released a trailer for guest appearances in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Not only is there English voice acting (the main game only has Japanese voice acting), but LOOK at those anime tiddies. Tsubasa's cleavage here is more nude than even in the original Japanese Wii U-version, So the main game is super censored, yet Nintendo got no qualms using super uncensored versions in Heroes.