OG_Original Gamer
I think it relates to the controller more than anything, it could be an additional analog stick, or two D-pads.
ge-man said:The REAL revolution would final bring Virtual Reality home at a resonable price. However, this isn't happening soon. So barring that, the next step is motion control devices that still connect to our TVs but allow more intuitive interaction in the game world. I think this is partially where Nintendo wants to do with their whole Revolution agenda--bring control up to speed with next gen tech. It seems like a waste to have such advance graphics, yet still be hitched to controller technology that barely emulates how humans in actually interact in the real world.
Tekky said:Actually, I came up with one idea:
Make it possible for gamers to modify a game, publish their changes for everyone to take advantage of, and earn income for good mods.
You like?
Tekky said:Anyone have any thoughts on this idea?
BeOnEdge said:heres my idea of a revolutonary game.
imagine an online world. hundreds of thousands of players. within this world, all genres are combined. you are free to do whatever you want. imagine GTA3 but in the football stadium, you could gather a bunch of people to play a game of football. if i wanted to be a bastard and rush the stadium killing you, fine. but i have to get passed the people who choose to be guards/snipers in the game to keep the peace.
say you wanna street race through the city. jack a car, meet up with others and race. ofcourse you have to weave thru the other cars and peds that are possibly not just NPCs but other REAL players too. tennis? find a court. gangster? rally up other bad asses and go start some crap. eventually other players will band together and try to take u down.
what if the city gets too small? devs build a new neighborhood for you to download and it goes on and on and on. there is time and weather too. now ofcourse as hinted at above, there are pre programmed things like places to buy health, weapons, steal money from etc. maybe a pre programmed police force to keep things KINDA safe, just like in GTA. it could be pure chaos or a utopia.
Tekky said:Actually, I came up with one idea:
Make it possible for gamers to modify a game, publish their changes for everyone to take advantage of, and earn income for good mods.
You like?
Norse said:i hear far cry instincts is supposed to have most of that ability...just the making money portion will be missing I think.
Tekky said:In order for this idea to really take off, though, Nintendo will have to spend a lot of effort in developing game editing systems that are as easy to use as their games are to play. I can't easily imagine what the tools will look like, but it should be possible for a 6-year-old to create new characters and new gameplay.
BlackSalad said:I want porn at my finger tips on my tv at all times
*buys a dreamcast
GDJustin said:Just like the DS, it'll recognize and sense other systems within a certain radius. Think about it, guys. 4 N5s, sitting ANYWHERE in a house, with up to 4 TVs displaying the action. The 16 people can be virtually anywhere, and play. Think about how that would revolutionize multiplayer. Power the things on, and they sense each other. Near-instant setup. Just kart your system over to a friends and you're ready.
The thing is, I'm almost certain that this is an accurate vision of the future, more than it is idle speculation (besides the battery bit).
sp0rsk said:just give me a system that can let me play more games like 4 swords.