I don't know if this game is even for me. I really don't like the bosses; Genshin's minion spam followed by that incredibly boring armadillo fight have really turned me off from the game. Playing both this and Black and both give me the same feeling, that the combat deserves better than the bosses and overall design of the game. I never get the urge to persevere through a boss fight or tedious section, I just turn the game off.
Different strokes for different folks. For me personally, this game didn't really open up until I played it on the harder difficulties (I forget all the difficulty names), but this game definitely gets more interesting on higher difficulties. Having said that, if the game hasn't grabbed you then there's no guarantee that bumping up the difficulty will change that but you already own it so why not give it a shot? It worked for me (whatever that's worth to you). I will say that I think the boss battles were some of the things that were actually improved with Sigma 2.
Weirdly, I'm someone who hates NGB & NGS1 but I love NGll & NGS2 and NGS3RE. As far as the character action genre as a whole goes I've kind of played them all but am only a fan of the previously mentioned NG games, DMC1 (though I think it's aged poorly), DMC3 and dMc. I'm not a God of War fan or a Bayonetta fan or a Revengeance fan.