Hrm... I wasn't aware there was a censored version. I was a HUGE fan of Digital Pictures games back in the day.
I've also played though both the origial SegaCD version (before the rating) and later on the MA 32x version.
During the briefings (on the original SegaCD version), your commander would hold of a Sega Genesis pad in reference to your control or the security system. The briefing scenes were changed for the 3DO release to a generic looking remote. The 3DO scenes are what made it into the 32x version.
Other than that I'm not aware of any content changes. There was actually no content that would require changing as the game had very little blood and the bathroom scene is the only one the news reports seemed to think was violent. The bathroom scene was still the same in both versions.
I saw some news reports and read some articles that made it sound way more violent that it actually was. Like you stalk and kill girls with hooks. That doesn't happen.