Overcompensating with all those emojis doesn't change anything. It's a bare bones game, with a bare environment as well as stealth mechanics. There's absolutely nothing innovative here.
You're the same type of troll that automatically gives points to any game if its exclusive to pc. Yet every single time one of those exclusives ends up coming to consoles, it becomes apparent that it was mostly fraud.
Counter Strike was touted as having no equal on consoles, and was simply better. Until CS GO released on consoles and it became obvious to all that it was a simplistic shooter in every way, and was actually nothing more than an outdated fps.
PUBG was hyped as the second coming of Christ by the "pc master race". The console "peasants" just didn't understand how great and realistic it was... That is until it released on consoles and was proven to be yet another pc jankfest.
That's not to say that every game ends up that way, but it happens far more often than not. Thief is no different. Doesn't take anyone more than a few minutes watching that poorly outdated gameplay to see that.
Why don't you explain how it is outdated beyond graphics (every game in OP is, to different degrees)? Earlier you said you "guess" its stealth is good (so I don't know what makes it not qualify then, stealth is all it does, do you think its story is bad or something, cos it's actually pretty good, so?) and you "think" it's PC only, which was showing you've never even played it or know anything about it to judge it. So, what did you think makes its stealth good, and now suddenly in a following post apparently it's all bad and outdated in gameplay and everything else? You don't know anything about the game, its engine, AI features, player capabilities, anything. You chose some random video that a) makes everything, even shadows, super bright thanks to the "hd mod" and b) shows you a player that knows the game inside out and is able to exploit all of its AI and engine features without batting an eye while beelining from one objective or loot object to the next, which when you play you aren't aware of (nor do you get any kind of x ray vision/tags/objective markers, but you get organic and logical design you can figure out as a player with some grey matter) and need to get your own bearings and consult your rough in game maps, pick up clues, listen in on conversations, or whatever.
As far as its stealth goes, it has as many features as any modern stealth game. Your character can creep, walk, run, climb anything he can reach via jump or other means, rather than preset climb points, crouch and lean in various directions all helpful in points, the AI has different alert states and may be set to patrol, wander, guard things in place, have schedules, based on their logical role and mission and so on, there's sound propagation based on the physical properties of everything, carpet makes less sound, metal surfaces the most and it all carries differently, you can pick up bodies after knocking them out no different to any MGS other than not looking as fancy, you may pickpocket them without them noticing if they happen to have items you need like objective required keys, visible on their person without having to search them after the fact, different types of lights are interactive in different ways as you can blow out torches and candles in various ways, find switches, generators, etc., you have an increasing number of tools at your disposal that eventually means that, as level layouts eventually aren't conveniently laying out all the right surface types and darkness levels to let you freely wander so you basically device your own risky paths, etc.
And all of it just building on 98's original game.
What's so outdated about any of that? Just because you watched some ninja player who knows the game inside out and exploits all the AI exact hearing and vision (without even a radar mind) and you don't even understand why he does all you see him do, what would go differently if he didn't do these exact steps you see as just random behavior that allows him to do anything he wants (and what he wants is apparently to bonk all heads), you don't even know what his objective is and any kind of progression and failure triggers, you just see him go from room to room taking out guards and looting items and it doesn't look as fancy as MGSV so it's bad?
This basically reeks of it being your first time seeing the game beyond having heard of it and its basic gist, after your own first kneejerk judgement of it, in an attempt to not investigate what it offers (at least try reviews that explain shit?) but to reinforce your pre existing, unwarranted opinion of it. Just play it, any toaster can run it nowadays and I guarantee you won't be the ninja in the video doing as you please and succeeding, just as people can exploit the AI of MGS, Spinter Cell, Crysis or pretty much any game and mess with it in effortless ways that do not at all showcase a player's actual experience when playing through them "blind" as anyone. Seeing as I just got in PC gaming around the year this released and it flew under the radar, was far from a commercial success, etc, I first played over a decade later and, yes, it's every bit as good (alongside the original) as anyone who appears like a fanboy will claim. Whether that makes it better than others is subjective.