My top 10 pain experiences.....(in no order)
10) I recently went through back pain due to inflamed tissue in my spine caused by a fractured vertabrae...if you have ever had serious back pain you'll understand. I could barely move without extreme pain, couldn't walk well, couldn't breathe during spasms...eventually had to have a needle full of pain killers & anti-inflamitories directly into my spine. Oh, and on top of that you get the lovely side effect of nerve pain...lemme tell you that SUCKS. There were times that the pain in my leg was so bad (felt like it was buring up and about to explode) I wanted to knock myself out.
9) Was smashing apart a transmission with a sledge hammer and when I swung I missed it and slammed the hammer full swing into my big toe. Didn't break it but lots of swelling, bleeding, and I lost the nail and couldn't walk on it for weeks....ouch!
8) Was carving home made arrows with a carpentry knife and slipped and cut my thumb through the center from the top splitting the nail in two. Watching your thumb peel like a bananna is well...odd.
7) I was cleaning out my brother's office and had some papers in my mouth while I wiped off the desk and he got annoyed at me "spitting" on his stuff and yanked them out giving a nice deep paper cut in the left corner of my mouth.
6) I was working on a metal lathe in high school when it shut down for no reason. I opened up the control panel to see what was happening and while I had my arms in there my teacher slammed a 2ft long steel wrench down on my arms because he thought I was being electrocuted. Turns out I had one foot on a grounding plate or I would have been.
5) I jumped through some hedges once into the road on the other side and turned just in time to see a big ol' Buick slamming on his brakes before he hit me and made me slam my face into the hood (lost 3 teeth)
4) Was riding my bike home and I cut through a field and got grass in my wheel and instead of stopping and taking it out I tried to pull it out while riding and my arms got pulled into the tire and I flew over the handle bars slamming face first into the pavement and then rolling off into a ditch where I laid unconscious and bloody for roughly 20 minutes before I woke up and stumbled into a nearby store for help.
3) I was working on the roof of my house with my dad and I reached under the overhang to get at a birds nest and fell over the edge and landed on my back in the back of a pick up truck full of scrap wood ending up winded, bruised, and bloody.
2) Was mowing my lawn and my cousin was playing with a bow and arrow nearby, I looked over at him and he was shooting it up in the air over and over. Then one time I looked and he looked scared and was pointing up with a hand on his mouth and before I knew it I had an arrow hit me in the side of the head and went just under the skin on the top right and deep enough to be behind my ear....glad I didn't look up.
1) The dentist when he gave me the wrong kind of novacane and pulled a wisdom tooth. I almost passed out from the pain (he thought I was faking to get out of it). Hope that guy is dead now....seriously.
I could go on and friends and I did some pretty dumb stuff when we were younger that had us in a lot of painfull situations