I'm starting Monday. I finally have a few weeks of not having to be out of town.
J Tourettes said:2nd week of Yoga done and it was definitely easier this week. Still can't do the ridiculous locking my arms round my back and through the legs move :lol
Pocket said:Are you guys sticking to the nutrition guide or doing your own thing? I'm looking to start September 1st![]()
Slurmer said:Figured I'd start today. Just did the chest+shoulders...taking a break before Ab Ripper.
So, I've had this for a few weeks, but wanted to wait to start until I lost some more weight going to the gym. I've lost about 20 pounds in 2 months just going to the gym 5-6 times a week (lots of cardio and some free weights) and dieting.
I still want to lose weight, but don't really feel like adopting the nutrition guide. I've just been really strict about how many calories I'm taking in, and cut out snacks/soda/fast food completely. Would this be an issue? Really, I'm more interested in losing weight than putting on lots of muscle. Sorry...I know this has probably been asked already in the thread![]()
Freedom = $1.05 said:Wow, by no means am I an out of shape guy but goddam, this first day killed me. Before I was done with the first half of Chest & back I had to lay down in bed, or else I would've fainted. I guess I went at it too hard :lol
Also, I'm not flexible enough (yet) to do some of the Ab ripper exercises. I found myself doing as many as I could, which wasn't much, and then just laying there, counting the seconds. This program is serious business.
LCfiner said:I'm following the portion approach. it's not a very restrictive diet. just gotta cut out fast food, beer, big desserts and big ol' bowls of pasta.
it's carb-light to start off but you can still have a sandwich or a small pasta side each day.
just make sure you have lots of fish, chicken and lean beef in the house for meals. and snacks like yogurt, trail mix and carrot sticks to not lose energy during the day
J Tourettes said:2nd week of Yoga done and it was definitely easier this week. Still can't do the ridiculous locking my arms round my back and through the legs move :lol
teh_pwn said:This doesn't look like a gimmicky program..
esbern said:it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology
teh_pwn said:Maybe the muscle confusion stuff is bullshit. But the program shows how to do a bunch of exercises that don't require me to go to the gym. Traffic in Austin makes that half of the workout.
It doesn't look as gimmicky as an abs machine as the only product, and a diet of lemonade. That's gimmicky.
That's not true. There's PLENTY of leg and back workout -- and that's something that many programs ignore.esbern said:thats understandable and all, its just that in the end of the day you're going to have biceps, abs, lats, and nothing else if you keep up with this for a long time. it looks ridiculous.
esbern said:it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology
esbern said:thats understandable and all, its just that in the end of the day you're going to have biceps, abs, lats, and nothing else if you keep up with this for a long time. it looks ridiculous.
esbern said:it is. your body is built in only certain areas and you look hilariously disproportionate. additionally, all of that muscle confusion pseudoscience has literally no scientific backing and is about real as astrology
phinious said:I follow the portion nutrition guide pretty closely, although I think the calories on my portions are lower than the ones published in the guide.
One thing I had to do was buy some Zone Bars and Whey Protein. The Bars I needed for the calories, and the protein I needed cause I can't eat that much damn meat. I drink like 3 of my protein portions/day.
mac said:If you are going to watch infomercials you should be watching Shoperotic. Two dirty birdies (Miyoko pictured) give all the details about how new and freaky dildos work. They aren't afraid to say the really sexy stuff, such as male dildos are made to be larger to accommodate the extra size.
I swear, the show is better than posing as a county health official and duping teenagers over the phone to describe their sex lives and genital health.
bluemax said:^5! I love Shop Erotic, it makes me giggle like crazy.
Also knife show. The dude sounds like he is drunk all the time.
grumble said:There are lots of tricks to getting enough protein. I've provided one example of a meal plan via this link:
It's a doable situation to get 80+ grams of protein per meal, which reduces your dependence on protein shakes. That being said, using whey protein before and after a workout and casein protein before bed will seriously jack up your results.
deathsight580 said:I still can't go over halfway in Plyo. :lol
I don't get like that, my legs just get completely wasted to the point that I'm about to fall down and I can't take it anymore. But at least getting halfway through is better that nothing.Pangya said:My first day pylo 2 days ago I stopped about halfway too... I was getting to the point where I became light headed and felt like passing out while standing up.
silvon said:Finished week 3 a couple of days ago... I decided to extend the first phase by another week as I only started following the nutrition guide from somewhere in week 2. Very happy with the results so far, my waist is thinner by one belt hole (that's my measurement unit :lol ), my arm muscles are probably not much bigger (never measure them), but my whole body is leaner, and that makes my muscles look bigger. And I also feel more fit and have more stamina than before. And to those who asked whether it's necessary to follow the nutrition guide, my answer based on my experience is YES! I get much more obvious results once I started cutting carbs and eating more lean meats and proteins.
OmniGamer said:Ugh, what a shitty workout today(Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)...just when I feel like i'm making progress, I have a workout like today where I either struggle to equal last week's effort, or I fall short. My triceps were crap today, which impacted all of the pushup and tricep movements in today's workout. I'm halfway through P90X and sometimes it feels like my body is regressing rather than progressing. I hope my day 60 pics tell a different tale because my morale is starting to take a hit when I have days like this.
Littleberu said:You muscles shouldn't be much bigger in the first block, anyway.
Good work!
J Tourettes said:What block did you start noticing the muscle gains in?
phinious said:I had that last night with chest and back. I just started my third week, and I cant tell if Im making any progress strength-wise. Right now Im doing almost all my pushups with my knees on the floor. I also use a chair to help with pullups, but I don't feel like im making much progress (if any). I did like 1 more of each.![]()