OmniGamer said:Sidenote...on two separate occasions this week I got comments on my body. My sister said my arms were looking really good. And yesterday, a friend of my mom's friend, a lady I met for the first time, asked if I worked out, and I said "yeah, off and on, though pretty consistently at the moment", and she said she could tell. So that felt good, and i can't wait to get back on track and keep the improvements going.
LCfiner said:So I'm finally starting phase 3![]()
weight has been constant the last 2 weeks, which is slightly disappointing but I'm still down around 20 pounds from when I started and I definitely feel looser in the pants and some shirts.
Jugendstil said:After two months I totally fell off the wagon with P90. I can make excuses (work, being sick, going on vacation) but ultimately I got lazy. I'm just starting to see nice results too and have been getting compliments. UGH, I need Tony to come to my house and slap me.
After two months I totally fell off the wagon with P90. I can make excuses (work, being sick, going on vacation) but ultimately I got lazy. I'm just starting to see nice results too and have been getting compliments. UGH, I need Tony to come to my house and slap me.
demon said:A week in with P90x. What sucks is because of my mysterious sternum(?) injury, I can't do pushups (I substitute with either frog-stands/planches or floor dumbbell presses), dips are kinda iffy, and can't do a couple ab exercises. It's nice to get back into the groove of a workout regimen, though, after not really exercising/working out since last November. Not really paying attention to the P90x diet though.
page 63-64 (if you're on 100 posts per page) of this thread:grumble said:Could you explain a little more about this sternum injury? Pushups are a pretty integral part of the P90X plan, so if it's a solvable issue, it'd be good to work pushups back in. Did you get hit in the sternum?
u can use a band but u still gotta wrap it around a bar. make sure its sturdyDivvy said:Interested in trying this out. Is there any way to do it without a chin up bar? I can't install one where I live.
demon said:page 63-64 (if you're on 100 posts per page) of this thread:
I don't know how much of a solvable issue it is, but I'm going to see a doctor (again) on friday about a possible CAT scan or whatever. Already got x-rays and the doctors couldn't see shit. But I just can't do pushups. I do one or two and then start to feel a really painful pressure build up right in my sternum, and I can't imagine what it'd be like to keep going.
bathala said:u can use a band but u still gotta wrap it around a bar. make sure its sturdy
Thanks, I'll bring that up with my doctor. It's been more than a few weeks though....heh. Try months. (sigh)grumble said:Hmm, I browsed around for a bit. It's sometimes caused by organs swelling, due to things like heartburn, congestive heart failure, lung inflammation, something like that. It might not be directly related to the sternum. Try taking heartburn medication if you have heartburn.
Secondly, if you're on the younger end of the spectrum, then it might be due to some growing pains coming in. Even in late teens it can happen, and the only way to help it is to get good posture and wait for it to pass.
The most likely explanation however is that you tweaked a tendon at its attach point to your sternum. That's what's making any 'pop' or 'crunch' sounds you may be getting when you wiggle it. This could have been from a variety of things. If it's still bothering you after a few weeks, then you may either be continually aggravating the injury, or it might be something like a tear which would need some medical treatment.
To work on that, lay off all chest exercises, and work on some gentle stretching exercises. Ice it regularly to bring the swelling down, take advil. when the topic gets brought up medically, talk to your doctor about soft tissue tears and pulls and what they can do to help. Might even be surgery, but whatever it takes, right?
Divvy said:Can you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
Oh and I skipped yoga. I don't have a yoga block yet, and just wasn't up to an hour and a half of crazy stretches. Substituted with some other exercise though.
I wrap my band around my closet bar. I kneel down and pull.Divvy said:Can you elaborate? I'm not sure I understand what you mean.
I might try that duck tape version.Boonoo said:There are a couple ways to use the bands instead of a bar. Here's a video.
I haven't tried this, but it seems to work for him.
I would be sure to get a block and jump into yoga as soon as possible. The first half is goddamn hard, and I sweat like a madman, but the second is pretty fun. I can almost do crane! And I love doing wheel.
bathala said:goddam crane is hard. Did u do one toe at a time and finally got used to it?
Divvy said:Interested in trying this out. Is there any way to do it without a chin up bar? I can't install one where I live.
I love ab ripper x--you can really feel the gains. I'm at 16 reps a move right now, and I'm adding a rep each time I do it; I may have to slow the additions soon, but for now it's working well.
Oh and I skipped yoga. I don't have a yoga block yet, and just wasn't up to an hour and a half of crazy stretches. Substituted with some other exercise though.
Boonoo said:There are a couple ways to use the bands instead of a bar. Here's a video.
I haven't tried this, but it seems to work for him.
teh pwn said:By install, do you mean nailing/screwing the bar permanently to the wall? You can buy chin up bars that are temporarily mounted.
There's the p90x one:
And the Iron Gym:
You just need a door with the right width range, and make sure the door frame isn't rotten. You'll feel like you're going to fall the first time, but I don't even think about it. It's solid.
Meatpuppet said:Pics
OmniGamer said:Very nice man, congrats! Your back and abs really show impressive progress.
You already-lean guys have it can see every new little fiber and striation as they come in, and every little drop of bodyfat as it melts away.
Syph said:But we gain muscle so much slower![]()
OmniGamer said:Very nice man, congrats! Your back and abs really show impressive progress.
You already-lean guys have it can see every new little fiber and striation as they come in, and every little drop of bodyfat as it melts away.
OmniGamer said:I'm sure no one in this thread is impressed with my "size"...I don't care of i could be someone smaller in arm wrestling...being lean makes every muscle look, and especially feel, much better.
I'm taking my final pics on October 9th, and i'm already expecting to be disappointed...even after adding an extra Phase 3 week to make up for my disrupted week last week. The changes are there, but it's like an optical probe trying to peer through the clouds of Venus to see the defined features of the's all obscured.
Meatpuppet said:Bear in mind though that everyone is there own worst critic, especially when you're on a training regime/diet, as you are constantly checking for progress, making it fucking hard to tell even if there is any!
OmniGamer said:Yeah, that's where my head is at. I know the logic, but the sheer hatred I have for my body just overrides that. I'm just so sick of always struggling to get where i want to be, getting just within spitting distance, and then failing. Trying out P90X was a last ditch effort for me, and now as i'm nearing the end of the initial 90 days, and seeing, what i'd consider, sobering results, i'm getting into that frustrated mindset again.
It's a double edged sword...I get obsessed, which kind of helps me focus, but also leads to frustration and mental burnout. I'm tired* of climbing an ever-growing mountain, i'd just like to get to where I want to be, and maintain from there. I know everyone's body is different...but damn...i just feel pre-defeated on a cellular level. Like maybe I have low testosterone or something.
*Omnigamer's note* By tired, i don't mean this 90 day's been an ongoing, up and down story for 5 years now, from 279lbs in 2004, to a "skinny-fat" 199lbs, and several points in between.
hitsugi said:Been doing this for a while.. well, I've met the 90 days but it was so casual that I have a hard time even counting it. I lost 8 pounds, gained some muscle (most notably arms and shoulders) and I feel better.. but I think this time around I'm going to actually factor in the diet, vary weights more, and try to complete every exercise.
Not gonna lie, it's difficult for me to finish any of these dvds except for the Kenpo one =\
grumble said:I think that Kenpo DVD is bullshit, and the weakest part of the program. It's just not that intense. It's much better in my opinion to do Cardio X instead, which is a little more intense and varied than Kenpo while still incorporating some of its ideas.
Pretty much.J Tourettes said:I think with the Kenpo you get out what you put in. If you throw your punches and kicks with real venom it's a pretty good workout butif you pussyfoot about it's pointless doing it.
RyoHazuki said:I haven't read through this whole thread but I'm considering trying this out. I'm very skinny, 6'0, 165 lbs and I want to get bigger rather than lose weight. My goal is to get up to 175-180 lbs. Would P90X be better than getting a gym membership? If I do go to the gym I'm planning on mainly doing squats, deadlifts, benchpress, and pullups. My main worry about going to the gym is that I haven't been to the gym in about a 1.5 years and I dont want to hurt myself trying to deadlift or squat after not doing them in so long.
How much cooking ability is needed to make the meals? I can't make anything much more difficult than scrambled eggs. And about how much money will i be looking at to buy the pullup bar, dumbbells and whatever else is needed?
Kinitari said:I just... did my first p90x workout.
Before I get into that, let me tell you about how I decided to do it. Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I posted in the get fit thread, and someone suggested I look into P90x. Anyway, last night I met up with some work buddies who all went out and got the DVD's and equipment a few weeks back - one of the guys was pussying out, and told me I could borrow his crap - he even made a bet (loser picks up bar tab) that I wouldn't last as long as he did (3 weeks). Anyway, I thought I could do it absolutely no problem, and I finished my first day about 30 minutes ago.
Holy fuck. Ho-Lee-Fak. A minute ago I tried to get up, and I almost felt like throwing up. My whole body was even shaking for a minute or two a little while ago. My hips hurt, and I don't even know why. Lifting my arms to the keyboard took so much effort I feel ashamed. How the fuck am I supposed to do this for 3 weeks? I read in this thread people keep saying it gets easier - but I have no idea how I am supposed to get better at this. I couldn't even DO all the exercises properly, halfway through I had to start doing girl-pushups, in the last 10minutes I was lucky if I could do 5 of anything. And don't even get me started on this AbRipper crap, I was about to give myself a hernia.
I am definitely going to keep this up for 3 weeks, as I am a poor/cheap bastard and I refuse to pick up a bar tab, so really this is me just bitching. But goddamn.... goddamn.
Kinitari said:I just... did my first p90x workout.
Before I get into that, let me tell you about how I decided to do it. Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I posted in the get fit thread, and someone suggested I look into P90x. Anyway, last night I met up with some work buddies who all went out and got the DVD's and equipment a few weeks back - one of the guys was pussying out, and told me I could borrow his crap - he even made a bet (loser picks up bar tab) that I wouldn't last as long as he did (3 weeks). Anyway, I thought I could do it absolutely no problem, and I finished my first day about 30 minutes ago.
Holy fuck. Ho-Lee-Fak. A minute ago I tried to get up, and I almost felt like throwing up. My whole body was even shaking for a minute or two a little while ago. My hips hurt, and I don't even know why. Lifting my arms to the keyboard took so much effort I feel ashamed. How the fuck am I supposed to do this for 3 weeks? I read in this thread people keep saying it gets easier - but I have no idea how I am supposed to get better at this. I couldn't even DO all the exercises properly, halfway through I had to start doing girl-pushups, in the last 10minutes I was lucky if I could do 5 of anything. And don't even get me started on this AbRipper crap, I was about to give myself a hernia.
I am definitely going to keep this up for 3 weeks, as I am a poor/cheap bastard and I refuse to pick up a bar tab, so really this is me just bitching. But goddamn.... goddamn.
Kinitari said:I just... did my first p90x workout.
Before I get into that, let me tell you about how I decided to do it. Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I posted in the get fit thread, and someone suggested I look into P90x. Anyway, last night I met up with some work buddies who all went out and got the DVD's and equipment a few weeks back - one of the guys was pussying out, and told me I could borrow his crap - he even made a bet (loser picks up bar tab) that I wouldn't last as long as he did (3 weeks). Anyway, I thought I could do it absolutely no problem, and I finished my first day about 30 minutes ago.
Holy fuck. Ho-Lee-Fak. A minute ago I tried to get up, and I almost felt like throwing up. My whole body was even shaking for a minute or two a little while ago. My hips hurt, and I don't even know why. Lifting my arms to the keyboard took so much effort I feel ashamed. How the fuck am I supposed to do this for 3 weeks? I read in this thread people keep saying it gets easier - but I have no idea how I am supposed to get better at this. I couldn't even DO all the exercises properly, halfway through I had to start doing girl-pushups, in the last 10minutes I was lucky if I could do 5 of anything. And don't even get me started on this AbRipper crap, I was about to give myself a hernia.
I am definitely going to keep this up for 3 weeks, as I am a poor/cheap bastard and I refuse to pick up a bar tab, so really this is me just bitching. But goddamn.... goddamn.
Seriously I felt the same way and im not gonna lie to ya, each day of the first week you will be sore in a new part of your body ultimatly leading to everything being sore. BUT starting the second week you will feel much better, not perfect but much better than the first week. Just try your best and forget the rest!Kinitari said:I just... did my first p90x workout.
Before I get into that, let me tell you about how I decided to do it. Yesterday (or was it the day before?) I posted in the get fit thread, and someone suggested I look into P90x. Anyway, last night I met up with some work buddies who all went out and got the DVD's and equipment a few weeks back - one of the guys was pussying out, and told me I could borrow his crap - he even made a bet (loser picks up bar tab) that I wouldn't last as long as he did (3 weeks). Anyway, I thought I could do it absolutely no problem, and I finished my first day about 30 minutes ago.
Holy fuck. Ho-Lee-Fak. A minute ago I tried to get up, and I almost felt like throwing up. My whole body was even shaking for a minute or two a little while ago. My hips hurt, and I don't even know why. Lifting my arms to the keyboard took so much effort I feel ashamed. How the fuck am I supposed to do this for 3 weeks? I read in this thread people keep saying it gets easier - but I have no idea how I am supposed to get better at this. I couldn't even DO all the exercises properly, halfway through I had to start doing girl-pushups, in the last 10minutes I was lucky if I could do 5 of anything. And don't even get me started on this AbRipper crap, I was about to give myself a hernia.
I am definitely going to keep this up for 3 weeks, as I am a poor/cheap bastard and I refuse to pick up a bar tab, so really this is me just bitching. But goddamn.... goddamn.
grumble said:Your hips hurt because you used your hip flexors a lot during the ab exercises. Not a great idea, as with most people the hip flexors are tight and you get bad posture unless you work the abs a fair bit first. Next time, try to focus on your abs and keeping your lower back flat against the floor.