jett said:A couple of questions for you guys:
Will this p90x stuff work on someone who does absolutely no exercise at all or it just too extreme?
An what kind of investment in terms of dumbbells and stuff are we looking at here?
jett said:A couple of questions for you guys:
Will this p90x stuff work on someone who does absolutely no exercise at all or it just too extreme?
An what kind of investment in terms of dumbbells and stuff are we looking at here?
teh_pwn said:Yes, but you need to scale it. So it may be P360x for you.
If you have weak legs, you don't want to try to keep up with the video with Plyo, and the legs workout. You'll just injure yourself.
I bought probably nearly $250 worth of dumbbells. Individual pairs from 5 lbs to 35lbs. There are exercises that are hard starting out with 5 (scare crow, weighted arm circles), and others that you will within 2 months get to 35 (lawn mowers). It's easier to have individual weights so you can quickly change between sets/moves.
A couple of questions for you guys:
Will this p90x stuff work on someone who does absolutely no exercise at all or it just too extreme?![]()
xBigDanx said:So I just started this yesterday... what is the best thing for recovery? I can't find the p90x supplement stuff anywhere so I'm thinking I should get some sort of protein shake powder? What should I look for? I've heard I could do chocolate milk instead?
I've never been one to workout, I'm doing this because we're doing it as a group at work and I figured why not. So it's very greek to me.
Any help would be appreciated as to what to look for in a recovery supplement
Micius said:A few pages back in this thread they mentioned chocolate milk and it's supposed to be fine as a recovery drink. I'm using it at the moment, don't really have any means of measuring how well it works compared to other products, but at least it revitalizes me quite well in combination with a contrast shower right after the workout.
xBigDanx said:so this might be a dumb question. but should I use choclate milk that I buy at the store? or is it ok to use regular milk and then add chocolate syrup to? I realize they are probably the same thing, I'm just wondering if anything would be added to the premade stuff that I wouldn't get from milk + syrup
SirButterstick said:Hey guys, can you recommend what equipment to buy? I know you need a chip-up bar and resistance bands . . . I didn't buy either of them from the website, as they seemed a bit overpriced.
Also, is there anything I can substitute for the chin up bar? I really don't have anywhere to mount it in my apartment.
What did you look like before the program started? You look jacked in your pictures.OmniGamer said:
bionic77 said:What did you look like before the program started? You look jacked in your pictures.
And umm...
Nah, better left unsaid. :lol
Back to P90X. I am in the middle of the my second week and I am not in agony anymore (though I was dead at the end of the chest and back and did not do great in Ab Ripper). Is that normal or was I not trying hard enough?
xBigDanx said:Is the yoga day seen as kind of a rest day? Can I skip it? It is a very tough schedule for me to keep up with as I have a 15 months old and have approximately 3 1/2 hour roundtrip commute to/from work. Having an extra day to not have to build this into my schedule would be nice
grumble said:Holy crap 3.5 hours? Move or quit! Nothing is worth giving up that amount of your life for. Assuming you sleep 8 hours a night, that's 22% of your waking life sitting on your ass in the car.
As for yoga, you can skip it if you want to, but I don't recommend it. The flexibility work will improve recovery and decrease soreness, and keep you from tightening up and hurting yourself. It makes you feel good, and it does also make you stronger. Again, it's skippable, but I really do not recommend it.
edgefusion said:So I'm thinking about giving this a try. I've spent pretty much my whole life being overweight and I've come to a point where enough is enough and I want to change it. Is this thing going to totally kick my ass? It seems pretty overwhelming and I'm not sure I even understand it. I feel like I need to just sink my teeth into something and do it though.
edgefusion said:So I'm thinking about giving this a try. I've spent pretty much my whole life being overweight and I've come to a point where enough is enough and I want to change it. Is this thing going to totally kick my ass? It seems pretty overwhelming and I'm not sure I even understand it. I feel like I need to just sink my teeth into something and do it though.
bionic77 said:What did you look like before the program started? You look jacked in your pictures.
Definitely not a rest day, the first 45 minutes are pretty exhausting (for me anyway). I feel way more burned out after yoga than I do after kenpoxBigDanx said:Is the yoga day seen as kind of a rest day? Can I skip it? It is a very tough schedule for me to keep up with as I have a 15 months old and have approximately 3 1/2 hour roundtrip commute to/from work. Having an extra day to not have to build this into my schedule would be nice
f-castrillo said:It's been a while since I posted, but well into phase 3 now
My gut is still there. If I flex, I can eek out a 4 back and my frontside looks pretty good when I do, but I want to get to the point where I don't have to flex or suck up in order to make that "spare tire" around my waist disappear. I had a bad eating streak last week, mostly because it was my birthday week (lots of food, a little beer). I tried to stay off carbs, which I did, but I made up the missing volume of food in meats, some of which were probably high in sodium).
Minor setback though. I now have Cardio X 4 times a week, and I've been able to keep pace with Tony and the kids in the cardio workouts (plyo and kenpo X especially), so I know I've been getting more of a calorie burn lately. I'm expecting better results now that I'm going back to a "normal" eating routine this week. As long as I can keep up the intensity in all the workouts, I should be able to get rid of a considerable amount of belly fat in the next few weeks![]()
And I'm seriously contemplating P90X+. My gf's cousin who's also doing the classic X program wants to try it out too, so I may start with him at the end of April/start of May. And in the weeks after finishing my first 90 days, but before starting X+, I'm gonna do lots of jogging supplement it with Yoga X and Core Synergistics to try to burn a little extra fat.
nomster said:Definitely not a rest day, the first 45 minutes are pretty exhausting (for me anyway). I feel way more burned out after yoga than I do after kenpo
xBigDanx said:Is the yoga day seen as kind of a rest day? Can I skip it? It is a very tough schedule for me to keep up with as I have a 15 months old and have approximately 3 1/2 hour roundtrip commute to/from work. Having an extra day to not have to build this into my schedule would be nice
thorin said:So am I the only one who flops around like a fish out of water when trying to do oblique v-ups? I'm on week 5 and still stuggling with this one, despite impoving everywhere else.
jts said:So I started off today.
I'm really off shape and can barely do a single push up, let alone a pull up.
So it was really frustrating... if I can't do the shit they do, how am I supposed to get in shape? By watching them?
But I'll try to keep "pushing play" and see where it goes, hoping at the same time that the diet will also kick in and lower my weight, making the exercises easier. I'm 200lb btw.
I just hope this doesn't bite time into my studies for naught.
Yeah, do stuff like this.LCfiner said:if you can't do a single pushup, do them from your knees.
if you can't do a single pull-up, get resistance bands and use those.
you will get stronger and then move to the unmodified forms.
He'd probably point to that Jason dude in the back. Is it just my imagination or does Tony seem to get pissed off with that guy around halfway through ab ripper x?Micius said:I don't think it's anything to worry about... third week for me at the moment, and I still have a lot of problems with that one too. It's really hard to maintain the form they are displaying in the video, I just can't keep my feet straight and together for it. Nothing to worry about though, Tony would probably tell you that you are just "currently struggling" and point to one of his "kids" and add "when he was starting out, he couldn't even do one!" :lol
jts said:So I started off today.
I'm really off shape and can barely do a single push up, let alone a pull up.
So it was really frustrating... if I can't do the shit they do, how am I supposed to get in shape? By watching them?
But I'll try to keep "pushing play" and see where it goes, hoping at the same time that the diet will also kick in and lower my weight, making the exercises easier. I'm 200lb btw.
I just hope this doesn't bite time into my studies for naught.
thorin said:He'd probably point to that Jason dude in the back. Is it just my imagination or does Tony seem to get pissed off with that guy around halfway through ab ripper x?
Yeah I'm pretty sure that's the part. Afterwards Tony walks away and says "Nobody leave!" and looks to that guy. :lolMicius said:Never really noticed that before actually, I'm usually flailing away on the mat and too busy to look up... Just looked at the video again, do you mean during Heels to the Heavens when Tony's standing over him with a "son I am disappoint" face on? :lol
thorin said:So am I the only one who flops around like a fish out of water when trying to do oblique v-ups? I'm on week 5 and still stuggling with this one, despite impoving everywhere else.
catfish said:ab ripper x, i find that the bike exercise and crunchy frog don't hurt my abs at all. It hurts the shit out the tops of my legs though.
also fifer scissors can f itself in the a. I'll beat it one day, but not the next day that's for sure.
Whoa, I didn't notice earlier. How did you get such impressiveOmniGamer said:
That exercise seems physically impossible to do it with your legs straight.OmniGamer said:Fifer scissors piss me off...i don't know what it is, but i can't straighten the vertical leg for the life of me. I just have some really long, heavy, bulky legs, it feels as if i have resistance bands tied to my ankles when trying to raise them to the 90 degree position. Ah well, flexibility has never ever been my strongsuit.
jts said:So I started off today.
I'm really off shape and can barely do a single push up, let alone a pull up.
So it was really frustrating... if I can't do the shit they do, how am I supposed to get in shape? By watching them?
But I'll try to keep "pushing play" and see where it goes, hoping at the same time that the diet will also kick in and lower my weight, making the exercises easier. I'm 200lb btw.
I just hope this doesn't bite time into my studies for naught.