Current weight: 158 pounds, size 5'8" Age: 27 Current physical state: Normal body type, some fat on belly, rest of the body is
ready for muscle gains. My best area is the lower body since it's above average in muscle definition/firmness mass.
Goal: P90X for 90 days uninterrupted + gain upto 170 pounds (mostly muscle I hope, ripped / or WELL defined look) I need some help GAF, what should I add to my list? And can the
dietary pros in here PLEASE make a 5/6 meal daily diet for me with these items listed here? I don't know when would be the optimal time to eat any of these besides the post workout protein shake lol, Also should I be taking in about 2700-2800 calories per day for my set goal? Add anything that needs to be added for the diet and please make me the combination of meals that should be eaten (2 of which will be protein shakes from that whey powder) I need 4 defined meals for the day and I guess for the snacking you can say that I will be eating almonds.
Here is the list of stuff I have planned so far for a daily diet. I am buying a weeks worth of the foods listed here, and will continue to do so. The Whey comes in tonight for me. I already have the Ensure Plus cans available all the time.
CFM Whey Isolate 4 pounds worth, $56.XX shipped
1/3 cup = 1 serving
Options that I took:
Flavor: Vanilla
Sweetener: Splenda (Sucralose)
Aminogen: Yes
Carbogen: Yes
Glutamine Peptides: No
MicroLactin: No
Muscle Cocktail: Creatine & L-Glutamine
Peak ATP: No
Vitamins & Minerals: No
ADD more if you know what you are doing, help me out here

, this is the first time I will ever eat clean (defined diet) in my entire life.
Oatmeal (not the instant kind) + something mixed with it for the post workout meal
Green Apples
Skinless Chicken Breasts (2 servings a day?)
Canned Tuna (water canned)
Whole wheat bread
Almonds (snack)
Black beans / Lentils
Egg whites
Water water water
+ extra diet modifier available to me (should I add it in to this list?)
Ensure Plus immune balance supplement, maybe one can for the off day? or three cans during the week to replace a meal pre workout? Dunno, I just need help creating the proper diet for what I want lol.
That's all I have for now for ideas, I will check this thread later. I hope that I have this sorted out by tomorrow (since I plan to make the official day one tomorrow for P90X) and yes I will take day 1 pictures and save them til I am done. Also
I work 12AM to 8AM so keep this in mind (dietary experts that are willing to help me here) I plan to workout from 8:25AM to 9:30AM ish or however long P90X takes me for the given day and sleep right after til the afternoon.
THANKS GUYS! I will appreciate any help / tips given. I am finally serious about making a serious change in my life when it comes to working out and my eating habits.