Very impressive results! What was your starting weight?tribal24 said:so third week is about to start and for the second week i lost 4 pounds,that makes it a total of 14 pounds i lost so far. this thing is working so great and im feeling better.
Dkong said:I don't and pain is never a signal from your body your supposed to have while working out.
I did ab ripper X for the 3rd time yesterday and I only had to skip 20 oblique v-ups this time, so I'm getting there. I can also see the progress on my abs daily, this shit is amazing(yes, I'm an ectomorph, sue me for easily visible progress).
I have this mental image of you with headphones on in front of the laptop doing lateral leap frog squats.Tkawsome said:Man, Plyo sucks. Not only is it exhausting, but I live on the second floor of an apartment building so every move requires to piss my neighbors off. I have to take it to the gym next time, but I'll look like a like such a tool doing these moves in front of my laptop. :lol
I tweaked my calf and what I did was I skipped calf workouts on leg and back and did the modified moves on plyo. Took two weeks for me to resume the normal workouts. You may want to try something similar.Ogni-XR21 said:I still have problems with my knee so I'm still taking a break... it's been 1 1/2 weeks now, this really sucks!!!
How would you guys "restart" once it's better? Start from day 1 or go on from where I was?
bionic77 said:I tweaked my calf and what I did was I skipped calf workouts on leg and back and did the modified moves on plyo. Took two weeks for me to resume the normal workouts. You may want to try something similar.
I wouldn't recommend stopping unless your knee is really fucked up so that you can't even do the modified stuff without experiencing pain.
Yeah obviously follow what the doctor was saying.Ogni-XR21 said:There's an inflamation in the knee so even stuff like warming up is no good. I'll definitely wait until it's ok again. I'll probably start doing upper body stuff once it's a bit better but at the moment I'm doing what my doctor suggested, which is nothing.
bionic77 said:Yeah obviously follow what the doctor was saying.
I don't know what you did to hurt your knee, but personally the thing that helped my knee rehab the most was stretching (tore ACL in college). You might want to do some stretch X and Yoga X as tolerated (as long as OKed by your doc). I find that that was the thing that helped more than anything else for me getting back to baseline (more than riding the bike and the specialized exercises).
NYR said:Very impressive results! What was your starting weight?
I normally aim for my weight. So for example, if you weigh 220, eat 220 grams of protein.radcliff said:I'm about to start and am doing the Portion Approach to the Nutrition Plan. I found that I will be eating over 220 grams of protein. This seems like an awful lot. Aren't there some side effects to too much protein, like potentail kidney failure? Is this considered too much protein? Is anyone else on P90X eating this much?
tribal24 said:im at my 4th week!!! the rest week, i made it !! phase 2 im ready for it. so far i lost 15 pounds in those 3 weeks
NYR said:I normally aim for my weight. So for example, if you weigh 220, eat 220 grams of protein.
I would suggest aiming for the percentage method of the diet. In phase one, 50% of your intake should be from protein. I use an iphone app called "lose it" that calculates for me. That way you are not worried about over eating too much protein.
radcliff said:I am doing the 50-30-20 meal approach. I end up eating about 230 grams of protein when I weigh about 165. I decided to cut back on the protein and move ahead to the 40-40-20 phase and have reduce my protein intake to what I feel is more reasonable.
Another question for those who have had substantial results. Did you just stick to push ups for your chest muscles? I find it hard to believe some of the results people got were obtained by doing push ups once a week.
Sarye said:You won't be increasing your bench numbers but the results people are posting aren't just from doing push ups once a week obviously. It's also everything else they're doing.
note: I'm assuming when you wrote results you are referring to weight loss.
radcliff said:I was referring to results photos where people's chests become completely transformed.
NYR said:Chest, Shoulders & Triceps sucks. Only one of the sessions that feels like a chore and one of the only ones I feel sore actually doing it and not after it. I think I'll only be doing it once in phase 3 here, can't stand it.
If you like push ups, you'll like C, S and Tri's. That is the one good thing about it, it definitely is push up focused.tribal24 said:i start phase 2 chest shoulders and tricep on monday, sounds boring lol. core synegestics kicked my ass the second time around i felt like vomitting after i did it the second time, i think i drink a little to much water during it.
SuperSonic1305 said:I'm starting college next week and in my fitness class we are going to get better grades for the amount of weight we lose. I guess it's as good a time as any to start p90x so I can kill two birds with one stone. I still can't find it Canada though. If anyone can link me to a site that will ship to Canada that would be great. Anyway some questions:
1. Is the nutrition plan specific with ingredients/recipes etc. or is it just a "eat this much carbs, protein and so on"
2. What is the equipment I need to be able to do everything in the videos. Like do I need multiple weights or can I use a certain weight for everything? Should I have a yoga mat?
3. Is there a lot of jumping exercise involved because I have wood floors and they make a lot of noise when doing a lot of movement.
SmokeMaxX said:Is it normal to be considerably weaker (in terms of being able to do the exercises) in week 2? Even after a week break, I can't even do close to what I could do during week 1. For example, Week 1 set 1 pushups: 15. Week 2: 5 (plus some cheater push-ups). I just couldn't push any more out.
Also, is it better to pace yourself during the workouts or just go all out during each exercise? Like, with pullups if I can do a maximum of 10, should I try to do 5 during the first set or all 10?
obijkenobi said:Going from 15 to 5 push ups is pretty drastic. Did you eat enough before working out? Get enough sleep?
tribal24 said:and fucking failed i didnt get the yoga x dvds in my package i got a duplicate of chest shoulders and triceps-_- what do i sub yoga x with?
Can resistance bands be used to completely replace weights? Are they more effective?
Yes, resistance bands can be completely replace weights.SuperSonic1305 said:Can resistance bands be used to completely replace weights? Are they more effective?
burnfout said:So the general consensus is that the third phase will give the most results..right?
Why is that? Because of the diet? Or because of the nature of the workouts? How is p90x different from regular programs?
I'm not really following the diet ( just cut back on soda,sugar,sweets, you name it) and try to eat proteins and drink water.
Should I still expect the most results out of phase 3? ( I'm halfway phase 2, and haven't lost a pound ). I see results though in my shape.
burnfout said:So the general consensus is that the third phase will give the most results..right?
Why is that? Because of the diet? Or because of the nature of the workouts? How is p90x different from regular programs?
I'm not really following the diet ( just cut back on soda,sugar,sweets, you name it) and try to eat proteins and drink water.
Should I still expect the most results out of phase 3? ( I'm halfway phase 2, and haven't lost a pound ). I see results though in my shape.