hxa155 said:that's it im buying this shit
so from reading a couple of pages in this thread, I found out that in addition to the DVDs, I'm gonna need the p90x supplements, a yoga mat, a yoga block, a pull up bar and resistance bands
is there anything else i forgot?
hxa155 said:that's it im buying this shit
so from reading a couple of pages in this thread, I found out that in addition to the DVDs, I'm gonna need the p90x supplements, a yoga mat, a yoga block, a pull up bar and resistance bands
is there anything else i forgot?
ryutaro's mama said:Just keep pressing play.
In other news, on my 3rd go round on P90X and I screwed up my left bicep up the other night.
I have never done this in all the months of doing it in the past.
Gonna have to take some time away...
This really sucks. :|
duk said:Wow round 3 of P90x? Do you have before/after shots? My goal is to do 3 rounds of P90x by the end of this year.
Yes, I always finish the workouts. I am starting week 6 tomorrow, so I suppose it's still early.bionic77 said:Did you finish the workout?
When I was doing the workout I had teh biggest gains in the last 3 weeks. It was insane how many I was able to do at the end compared to the beginning. When I started I struggled to get to 5 pullups and my form was pretty shitty. After I finished I could easily do 30+ chinups and 30 pullups in one go.
hxa155 said:that's it im buying this shit
so from reading a couple of pages in this thread, I found out that in addition to the DVDs, I'm gonna need the p90x supplements, a yoga mat, a yoga block, a pull up bar and resistance bands
is there anything else i forgot?
grumble said:I'd not get the resistance bands, and instead get some kind of adjustable weights. Both work, but the weights work better. More expensive though.
Flek said:iam thinking about p90x but i have some questions:
1. at the moment iam hitting the gym twice a week and do my normal routine (cardio and then full body muscle things and cardio again). I also thought about going swiming once a week (its cheap and near my place, so why not?). So does it even make sense to start p90x anyway? I think when i start p90x i wont go to the gym/swimming anymore. Or is anyone here doing booth - p90x and gym?
2. when starting p90x is it a must to have 90 days of time or can you have lets say a 1 week break inbetween. I mean for example when you travel
3. door pull up bars is a stupid wood door frame really going to hold this?
4. are the dvds region locked??
For a cheaper alternative, go with this set off of Amazon.ryutaro's mama said:QFT.
When I started the regimen, I used the bands. I found them to be more of a hassle than just using actual weights.
If cost is an issue, you can do what I did:
Buy your weights @ WalMart (they are fairly cheap there) and then just buy the weights as you need them, i.e. buy 10, 15, 20s to start and then buy the higher weights as you need them.
If you need higher resistance for certain exercises (like Lawnmovers for example) you can then use the bands if you have them on hand or up your rep count on a lower weight until you can afford the next increment in weight.
If you can, spending the extra money is worth it. The way the exercises are set up by alternating muscles, you will be changing weights very often and it will take a lot of extra time.BertramCooper said:For a cheaper alternative, go with this set off of Amazon.
The obvious downside is that you have to switch the plates between exercises, but it's a helluva lot cheaper than buying the individual dumbbells. Also, when you need to get some higher weights, you can just buy additional plates at Dick's for really cheap.
cubanb said:If you can, spending the extra money is worth it. The way the exercises are set up by alternating muscles, you will be changing weights very often and it will take a lot of extra time.
ryutaro's mama said:FOOTE, you're killing it.
What's your nutritional intake like?
Are you following the plan to a T?
It certainly looks like it.
It does slow it down the workout slightly, but not horribly so. It adds maybe 3-5 minutes to your workout time.cubanb said:If you can, spending the extra money is worth it. The way the exercises are set up by alternating muscles, you will be changing weights very often and it will take a lot of extra time.
FOOTE said:These are my results at this point with P90X. I am feeling pretty good about them so far. I just wish that I could get more pull-ups during the workouts. I only started taking pics at day 30. I've been really reluctant to post any pictures, but I guess I can use it as a little extra motivation.
Day 30 pic
And tomorrow is the start of Week 6. I did nothing today but play NHL 11.. No stretching or anything. I was too tired, and slept to 8am for the first time in abut five years this morning. This is my most recent pic.
Pics suck because the iPhone sucks at taking them.
Somehow my production exploded during the last 3 weeks of the program with pushups and pullups.Crakatak187 said:Damn 30 is a lot. I can only do maximum of 12 wide pull ups. I always sucked ass on pullups though.
Thanks, man. And if I actually inspire anyone, then my blush face would be epic.duk said:BADASS MAN! Great job! Inspirational.
I'd be happy at 90days with your results at week 6! =]
I have zero endurance when it comes to pull-ups. Push-ups are another thing, I can do a lot of those.bionic77 said:Somehow my production exploded during the last 3 weeks of the program with pushups and pullups.
And yet I still wasnt half as big and ripped as Foote...
D23 said:this is hands down one of the best p90x inspirational/transformation video ive seen yet!!
makes me want to workout now lol
Today is the last day of my first week of P90. I like it, but I think maybe it's too easy? And I'm not even in good shape. I'll stick it out though. The later workouts might be tougher. And maybe I can increase the weight I'm lifting.Handycrap101 said:As someone who isn't in the best of shape I've spent the past 2 weeks prepping myself in my own little home gym to get ready for P90 (not P90x) and the past week getting used to the diet. Currently I'm only at day 2 and I really can see myself sticking with this program until the end. I plan on doing P90x once I finish the "beginner" 90 days.
I've taken a pic from yesterday and once my first 90 are done I will include updates from day 1, 30, 60, and finally 90. Afterward I plan to do the same for 90x.
As far as the diet goes I'm actually not having too much trouble following it. The work outs seem to get my sweat rolling pretty well. I didn't really have trouble keeping up with the pace during sculpt 1-2 and only had to pause for a brief moment during sweat 1-2. I feel good about being able to match Tonys' pace. The hardest of the workouts so far has been the ab ripper 100 and of the 100 reps they ask of you I think I did about 70-80% of them.
Not that I am aware of. Let us know if you find anything, I'm going to do a quick search. Maybe there is a Beach Body app.Flek said:is there some kind of p90x iphone app or something ?
FOOTE said:Not that I am aware of. Let us know if you find anything, I'm going to do a quick search. Maybe there is a Beach Body app.
Alcoori said:Well, I finally gave in to the hype and am starting my very first P90X session tomorrow!
I don't think I'll follow the diet because a) I'm a veggie, b) I'm already eating healthy. I just hope to get a bit more ripped so I figured that if I paid attention to what I eat and do it seriously it should be fine.
Quite excited!
I was looking to do P90X, but I failed the test thing for it, so I happily went and did P90 back in June-September 2010. I'm glad I did. It is a nice lead in if you are unfit. If you keep up with Tony, Sweat 3-4 is an exhasting cardio workout.Handycrap101 said:As someone who isn't in the best of shape I've spent the past 2 weeks prepping myself in my own little home gym to get ready for P90 (not P90x) and the past week getting used to the diet. Currently I'm only at day 2 and I really can see myself sticking with this program until the end. I plan on doing P90x once I finish the "beginner" 90 days.
I've taken a pic from yesterday and once my first 90 are done I will include updates from day 1, 30, 60, and finally 90. Afterward I plan to do the same for 90x.
As far as the diet goes I'm actually not having too much trouble following it. The work outs seem to get my sweat rolling pretty well. I didn't really have trouble keeping up with the pace during sculpt 1-2 and only had to pause for a brief moment during sweat 1-2. I feel good about being able to match Tonys' pace. The hardest of the workouts so far has been the ab ripper 100 and of the 100 reps they ask of you I think I did about 70-80% of them.
EDIT: Is Power 90 a good prelude to P90x?
hxa155 said:Just ordered the set, as well as some of the equipment needed. I'm 5' 5" and about 165 lb, so my focus will be on losing weight. Do you guys think I should start Lean or Classic?
zazrx said:Question, how many grams of protein should I take from a protein shake? I want to actually buckle down and start taking enough protein so that I can actually grow some muscle. Would 54g of protein from a shake be good? I have to get as much as possible from shakes because it just won't be possible for me to get enough protein from food and I weigh 180lbs so I need at least 180g of protein. Damn that sounds like a high number, it's a little discouraging.
A00man said:Man, been through P90X twice, Insanity once, and third time with P90X, and legs and back still leaves me breathless! The combination of squats and pull-ups is just freakin intense. That being said, I love every time I finish legs and back, because I don't have to worry about it for another week, and even better when recovery week is coming up! Two week break! It's the only workout I dread...
Legs and Back is brutal. Absolutely brutal. Wall squats, one-legged wall squats, chair squats, sneaky lunges, Debbie Siebers - it just never ends.A00man said:Man, been through P90X twice, Insanity once, and third time with P90X, and legs and back still leaves me breathless! The combination of squats and pull-ups is just freakin intense. That being said, I love every time I finish legs and back, because I don't have to worry about it for another week, and even better when recovery week is coming up! Two week break! It's the only workout I dread...
Yeah I forgot to mention but I was thinking on taking 3 of those shakes on top of whatever I eat during the day throughout the day! Don't know if that is good or bad but I figured it wouldn't hurt..A00man said:Man, been through P90X twice, Insanity once, and third time with P90X, and legs and back still leaves me breathless! The combination of squats and pull-ups is just freakin intense. That being said, I love every time I finish legs and back, because I don't have to worry about it for another week, and even better when recovery week is coming up! Two week break! It's the only workout I dread...
Regardless, it's interesting to go to Insanity and then back to P90X. It seems like I'm getting results like I did when I went through the program the first time, except the difference is that I'm already pretty fit going into it! During the weekend, my brother and friend were kind of shocked to hear that I was down to 8.6% body fat, and they wanted to see my abs to see what kind of definition comes with 8.6% body fat... They told me to stop sucking in, and I had to tell them I wasn't! They were kind of shocked again. Got to say, it feels pretty good to get reactions like that on top of feeling extremely fit for health reasons.
Quest to gain mass with P90X continues...
Yea, getting enough protein during the first phase is pretty important. Take the shake like you're doing. Add a protein bar for a snack. Eat chicken or fish or whatever meats (low fat for the most part) for pretty much every meal. You should be fine with that. If not, try drinking an additional protein shake during the day as well. That should get you to the right amount.
BertramCooper said:Legs and Back is brutal. Absolutely brutal. Wall squats, one-legged wall squats, chair squats, sneaky lunges, Debbie Siebers - it just never ends.
I just started the final phase on my first round of P90X and did Chest and Back for the first time in ages. I had forgotten how difficult it was. It's just pushups, pullups, pushups, pullups over and over and over again.
I definitely prefer Chest, Shoulders and Triceps over Chest and Back. There's so much more variety.
BertramCooper said:Legs and Back is brutal.
Flek said:is there some kind of p90x iphone app or something ?
catfish said:alright guys, I've never had a protein shake in my life, what am I looking for in the shops, how much should I drink and how much should I lessen my food intake because of this?