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What's your dream game?

Fudo Myo

A game or series of games based in the Culture books of Iain M Banks. You start out in Contact which has you meet and greet Alien Races of differing technological prowess. Living on a ship, travelling the Galaxy, helping uplift Civs, generally being the helpful person in any area that interests you. If that is too peace loving and hippy for you there is Special Circumstances where they solve trickier galactic problems. Being a post scarcity utopia is one thing but sometimes other Civs don't take kindly to you and your ways.

Basically Mass Effect without the human worship, A.I. fear and over reliance on violence but multiplied by a million squared. You have your own drone, you can have relationships, you can explore the rich and deep Culture as described in the novels. Damn now all I want to do is read the books again.

Oh hells yeah. And have CD Projekt Red make it. I would play that and nothing else for a year.


I've been in active pre-production on my dream game for ~12 years and the closest thing that's come close is Borderlands. ~12 years ago I had an idea to make an FPS RPG. Zelda-esque open world filled with secrets, but has a fun action arcade loop for gameplay. A set arsenal of weapons that can be found earned or purchased at arms dealers.

Weapons would upgrade with use. So if you use the sniper rifle weapon to eliminate enemies the gun earns XP which can be used to unlock attachment slots and upgrades. So you may try to swap to a lower zoom scope and make it fire faster. An additional sense of progression that lets the player have fun in the sandbox so they can play the game how they want to instead of forcing players to engage encounters in a specific way.
The arcade loop is where there's a point system similar to how multiplayer modes in shooters work. More points for headshots, melees, multi kills, etc. these points would be used to unlock cosmetics, cheats, and harder difficulties. These scores can be broken up by mission/quest, chapter, or for the whole game. The only multiplayer element would be leaderboards but back when I first started concepting it would be more for your playthroughs and you would brag about it online. 2004 I hadn't experienced online gaming yet.

This was basically a meld between ratchet and clank's arsenal and RPG mechanics mixed with Battlefield 2: Modern Combat progression system and arcade scoring, and a open world to house it all.

I also had animation times for weapons and attacks and preset button maps for Xbox, ps2, and PC.

All of the original work I did is in a notebook somewhere.

Since then I've been making tweaks and trying to flesh out the world, premise, and characters. Diverging story arc? Can't decide. It would be a stylized game with a cartoonish flare to it. Not trying to push hardware limits. Like this idea would still work on a PS2 just would have to cut a lot of content.

Anyways back to my game.

You would have a companion character. There wouldn't be any romancing, environments wouldn't be fully destructible. The open world would feel like zones. So you would start the game in zone 1, but after that you could go to zone 2 or Zone 8, or any others except zone 9
that is unless you figure out a secret or 2 by playing the game which you could then use on a new playthrough to basically skip most of the game
The trophy/achievement list would be very good.

No microtransactions but would consider free cosmetic updates

Over time I've looked at games and seen ideas I've thought of or some games do things and I'm like "yes, I need something like that in this."
Destiny has weapon upgrades but random perk rolls
The division has weapon customization but random stat rolls. This game isn't a loot game, it's more about exploration and progression. The only slot machines will be in the casino, DQVIII made me want to include a casino. DOOM 2016 has a fun arsenal of weapons that you can customize and I like the idea of having weapon specific challenges to unlock perks and abilities but the customization isn't deep enough. The arsenal variety is pretty good though. Playing the Witness renewed my interest in puzzles and world exploration for secrets. Playing story driven games like the telltale games or Life is Strange or even Firewatch has made me really want to have an engaging story with characters. Seeing the new Zelda is pretty much realizing my open world dream. Having a big place to explore and varying environments. My world would have much more populous and towns though, but the look is very much on par.

So that's the short version of my dream game, which I would love to make but I don't have the money or time to do it. So please devs make this game for me. I'm sure many people like what they've just read.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'm rather fond of post-apocalyptic settings, but almost always these are either based on our world (example: The Last of Us) going to shit, our world going to shit but everyone watched Mad Max and decided that's the way to look (Rage, Borderlands, the raiders in Fallout) - or it's Fallout. And I'm a bit bored with the faux 50s Fallout setting and the restricting lore that comes with the franchise. The fact that Horizon Zero Dawn actually does this differently already makes it very interesting to me.

I'd love for a post-apocalyptic, open world/sandbox RPG to be situated in, say, the futuristic world of Ghost in the Shell, 50-60 years after a apocalyptic event that has left most of the world in ruins. Why 50-60 years? Because then you'll have 1-2 generations that don't know any better than the world is what it is (native to the situation) but you can also have some old geezers (augmented/android/cyborg or normal) hanging around that knew how it all used to be.

Why take that GITS future after a disastrous event? Because it offers both the chance to do all sorts of interesting things a post-apocalyptic setting can offer (new societies, weird cults, religions, settlements) and combine this with the wonders of a sci-fi world with all kinds of futuristic technology. A Neo-Tokyo under dozens of meters of sands, where former skyscrapers are now underground mazes, potentially filled with desirable technology-loot, deserts filled with the wrecks of Tachikomas and other exotic, weird military hardware (and the knowledge there might be some intact one stored away somewhere in a government bunker, waiting to be discovered by you), left-over AI going rampant in old labs, bio-weapons unleashed on certain regions, androids and cyborgs trying to get by, cultists, automated systems misunderstood by those native to the new world, thought to be mystical/magical. Tribes hunting with bows but the occassional military hardware high-powered sniper rifle available - though bullets might be hard to find. New neo-medieval societies growing around water reservoirs and old greenhouse complexes, blending leftover technology with primitive local economies, living on and building with the ruins of the old. Paolo Bacigalupi approached it a bit in The Windup Girl.

I've pitched it before, but I'd also enjoy a lighthearted, happy post-apocalyptic setting. Like, a world where people convert the still-floating wreck of an aircraft carrier in a floating city, convert the decks in gardens and just mess around in what's left of the world. Focus on discovery, exploration, helping people out. Maybe some danger in the form of bandits, thugs and warlords, but not the opressive '90% of everyone is a bloodthirsty psycho that wants to fuck you up for no reason' mentality of TloU/Fallout.


I want a Cowboy Bebop-inspired game (same universe maybe, but no actual relation to the show). Space travel + dogfights + exploration, huge cities and space bases to explore and get story, NPCs and context elements from, engaging combat system (land - hand to hand and cover shooter - and space), deceivingly colorful artstyle and lighthearted storyline involving some really heavy twists and quests along the way, jazzy original soudtrack, memorable, well-written characters.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member

The Thing: Isolation: Basically Alien: Isolation but in The Thing universe.

The map is the whole facility and is mostly open from the start. The narrative structure is dictated more by gameplay than a script. You will receive multiple objectives to complete at the same time (bring back the power, find radio parts, open up a collapsed tunnel, find Smith, etc.) and must delegate members of your team to complete the ones you can’t. These objectives are dictated by how the smart and deceptive alien AI plays against you, as is who gets turned (randomised every game).

HeIDi: Bioshock meets Alien: Isolation. It’s a stealth game about a young girl who has to escape a mysterious underground sort-of-steampunk-style facility, all the while chased by a huge, semi-blind monster. Each level of the facility is a sandbox puzzle that you must navigate. There are lots of systems in place that you can use to improvise: rope and oil burns, water conducts electricity, perfume smells etc.

Monster encounters are semi-randomised a la Alien: Isolation. As the game progresses, you first learn to avoid the monster; then you learn how to use the various systems to affect the monster’s behaviour and alter the geometry of the level (get it to charge you and smash open a wall, use fire to scare it etc.). Eventually, the player will learn to use the monster to solve puzzles and take on the Steampunk Spec Ops who appear halfway through to cleanse the facility.

HITMAN: World of Assassination Online: Hear me out. Less a game as much as a game mode. We’re potentially talking about the Spy vs. Spy for the HD generation. Systems are exactly like the new Hitman.

The main game mode would be Out to Tender: 2-3 players compete to complete a ‘Hit’ in huge purpose built sandbox levels in the most stylish way possible. All weapons are procured on-site to avoid any unfair opening advantages and funnel players towards each other. Upon discovery, enemy guard AI is incredibly unforgiving, so it’s in players’ best interests to keep it low key. Bonus points for taking out enemy players surreptitiously. When you are in disguise, you will appear to other players the same as the corresponding NPC, so to avoid detection, you need to act like them in the field. To mix things up a bit, when one of the players is killed, they become a guard (there will need to be a mechanic in place where they can't mow down or arrest civilians without being penalised in some way).

Bullet Bukkakke!!!: A third person shooter all about choreographing stylish action scenes in large destructible sandbox arenas. Each area would be based on classic action movie sets. The whole game would be presented as a deadly new Japanese Game show.

Gameplay-wise, it’d be a hyper polished Max Payne 3/The Specialist mod. Add in sliding, wall-running, double jumps, cartwheels and general parkour goodness. Sprinkle in a decent, quick access melee combat system with a dedicated dodge/counter button. Top it off with a highly customisable character system, a video capture and editing facility, an arsenal of weapons, and a healthy dose of robust co-op and competitive multiplayer, and you have BULLET BUKKAKKE!!!
My dream game is one set in the World of Darkness universe (preferably the old one) and it includes all the vampire/werewolf/mage/hunter game lines, allowing the player to choose and create a character from any. It would not contain a 'main quest' but rather use some AI shenanigans to imitate a tabletop gamemaster that responds to the player's progress through the world and generates new challenges and opportunities.


*cracks knuckles*


A third-person, stealth-action-platforming open-world RPG (with non-lethal combat), taking place in a large, modern day section of war-torn Africa, specifically around a demilitarized zone.

You would play as a British journalist of African descent, having had a rough arrival to the area, leaving the protagonist alone and forced to make alliances with the local people to survive.

Your character would essentially be the media lifeline from this one region to the outside world. From story missions of trying to find your missing news crew teammates, reporting and taking photos of the actions of two of the local militias, performing odd jobs for the residents of the village you use as a home base and any other people you meet along the way, to even taking photos of the local wildlife to catalogue their population and for the occasional puff piece...

Your actions would have a direct effect on the area, as the way you choose to slant or not slant your reporting affects the perception of the outside world to the people around you, enabling or denying life-giving foreign aid, affecting underground arms dealing, banking prospects for the militias, and even whether you have stable internet access with which to post your photos and stories.

It'd be a fine balancing act between appeasing your editors, finding the supplies you need to keep reporting, choosing how involved you become with the people around you or to keep your objectivity, and even having a hand in which way the war you're reporting on goes.

It's the journalism game I've been brewing for a decade.

Fucking great idea

My dream game is one set in the World of Darkness universe (preferably the old one) and it includes all the vampire/werewolf/mage/hunter game lines, allowing the player to choose and create a character from any. It would not contain a 'main quest' but rather use some AI shenanigans to imitate a tabletop gamemaster that responds to the player's progress through the world and generates new challenges and opportunities.

There have been several games like this in the last 10 years I think but they've all been MMO :/


2D High budget Suikoden VI

2D High budget Street Fighter

Full Console mainline high budget Pokemon game that rivals graphics for open world games like The Witcher 3 or Final Fantasy XV


Neo Member
A weird mixture of Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag's pirate shenanigans, the Firefly TV Series and the promise of what NMS was supposed to be all mixed in with Witcher 3 tier 3rd person world exploration.

Game starts with you, a customised avatar Browncoat struggling to get by after losing the Unification War, you do small-time jobs until it all goes to shit so you steal your first ship and take to the stars.

Multiple ships (there would be a tonne of different ships available and all would be upgradeable).
Fully customisable character and crew.
Fully explorable universe.
Land on any planet to explore it in Witcher 3 mode
Maybe even some kind of settling mechanic where you claim a planet as your own. Could use it as a base of operations for more criminal stuff (recruitung, training, weapon and armour facilities) or use it to "go legit" and start a business.

Don't know what the end-game or final goal/story would be. But just flying around doing enough to get by with the ability to explore any (habited and actually interesting) planet would be incredible.


Junior Member
Big dream game idea #1:

Basically, an open-world detective game. I haven't played L.A. Noire so I don't know how close this is to the vision, but I've kinda always wanted to see a game where you get to explore a vast open world solving mysteries by basically engaging in adventure game puzzles. The problem is pure adventure games don't warrant budgets big enough for a large open world devoted completely to them, so I'd concede to having some shooter combat in the game.

My idea would be something like the last few Far Cry games but with elements of something like Ace Attorney sliced in. Every once in a while, maybe after a combat sequence you'd investigate a scene to find items and other clues which would point you in the direction of where to go next. Witcher 3 was almost this game but its investigation gameplay guided the player way too much. The normal or higher difficulties in this would be much more hands-off and actually expect the player to figure out on their own where to go and what questions to ask when talking to NPCs. It'd also be cool to have separate difficulty settings for combat and puzzles. Maybe even make a setting that totally turns off the puzzles if you're not into that, or one that totally turns off the combat if you just want to play an adventure game. I just thought it'd be nice to have that kind of open-world action game where you don't just shoot people all the time. Maybe give the story two main characters like a buddy cop story and make it co-op.

Edit: I have another quick dream idea -- Basically Read Dead Redemption but in Japan and you are a ronin samurai. You could even make it a samurai remake of the same story like the way they did a samurai remake of Unforgiven. Ideally the actual game would be developed and designed by a western team like a Rockstar division or something, but the story and dialogue would all come from Japanese writers. Dialogue and motion capture done in Japanese first then dubbed into other languages.


My dream game ever since I was a child was Untill Dawn.

Thank you for everyone envolved with the game, you made a child's dream come true :)
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