Thank the heavens there are rich motherfuckers like me who preorder games at full retail digital price or this fucking industry would be dead in 1 hour. Don’t spend more than 10 bucks in a game, ever? Mary of God.
1. If you have a health or mana potion, never, EVER use it.
2. You may need it later.
When later comes, refer back to #1
Oh ya. I forgot about this one.You shall not preorder!
I reject your hypothesis.
Well for me it’s less about feeling “superior” and more about playing the game I’m excited about as soon as possible.
only if you're not on youtube, never get close to gaming sites or social media, or don't mind playing every game 100% spoiled which is guaranteed nowadays unless you play games at launch.
That's sad.
That's also sad.
That also sounds rather sad.
Don't limit yourself so much, you'll probably have more fun.
No offense but like it seems like it would be legitimately depressing to experience the entire art form with those constraints.
Buy games if they interest me and I can afford them, and try to have fun since its ultimately just entertainment.
And play Knack 2 every year.
Doesn't even need someone to be rich. If you are a gamer and can afford all your essentials and comfortably afford 1-3 games a month price-wise, waiting a year or even few months for a game you want to get a cut is pretty laughable.
might be more retarded to think finishing everything is worth your time.Finish everything I buy. I always found it retarded people have 2000 games on their account they haven't played.
Holy shit some of you guys are intense. Like how the F do you manage to buy only games below 10?! Most of the titles I'm interested in never even reach 20, used or new doesn't matter.
Man, either you are really hard on cash, don't take gaming nearly as seriously as me or you're just cheap.Yes, it seems like I have some criterias before I buy games or even play them. I've become a snob of some sort. But perhaps I'm economical on a subjective level. But either way here goes:
- Never buy a game more than $5-$10 (will wait years if I have to).
- Never buy a game on Launch.
- Buy Complete Editions or Final Patched Versions Only (made the mistake of buying Tekken 7 and Street Fighter V on Launch).
- Never spend more than a $100 on games every year (if I have to).
- Only buy on Steam and only when discounted.
- I prefer games with Achievements. Finishing them completely is a Challenge on its own.
- Play the game at the easiest difficulty to respect your time (unless Achievement requires to play on Hardest difficulty).
- Once finished I don't play the same game ever again, unless it has nostalgia (more adventures are waiting).
- If I can use ingame cheats or trainers on SP games for fun at times, I will.
- Avoid MP at all cost unless its fun.
- Avoid MMO's and GAAS as much as I can.
What's your gaming rules you have applied to yourself? Also Merry Christmas to you all.
Man, either you are really hard on cash, don't take gaming nearly as seriously as me or you're just cheap.
I have no second thoughts about buying games at launch. I like to support the industry.
$100 a YEAR? I am closer to spending $100 per week on average- especially if you factor in new hardware.
Thats not even including the thousands I've spent on our dedicated media room with 7.2 in-wall surround sound, media seating, etc.
But, I DO have certain costs I avoid as they are not what I want gaming to be - most microtransactions and DLC. I have no issues paying an upfront monthly fee for a good MMO, like FFXIV. I just HATE F2P games with pay-to-win or even pay-to-experience-all-features. I'll also take $70 AAA games over cheaper games that constantly nickel and dime you.
The only rule i ever had was reading the instruction manual of every game before starting (kinda of a ritual), even if it was stupidly long like the one inside oblivion or morrowind (if i remember well) but i don't have this problem anymore...
We don't have burrito at chitpole in italy and if i remember well, gamestop weren't even a thing here where i live when games had instruction manualsUsed to have the same ritual:
1. Buy the physical game at GameStop.
2. Read the manual over a delicious burrito at Chipotle.
3. Go home to enjoy the hell out of the new game you already know how to control!
But then why did you buy it in the first place?might be more retarded to think finishing everything is worth your time.