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Which member had the best exit on GAF Or: A Very Happy GAF History Lesson

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siddx said:
Yes, thats what THEY are there for, not what you are here for. There is a reason tattle tales are scolded as children.

If the discourse is just going to turn into a big shit pile about that one post, why not give a mod a heads up?
it's been a long strange road, no doubt. i think i started posting back in 1997, when usenet's r.g.v.* forums started falling apart. before that, i'd been posting on usenet since i was 17, in 1991. i have been RETARDED ON THESE INTERNETS FOR 20 YEARS COME SEPTEMBER JESUS CHRIST, I AM SELF-ETHERED

in that time i got two college degrees, got married, got molested by a series of dotcoms, sold my soul, spawned, and supersold my soul. fffuuuuuu~


RustyNails said:
There's a bizzaro Afrikaner GAF?

A while ago someone discovered a forum that had basically copied everything from GAF, right down to things like tags and avatars IIRC, it was a south african gaming forum and the creator of said forum was also a member here. I believe it was requested that stuff be changed so it wasnt just lifted straight from gaf, though im not sure whatever became of that forum.

Things got weird when it turned out the creator was also a dragon furry.
sohois said:
As i suspected, there wasn't much of a story to tell there. thanks for the info though. I'm kinda suprised those who were removed due to inactivity don't just ask to be removed, its hard to imagine them being so busy that they forget they're forum moderators.
I bet clark kent forgot he was superman sometimes.....
I forget it but I think someone took themselves out in the middle of a discussion. His posts were combative and his responses to responses were getting heated. He was wrong about something, someone called him out. They guy then responds with well something you wouldn't shout in public least you want to appear to be a massive jack ass. I forget his name but I thought it was like whoa.


DennisK4 said:
He is the mod with the guy crossing his arms avatar, right?
He's not actually crossing his arms.

jinx: Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time. I must admit, I thought about him when I was posting in that "speed of light" thread a day or two ago and how much I missed the physics discussions that he would always follow.

It really sucks when a good poster leaves for whatever reason. *pores a 50*
The Shadow said:
jinx: Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time. I must admit, I thought about him when I was posting in that "speed of light" thread a day or two ago and how much I missed the physics discussions that he would always follow.

It really sucks when a good poster leaves for whatever reason. *pores a 50*
He changed his name a couple times. I can't remember what his username is, but I think he still posts occasionally.


Cerebral Assassin said:
I don't know about that, if that happened it wasn't posted in the thread(or if it was it was removed before I saw it), perhaps on the forum that was set up after the bannings/ account suicides/ people left. She just seemed upset that people thought it was kinda foolish to claim you were going to read 70-odd thousand posts(going back over a year) & retroactively ban people rather than wait for a new season & start from there & vindictively permabanned the most outspoken people( I can't remember exactly what was said on the banning message, but it was pretty pathetic).
Well quite a large volume of posts were deleted so if there was anything incriminating, it was no doubt lost there. That whole thing with perma'ing posters at the beginning just seems so mad, although perhaps it was due to frustration or something, didn't you get another mod involved?


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
True story: I once saw a guy at the store I worked at many years ago with a Mr. Angry Face t-shirt on. I was so stunned/paralyzed with fear that I didn't do anything about it, though.


Drinky Crow said:
it's been a long strange road, no doubt. i think i started posting back in 1997, when usenet's r.g.v.* forums started falling apart. before that, i'd been posting on usenet since i was 17, in 1991. i have been RETARDED ON THESE INTERNETS FOR 20 YEARS COME SEPTEMBER JESUS CHRIST, I AM SELF-ETHERED

in that time i got two college degrees, got married, got molested by a series of dotcoms, sold my soul, spawned, and supersold my soul. fffuuuuuu~

Man, i need to stop using the internet.


The Shadow said:
jinx: Now that's a name I haven't seen in a long time. I must admit, I thought about him when I was posting in that "speed of light" thread a day or two ago and how much I missed the physics discussions that he would always follow.

It really sucks when a good poster leaves for whatever reason. *pores a 50*

jinx still posts under the changed username of dilbert iirc.
sohois said:
Things got weird when it turned out the creator was also a dragon furry.
That seems to be awfully inconvenient. Out of all the animals you could dress up as, why choose the one that needs a car park to manoeuvre in?
mattiewheels said:
True story: I once saw a guy at the store I worked at many years ago with a Mr. Angry Face t-shirt on. I was so stunned/paralyzed with fear that I didn't do anything about it, though.

I vaguely remember of a plan to print those out and post them here and there, like a "A GAFer was here" kind of sign. You should have said something or at the very least, kicked him in the balls because lets face it, that's a shitty T-Shirt design.


sohois said:
I'm kinda suprised those who were removed due to inactivity don't just ask to be removed, its hard to imagine them being so busy that they forget they're forum moderators.

life is more important than gaming forums, news at eleven ;)

unless you make a living off a gaming forum, like Evilore.

then life is exactly as important as a gaming forum, the lucky fuck! :D


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Professor Beef said:


Devolution said:
If the discourse is just going to turn into a big shit pile about that one post, why not give a mod a heads up?

Because you've been here long enough to have noticed that far too often, what binds one person's panties in a bunch, doesn't bother 90% of other people. If someone is posting rants about killing minorities or something thats one thing, but too many people get offended for simply having a different opinion about something or even for having no sense of humor and suddenly they are running around pleading to mods to make the bad man go away.

Vagabundo said:
I just reported your post.

yoouuuuu sonuvabitch

edit: holy shit akrikaner gaf! I remember that, awesome.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
EviLore said:

IIRC, Dragona nominated him for modship and he expressed interest, but when I investigated I found a lot of bitterness and hostility towards GAF (on and off the forum), so I didn't take him on.

Oh, really? Well, I did say it was "rumor"/Segata recounting his modship application or whatever on the other site.

Also :lol @ said "other sites" popularity boost from this thread. I don't think some of you followed the twitter rounds and other places that advertised these places LONG before this thread.

Hi, long time lurker non-registered user there. I will say the asshole offshoot that isn't the one that's popular is creepy and scary.


didn't sporks make a couple of youtubes of himself sitting in his small apartment talking about animal crossing or something?


OpinionatedCyborg said:
He changed his name a couple times. I can't remember what his username is, but I think he still posts occasionally.

I know what it was changed to, but I ain't tellin'. nyah nyah


mattiewheels said:
True story: I once saw a guy at the store I worked at many years ago with a Mr. Angry Face t-shirt on. I was so stunned/paralyzed with fear that I didn't do anything about it, though.

He was a symbol of this forum. The fucking mascot.

Which is why I'm shocked to find out he went out like that.
siddx said:
Because you've been here long enough to have noticed that far too often, what binds one person's panties in a bunch, doesn't bother 90% of other people. If someone is posting rants about killing minorities or something thats one thing, but too many people get offended for simply having a different opinion about something or even for having no sense of humor and suddenly they are running around pleading to mods to make the bad man go away.

And then it's up to the mod's discretion right? Unless the mods just ban on my whim, this is a ridiculous argument.


mattiewheels said:
True story: I once saw a guy at the store I worked at many years ago with a Mr. Angry Face t-shirt on. I was so stunned/paralyzed with fear that I didn't do anything about it, though.

I still have my MAF shirt.
Red Blaster said:
While we're at it, who was JackFrost2012? There was a meme going around for a while that it was Drinky's alt lulz

jackfrost2012 is me, or perhaps more accurately: i was andrew vestal. or was he me? it's very confusing. drinky crow is what he needs to be to maximize your interwub delight.


I am fascinated by the idea of Devolution reporting posts to the mods.

What criteria do you use to determine which posts you report? What standards do they have to violate in order for you to spring into action?

edit: do you maintain a repeat offender list and give less leeway to people with multiple strikes?


Amir0x said:
life is more important than gaming forums, news at eleven ;)

unless you make a living off a gaming forum, like Evilore.

then life is exactly as important as a gaming forum, the lucky fuck! :D

People die too.
dream said:
I am fascinated by the idea of Devolution reporting posts to the mods.

What criteria do you use to determine which posts you report? What standards do they have to violate in order for you to spring into action?

The last batch of stuff I remember reporting were users throwing around the word "tranny." I'm so horrible.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Devolution said:
And then it's up to the mod's discretion right? Unless the mods just ban on my whim, this is a ridiculous argument.

Point is is that it comes across as whiny and childish to run and tell a mod everytime someone upsets you. Regardless of whether they dismiss your complaint or follow through. But this is a stupid argument anyways, you are free to do whatever you wish.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
The Shadow said:
I vaguely remember of a plan to print those out and post them here and there, like a "A GAFer was here" kind of sign. You should have said something or at the very least, kicked him in the balls because lets face it, that's a shitty T-Shirt design.
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was Triumph, since I remembered him mentioning he lived in Atlanta, and saw his mug on here long ago. Ha.
Grampa Simpson said:
Probably means sporsk.
No, Anihawk for sure. Though I faintly remember a time whern everybody and their mother copied Ani's ramierz avatar, maybe I just saw Amir0x with Ani's avatar or something?

And concerning Shouta...





Obsidian fan
dream said:
I am fascinated by the idea of Devolution reporting posts to the mods.

What criteria do you use to determine which posts you report? What standards do they have to violate in order for you to spring into action?

edit: do you maintain a repeat offender list and give less leeway to people with multiple strikes?



Do these seem OK?
Devolution said:
The last batch of stuff I remember reporting were users throwing around the word "tranny." I'm so horrible.
Mods have already spoken on the issue of the word "tranny". TL;DR: Don't be so overly sensitive.


Devolution said:
The last batch of stuff I remember reporting were users throwing around the word "tranny." I'm so horrible.

Did you consider context and posting history before you reported them?


MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
He's not actually crossing his arms.


Also remember that one Muslim guy that got banned for saying it was ok to beat women, we all thought he had an ashamed M&M as an avatar, but it turns out it was a lemon.
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