The early trailers are I think the best indication of where they wanted to go. I mean, the final version is weird in that it contains both Team Silent's most meticulous work (all the stuff in the room) and their sloppiest (burping nurses?).
The funny thing though is that more than anything else its the original template for P.T. And as such deserves way more respect than it gets.
exactly, like I said earlier I think 4 is a mix of series' best and worst ideas. I've been looking into this, and it seems like initially 4 was supposed to be very action-heavy, even akin to RE

utbreak where you would lead a group of NPCs...
The concept of the hub apartment is amazing, parallel worlds and time paradoxes interacting to carry the narrative of an almost detective story and the journey you have to take through a realm created in the mind of an occult serial killer and his victims... So good.
But then instead of fighting monsters inspired by the nightmare host's depraved backstory (like you'd expect from a Silent Hill game), someone thought of this fresh idea to have you fighting ghosts and evil spirits. According to that video, for commercial reasons, trying to appeal to Japanese audience using this locally popular theme and inspired by Fatal Frame. So that is your primary enemy, one you can only temporarily stun using a consumable and then immobilize with another, being a magic fucking sword.
So yeah, no remaking that one thanks, unless with a thorough conceptual rework IMO.