Why did the 80's perfect the smarmy douche bag character? Was it all because of John Hughes? I think the proto 80's smarmy douche bags were the Deltas in Animal House, written by John Hughes.
He;s the perfect 80s tool. I know he's 30 years too late to be an 80s villain but he's perfect as one.
Right movie. Wrong character. It's Bill Paxton as Chet. The GOAT.Op Nailed it.
Robert Downey Junior in Weird Science was amazing though.
Sure he's a douchebag, but who the hell actually likes that guy, let alone call him their favorite douchebag? You're not even sure what his name is, yourself. And you expect other people to?2+ pages and no mention of the asshole in Teen Wolf? I think his name was Mitch.
Since Sho'Nuff was already mentioned....
Sure he's a douchebag, but who the hell actually likes that guy, let alone call him their favorite douchebag? You're not even sure what his name is, yourself. And you expect other people to?
edit: Not trying to bust your balls, but I took the OP to mean "favorite douchebag" as in you actually like the character and might even root for them to win. I actually love Chet's character. Same with Biff.
Op Nailed it.
Robert Downey Junior in Weird Science was amazing though.
Speaking of Karate Kid, Johnny wasn't even the douchiest guy in the movie. That honor went to Chad McQueen as Dutch. Guy deserved the main villain role. He was so effective with the bit parts he played.
I'm going to call an audible and say that this is the Eighties most misunderstood good guy.
Honestly this is the best answer. I wanted to be him so bad.
Honestly this is the best answer. I wanted to be him so bad.
The 1980's was home to some of the all-time biggest douchebags and bullies to ever grace the silver screen. Back then, high school bullies in film were laughably evil and divinely detestable. They'd dropkick a kitten just for the fun of it before laughing maniacally and high-fiving their troupe of cronies and stealing a begrudging smooch from the hottest girl in school. So, GAF, who was your favorite of all the 80's film douchebags?
Mine is probably a popular choice, but I'll be going with the great Billy Zabka in his transcendant role in Just One of the Guys.
Billy Zabka as Greg Tolan
To me, this was the pinnacle of high school bullies in film. Zabka set a high bar here that was never surpassed in my mind, which isn't surprising given the fact that he made a career on playing douchebags in the 80's and 90's. You might also remember him as the Cobra Kai hotshot that pesters Daniel-san throughout the entirety of Karate Kid (pictured below). I'm going with his role in Just One of the Guys over that one because he actually shows some hesitation and remorse when instructed to "sweep the leg" in his final battle with Daniel-san. There are no such chinks in his douchebag armor in Just One of the Guys, which is why it gets my top spot.
William Zabka as John "Johnny" Lawrence
Steven Segal in every movie. What an asshole that makes you hate cops even more
A winner is you.
Eh, be cool, she died like a few year after the movie from some illnessYou must be confusing 'douchebag' with 'badass'.
I also agree with the OP: Billy Zabka is the DoucheLord of the '80s
Jack in National Lampoon's European Vacation
He gets good guy points for dating Clark's monstrous daughter (even though he does dump her ass part-way through.
Yep. Came to post this... surprised it took until page 3.
damn makes me feel sorry for the mobsters
Doug Neidermeyer
Rhodes from day of the dead what a POS when he took off in the golf cart that probably was slower than as if he was actually running . I would post a pic but I don't know how from my phone is it possible ??
Almost all of the best have already been mentioned, but Shooter McGavin transcends time.
Damon Killian
He;s the perfect 80s tool. I know he's 30 years too late to be an 80s villain but he's perfect as one.