arter_2 said:
its hard to do when ur family is falling apart and ur relationships are going with it. soo an update thier is defienetly going to be divorce 90 % sure. man my life suxs right now.
look i bet u where unhappy at the time too
My parents got divorced last august. Was I happy? well I certainly wasn't happy
with them, but I was happy about other things in life. Most of my friends were also leaving town for college, was I happy about that? No, but I rather focused on the other friends I was making and appreciating them. I'm not saying I'm always happy about everything, I'm saying that we need to focus on the good things in life rather than the bad, and when we do so it not only puts us in a better general mood (at the very least keeps us from self-destructive depression) but gives us a mind for what
can be better and what we can do to
make things better. This is a principle that can be applied in different ways, in context to just your personal life, but also in context to worldwide issues.