An awesome game!
Critical acclaim!
A decent marketing push!
Then Psi-Ops came out.
...22k sold on PS2, 34k sold on Xbox.
This reminds me of Prince of Persia somewhat...and really, it's amazing. Somehow a game gets hype up the hoo-hah, winds up being positively awesome, and...fails miserably out the gate. Hopefully the pricecut+MKDA helps push a few copies, and hopefully the title gets a sequel (much like PoP did) to try to flesh out the franchise and expand the fanbase.
But why...why did the gamers abandon this title?
Critical acclaim!
A decent marketing push!
Then Psi-Ops came out.
...22k sold on PS2, 34k sold on Xbox.
This reminds me of Prince of Persia somewhat...and really, it's amazing. Somehow a game gets hype up the hoo-hah, winds up being positively awesome, and...fails miserably out the gate. Hopefully the pricecut+MKDA helps push a few copies, and hopefully the title gets a sequel (much like PoP did) to try to flesh out the franchise and expand the fanbase.
But why...why did the gamers abandon this title?