Escape Goat
fly the gang to Mount Doom and air drop the friggin ring inside Mount Doom? I'm not trying to be a smartass about it, I'm just curious as to what those things were and why they only showed up after people got into trouble.
Saturnman said:That would have removed another opportunity for the two hobbits to pontlessly bond with another.
Socreges said:Yeah, Sauron would spot them and have those black flying things (name?) take them down.
Saturnman said:If the movies don't establish the place and nature of those big birds than there is no way to find the reason in the books. The movies are supposed to be self-sufficient and have already taken several liberties in terms of faithfullness to the books.
In the Peter Jackson version of LOTR, the birds are an arbitrary plot device. Plain and simple.
Mejilan said:IIRC, Gandalf saved the King of the Great Eagles at one point, years before LotR takes place. That's the only reason they even agree to help him as little as they do.
Saturnman said:You're talking to someone who hasn't read the books and has only seen the movies. Those birds totally come out out of nowhere from my perspective. It's not like Han Solo finally coming to help Luke Skywalker destroy the first Death Star.
Yeah one of those two "dies" at that point and as the life leaves him he hears "The Eagles" but believes it to be a memory of a story that Bilbo told him.ScientificNinja said:Gwahir is explained at length in the books, but not in the movies. I nearly laughed out loud when Pippin stuck up his goggle-eyed head and exclaimed "The Eagles are coming!".
WHAT eagles? You're supposed to be under an orc, anyway (or was it Merry...?)
cubanb said:dude WTF????? at least use spoiler tags
NOOOOOOOOOOOO... well at least you saved me a few hours.... heheSaturnman said:No luck, buddy. Anakin is Darth Vader, Luke's father and he kills Obi Wan Kenobi.