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Why does NOA like to destroy good art?

john tv

Another example of good art being sabotaged by marketing know-it-alls:

Original Donkey Konga logo (Japan):


New, FUGLIFIED [(c) NOA] Donkey Konga logo (USA):


Why do they like to do this all the time?


What the fuck?! Man.. I'll still probably buy it but that's LAME. The logo is in English and very fitting for the series -- why fucking change it?! Argh.


works for Gamestop (lol)
It looks good to me. Then again, I actually don't care cause like Matlock said, it's just a friggin logo


NetMapel said:
Either logo is fine by me... I don't get the fuss over this.

Whether or not the US logo is fine is superfluous. There wasnt any reason to change it in the first place -- so why do so?
Japanese screen uses richer color and has festive touches on the font and whatnot- Sambaesque. The US screen is faded and plain but the spacing and general layout is clearer. Both look fine neither is total clap.


Actually, I'd be curious to know WHY art changes sometimes between JP and US versions of games. Everything from boxart to in-game stuff. In *extreme* cases, I can see the problem. And I know they need to get rid of the Kanji/katakana/etc., but in most cases I don't see why JP-style art isn't marketable in the US.

There's got to be a better reason for dumbing down crap like this (and especially boxart) than "it appeals to the American consumer more," because I'm just not seeing it.


Meier said:
Whether or not the US logo is fine is superfluous. There wasnt any reason to change it in the first place -- so why do so?

Well, companies sometimes use focus groups. And these people don't neccessarily have the same opinions as the guys of GAF. :p


works for Gamestop (lol)
Matlock said:
Well, companies sometimes use focus groups. And these people don't neccessarily have the same opinions as the guys of GAF. :p

I can attest to this. If you were in my shoes at the Capcom Focus Group, you guys would have been outraged. Seriously, don't be surprised if the next Street Fighter game has a shitty box art cover

john tv

Yeah, focus group retards are the reason the original Xbox controller was the size of a puppy. :)

Of course the logo isn't going to affect the enjoyment of the game. But I'd love to know WHY they felt it was important to take something that was designed really nicely, and dumb it down to some generic MS Paint ugly bullshit for America. Is it because they think US consumers are too retarded to be able to deal with the pretty colors and little stars? Are they afraid they're gonna piss off all the whiteys out there because of the cool Latin motif?

It really frustrates the crap out of me that a good majority of American art designers in the game industry seem to be blind in both eyes.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
This is implying that the original Japanese logo is some kind of Matisse masterpiece, which it isn't.

Who cares.


john tv said:
But I'd love to know WHY they felt it was important to take something that was designed really nicely, and dumb it down to some generic MS Paint ugly bullshit for America.

I disagree. The US logo is streamlined and retro, almost a throwback to the swingin' 60's. You see that, and the typical American consumer will probably think at first that it's something to do with that atmosphere. All in the power of fonts.

The Japanese logo is good in its own right, but doesn't work for me on a color level. It looks "cheap," so to speak.

Really, though, I'm awed in the fact they didn't do the obvious and make the logo into a stamp on a crate...now that would have been cool.
As much as I would love to join in your circle jerk of all things Japanese :)P), I'm going to have to disagree and say that the North American version does it for me more than the Japanese version.


fo shizzle said:
As much as I would love to join in your circle jerk of all things Japanese :)P), I'm going to have to disagree and say that the North American version does it for me more than the Japanese version.



I'm usually first in line to applaud Japanese box design, but in this case I think the Japanese logo is sort of messy. The US one looks really clean and doesn't look like it's been mangled by Westernization at all. I like it.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
I forgot to tell all you guys, but I just got a job at Namco Hometek as their top layout designer. Here was my first project:

john tv

Sorry to say, I'm not one of those JAPAN RULEZ freaks who worships anything with pink hair or tentacles. :) The point isn't that Japan is superior (though when it comes to art design, Japanese artists typically destroy anyone else out there IMO), but rather simply that there's no good reason for making the kind of change they made, other than to say that Americans aren't cultured or smart enough to appreciate the original (which fits much better with the game's title theme, BTW).

Anyway, can't bitch about this all day...! Gotta get back to work now. :)
john tv said:
Sorry to say, I'm not one of those JAPAN RULEZ freaks who worships anything with pink hair or tentacles. :) The point isn't that Japan is superior (though when it comes to art design, Japanese artists typically destroy anyone else out there IMO), but rather simply that there's no good reason for making the kind of change they made, other than to say that Americans aren't cultured or smart enough to appreciate the original (which fits much better with the game's title theme, BTW).

Anyway, can't bitch about this all day...! Gotta get back to work now. :)
Next time you wanna exert your energy on shitty Jap->US conversions, remind the ICO team what Sony or whoever did to their box over here.
Is the U.S. version animated? If so, that would look pretty neat, seeing the water crash onto the shore, the palm trees realistically swaying, and Donkey and Diddy going crazy in cel-shadedness.

If it's just a picture, then...meh to both of them. Heh.


The same reason most publishers change the cover art from the Japanese to American release; They be smoking some good rock!
john tv said:
It really frustrates the crap out of me that a good majority of American art designers in the game industry seem to be blind in both eyes.

It frustrates me even more that so many people care so little, and have such lame "GUYS, it's just a TITLE SCREEN" reactions to the whole thing. You're all part of the problem, god dammit. :(

Yeah, it's just a title screen. A title screen that used to look cool, and now looks like shit! I especially hate how the letters from the top connect to the letters on the bottom. It sucks.


The US logo looks sooooooo plain. A logo should be a good representation of the game, eye-catching and memorable IMO. The US logo is like the opposite of that.

Not that the Jap logo looks great, but it's a better attempt at least.


i dont understand why they had to change the entire title screen, just to change the logo?! artstyle also appears to be slightly different.

anyway, i don't like the songs, so i'm not getting it anyhow.
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