Writes a lot, says very little
Like many have said, it sells really well and its rare for an IP out of the game to do something wild like 24 million its first entry.
That is by no means a normal thing to be shocked its getting sequels and other games, shows etc.
I know ya'll love Ratchet, Jak and Daxter, Sly etc, but none of those games moved these types of wild units BUT if they did, Sony would do the same thing.
Shows, films, sequels and support.
If an IP moves units, Sony will respond.
How many are moving 20 plus million?
That is by no means a normal thing to be shocked its getting sequels and other games, shows etc.
I know ya'll love Ratchet, Jak and Daxter, Sly etc, but none of those games moved these types of wild units BUT if they did, Sony would do the same thing.
Shows, films, sequels and support.
If an IP moves units, Sony will respond.
Are other ps franchises more deserving of this push
How many are moving 20 plus million?