How are you posting a screenshot like this? It doesn't work for me.![]()
Just press the Home button while this screen is shown, enter Miiverse and post it anywhere.
How are you posting a screenshot like this? It doesn't work for me.![]()
Anyone been noting down what you need to do to get the various costumes? Would nice to get a comprehensive list.
Thx, but tried that and all it allows you is to use some pre-made miis, can't seem to acces the ones stored in my wii U. Seems odd :-/Thought Guest mode allowed for this? It's right under new user on the plaza menu.
Give up? No. I'd stick with Plus.So pushing a button a couple times would cause you to give up? Wow.
Just press the Home button while this screen is shown, enter Miiverse and post it anywhere.
Anyone been noting down what you need to do to get the various costumes? Would nice to get a comprehensive list.
In the instruction manual it says if you ever unlink all Fit Meters from your Trial Version, it will revert to free trial status and (provided your 31 days have ended) stop working until you sync a Fit Meter to it again's done this way so that you can't use a single Fit Meter to unlock multiple Trial Versions for your friends.
So...if you don't want the Fit Meter functionality, just the "game", you can use a single Fit Meter to unlock multiple trial versions? In that case, £20 to unlock a million free versions of Wii Fit sounds lile a good deal. Even if I only charge £1 at time for this "service", I will be a millionaire - not so good for Nintendo though.
Anyone have any Balance Board push-ups tips? I can do them just fine, but my hands hurt like hell.
What? Didn't he just say you cant do that?
Not quite. He said if you ever unlink all Fit Meters from your Trial Version that Trial Version it will stop working.
I did not say anything about unlinking any fit meters from Trial Versions. It all depends how you go about resetting your fit meter so it will work with a different user. If you have to link you fit meter to the original Trial Version to reset the fit meter my master plan clearly won't work. But if you can reset the fit meter without reference to the original Trial Version (eg pull out the battery)....
( I have not got my fit meter yet so I can't try it out, but surely my master plan won't work in reality - Nintendo can't be that crazy. Can they?)
Don't really understand the visual data for the big Communities display panel for the North American Neogaf group. Is it just showing me a list of who's doing what at that specific moment? Or is it a comprehensive readout of tallied data since it began? Neither seems like the case, of if it is one of those then It seems buggy The categories of exercises seem to fluctuate VERY wildly. One day the yoga bar was full and no one was doing Aerobics, the next day Yoga was empty and Aerobics was partially bigger. Also, I swear yesterday it said the group had an 8% share of female members, and now it's at 0%. What gives?
You can't post all screens in the game.
To post in the NeoGAF community, press the home button as usual, then go to communities on the left then go to favorites in the upper right then go to the NeoGAF community and post the screenshot there.
To link a Fit Meter with another copy of Wii Fit U, you have to unlink it from the one it's currently linked to. Killing your plan. A Fit Meter can only be connected to one copy of Wii Fit U at any time.
When I do this I don't see the Neogaf community at all. I see all the other default gyms but not the Neogaf one. This shit is so buggy right now.
Edit: I just removed myself and then rejoined, and reposted a message. If someone can see my posts can you try "Yeah"-ing it? My mii's name is Miichael (two i's) and I'm a white dude with short, messy brown hair. Red shirt.
My miiverse profile show no history of it and I can't access the neogaf community for some reason. It makes no sense.
Edit 2: I can access my posts on the web miiverse, but not on the Wii U. This is so friggin' frustrating.
I yeahed your post.
Are there only 3 people in the eu community or does it only show the Ones online?
It doesn't work for me. =/ I've tried posting to Miiverse and uploading via the Internet Browser and neither work. It says the software doesn't support screenshots or something.Just press the Home button while this screen is shown, enter Miiverse and post it anywhere.
It doesn't work for me. =/ I've tried posting to Miiverse and uploading via the Internet Browser and neither work. It says the software doesn't support screenshots or something.
Maybe Nintendo locked out the screenshot feature in certain regions... I'm using the U.S. version.
I'm part of the N. America gym, but how do I find the NeoGAF Wii Fit U Miiverse community? I've looked in the general Wii Fit U community section, but found nothing.
So... apparently, all three Fit Meters are out of stock at Amazon Germany.
Foolish Amazon, they really should've ordered more than three.
I didn't see this in my brief skim of the thread but can the Fit Meter only be tied to one Mii? For example, do I have to buy two Fit Meters to cover myself and my girlfriend or can we share one and choose who gets it when one of us goes to the gym?
My WiiFit+ routine involved doing 4 sets of push-ups right after each other, getting a ranking after each and pushing a would be a total hassle. Absolutely baffling decision if they switched back.So pushing a button a couple times would cause you to give up? Wow.
Give up? No. I'd stick with Plus.
If you're doing a bunch of Board-centric exercises, like I have been, and you have to stop between every exercise, pad over to the damn GamePad, push a button and hear the same commentary from the trainer every time especially when you're doing ten in a row that's just ridiculously inefficient. Especially when I've spent how many years has it been since Plus came out? four years experiencing a substantially streamlined setup that measurably takes less time out of a busy morning.
So I take it there is no option to skip the BS in a My Routine?
Believe it or not, this is the game that made me buy a WiiU.
Btw, what if I don't want the pedometer and already have the Balance Board... I have to pay 19 bucks too?
Just to be clear, I can get over the notion that it's going to force me to run demos of exercises I've been doing for months (though I wish it wouldn'tPlus carried over my history in this regard.) What I don't want to have to deal with is scores and commentary after every exercise from here on out. (Though scores would be great if they dismissed themselves automatically after a few seconds!)Well from what I can tell, it's like the other Wii Fit games, first time or two you do the routine, the game will run a live demo of the trainer doing the exercise and explaining what they are doing.
Yes because you would end up paying more otherwise.
Heh.Day 2:
Gained 1.3 pounds
Wii Fit Fail.
Day 2:
Gained 1.3 pounds
Wii Fit Fail.
That's another strategy, but you could still throw yourself off if on week one you were down 1 and week two up 1 due to noisean entire week's worth of healthy weight loss can easily disappear in that window, potentially discouraging you.As someone who's lost a ton of weight, I definitely recommend not weighing yourself every day, it'll drive you mad eventually. Once a week, on the same day, before you eat or drink, and naked if you can is the best way.![]()
Yep, keep in mind, your body goes through a +- change of 2 pounds per day. So usually best to do it at same time. Best is normally in the morning for check in before you eat anything. Also, doing it on hard wood floors/etc is best too.
Btw: Does anyone else's Fit Meter randomly beep a short song to you? Why does it do that?