Jaded Alyx
Just realised I beat Craig Harris (former IGN editor) last night in Tennis.
Just realised I beat Craig Harris (former IGN editor) last night in Tennis.
I just tested it and you DO NOT need a sensor bar.
Just realised I beat Craig Harris (former IGN editor) last night in Tennis.
There's an option to turn off the use of the sensor bar completely.I just tested it and you DO NOT need a sensor bar.
No but a hardcore tennis player would always prefer use it.I just tested it and you DO NOT need a sensor bar.
No but a hardcore tennis player would always prefer use it.
Tip of the day:
With the exception of when you need to respond to a service the preferable starting position is always with wiimote pointing to tv because:
- it's the quickiest way to change from backend to straight depending on what the opponent do.
- it auto center the sensor so you have less drifting (although in the more chaotic situation or with a certain spin move you need to autocalibrade yourself with the dpad )
Do you need it, though?
Since you can point at your Mii and just press DOWN on the D-Pad to calibrate...?
Wait, so if my girlfriend wants to play games online and have her own record and stuff, the only way to do that is to make her own Wii U account on my system and switch to that? I spent like 20 minutes looking for a "switch mii" option.
Messed around with the free trial today and now I really want a new Mario Tennis.
Nintendo didn't do voice because it'd cost them money. It would not add significant 'lag' especially in a game like bowling that is essentially turn based.I know it is cool to say things like "Har har Nintendo does not understand the internet"
First things first parents trust Nintendo far more than Sony or Microsoft put together. Nintendo knows there are a lot of kids that play their systems and so they put in designs for this. Yes there are perental controls but that didn't prevent the swapnote incident.
With the issue that they had with swapnote there is a reason there is no voice or typing communication here. Voice will only add more lag to the games and sending text can open up Wii Sports to pedophiles and abusive players especially since this is a sports game. When do you even need to communicate in tennis? between serves?
I like that there is no way to back out of playing online. I hate force quitters with a passion and it hurts the overall community. I also like that you can't pull up menu's and what not. This can lead to people not playing when they have to. When do you have time in Tennis to do anything but play? In bowling there is time between plays but still. I want the game to flow from player to player instead of some person who is on miiverse or internet and not playing. Atleast the wiimote chimes if you are away from the tv to indicate it is your turn but how would that work when you are in a completely different app?
So please stop this Nintendo does not know online crap. They intentionally designed it that way.
It wasn't mentioned in the OP, so I'm wondering if this has any link to Wii Fit U at all, minus wearing the meter while playing.
So today some of my opponents started to stop playing when they loose 5 or 6 to 0~3.
They wait 30 secs on their service and that causes the game to be won (by me) but the level points are only +10/-10.
F**k people.
Nintendo didn't do voice because it'd cost them money. It would not add significant 'lag' especially in a game like bowling that is essentially turn based.
Nintendo didn't do voice because it'd cost them money. It would not add significant 'lag' especially in a game like bowling that is essentially turn based.
How can you block users?Worse, I've had a couple just turn off their Wii U so I don't get any points, and they don't lose any.
Thankfully, you can block such people so you don't encounter them again. I started doing that with people with really BAD connections.
Speaking of points, I'm at Star-8 now, and it seems like I only seem to get around +2 on average for winning :/
How can you block users?
Nope I'm not buying this. My right arm hurts, damn. Shouldn't have played it 5 hours straight.
Worse, I've had a couple just turn off their Wii U so I don't get any points, and they don't lose any.
Thankfully, you can block such people so you don't encounter them again. I started doing that with people with really BAD connections.
Speaking of points, I'm at Star-8 now, and it seems like I only seem to get around +2 on average for winning :/
I can't wait for the GAF tournament!
Just bowled my first 300. I didn't know you don't acquire stamps for online games.![]()
Yep, matchmaking is atrocious in this game.This needs to happen. I added a bunch of gaffers that I can't play with due to the lack of a lobby. So nobody is ever waiting on a game.
This needs fixed!
So i made my first banter...
Just downloaded and played some tennis with my wife. We joined club Minnesota and played some online matches but it didn't track any of our wins. Everytime we try to search for club matches we can't find anyone.
Is online mode for fun only? Or is it because we're still on the free trial?
Just downloaded and played some tennis with my wife. We joined club Minnesota and played some online matches but it didn't track any of our wins. Everytime we try to search for club matches we can't find anyone.
Is online mode for fun only? Or is it because we're still on the free trial?
I think wins are only updated daily or so. Sometimes it can be hard to find opponents when searching using specific conditions.
So if I keep searching for basic online anyone people I am still helping my club? I just need to wait for the servers to update? I wanted to help my club, we won 3 matches in a row.
So if I keep searching for basic online anyone people I am still helping my club? I just need to wait for the servers to update? I wanted to help my club, we won 3 matches in a row.
So if I keep searching for basic online anyone people I am still helping my club? I just need to wait for the servers to update? I wanted to help my club, we won 3 matches in a row.
Find a consistant line & throwing motion. Works like a charm. I'd say my average is around a 260.How? Seriously, how did you do this? I used to be able to in Wii Sports, but I barely played Resort at all, and the Motion+ aspect of the controls is killing my consistency. I can never duplicate the same bowl twice, and it's killing me. This is why I don't bowl in real life, I was hoping the game wouldn't duplicate that experience so closely...